Pretty much a regular
Believe maybe you should get this stickied up in the NCAA Basketball forum, it'll get alot of more views for sure.
you won't though..... illow:
Paintcrew makes #16!
Now, we just need to vote whether or not you want me or another member to generate the teams. We'll take a vote in here, majority rules. Decide by Sunday night...
Show me the money........bitches
We could go:
1st $550
2nd $150
Other 2 Final Four Participants $50
:cheers:i like:
1st $550
2nd $150
Other 2 Final Four Participants $50
i like:
1st $550
2nd $150
Other 2 Final Four Participants $50
I'm liking this.i dont know guys, that a HUGE jump from 2nd to 1st.
Like this better
1st $475
2nd $225
3-4 $50
Paintcrew makes #16!
Now, we just need to vote whether or not you want me or another member to generate the teams. We'll take a vote in here, majority rules. Decide by Sunday night...
Are the teams going to get drawn tonight?
lets make the whole line thing clear. Scoreodds and is it the final line in the Current section or the last one in the current section?? heres a sample from today. i would assume we would use the 5 in black and and bump it to 5.5... just want to make sure its clear before thursdays.
<table summary="" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="game_time"><td class="first left">1:00 PM EDT</td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td class="notescol"> </td></tr><tr class="game_team"><td class="first nowrap">515 clemson </td><td>150.5 </td><td>154 / 154.5 / 155 </td><td>155.5 </td><td>+200 </td><td class="left last">81 Over 155.5 </td><td class="notescol"> </td></tr><tr class="game_team"><td class="first nowrap">516 unc </td><td>-5.5 </td><td>-5.5 / -6 / -5.5 </td><td>-5 </td><td>-240 </td><td class="left last">86 final </td><td class="notescol"> </td></tr><tr class="game_team"><td class="last left" colspan="7">ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPBobcat Arena - Charlotte, N.C. [ESPN] </td></tr></tbody></table>