March Madness Line Pool

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
I need to pull up my thread I put on here last year about a really cool March Madness line pool I ran the past few years. I'd be willing to run one on here.

16 People would each get 1 team from each region. Your team has to cover the spread of the game. If you have an underdog, who covers, but loses outright, you then pick up the game's winner. I.E. If Texas is -7 against Duke. And you have Duke. And Texas wins by 4. You will then pick up Texas for the next round. The pool is really fun because a 16 seed could end up giving you the champion. We obviously have plenty of time to round up people. Like I said, I'll try finding that old post from last year.

I figure 16 people at $25 a person. Or even 8 (with 2 teams per region) at $50 a person. As long we get people, and CTG takes care of the money again.

Cheers :cheers:
Thanks BAR...I figure we got a few weeks to start getting people together. More people will be more focused on CBB after NFL and closer to tourny time. if you have any interest.
16 @ 50 bucks a pop would give some good final 4 payouts.

1st 450
2nd 200
3rd 100
4th 50

I don't mind what entry fee and payout structure we use. So far it seems we have early interest from 8 people, so I'm sure this WILL go on for this year.

My only concern is that we might not get enough people at the $50 buy in since it really is all chance. It's more of a fun challenge to track during the best sporting event of the year.

I'll start promoting more in the middle of next month. Keep posting if you have ANY interest at whatever buy-in you want.

I think we can get enough ppl @ 50$, esp with all the gamblers we have on this forum :)
Sounds like fun. Count me in. No fee limit as long as it's under my 600 dollar tax rebate check. :)
I think 16 people at $50 + fees seems doable. There seems to be a lot of interest right now...13 people.

As for payouts: I'd suggest 600 for 1st and 200 for 2nd. You can't really award a 3rd or 4th place. We COULD give a little to each team that makes the final 4, but you can't determine 3rd or 4th. We could do $50 for each final 4 team, and $600 to the winner. The final 2 teams could decide if they want to cut a deal or not.

We can vote on the money once we get the payments in.

The only other factor everyone would need to consider is the point spread. Like I said, we can't use whole-numbered lines, because there can't be ties. I always RAISED the line by .5 because favorites should cover anyway. The other option would be to LOWER the spread by .5...
ill research another way to do it besides paypal if possible. paypal is 4% both ways. surely bookie haters like us can figure out a way to cut out the juice on something in house like this. ill check into it.
To avoid paypal fees we can transfer the money to someone across full tilt or pokerstars, something like that
Ok, we'll set it at $50 a person then. I'll send out PM's in a week or two to the people who posted interest in this thread. First 16 confirmed payments are in.

The other issue I was thinking about is picking the teams. I always picked teams out of a hat with witnesses. I would pick the teams randomly out of a hat for this one, but I will also be playing in it, so I can understand if there were any trust issues (even though it's a total luck pool). If anyone has a problem with me generating the teams, speak up. The only other thing I could think of is having a member of CTG (who isn't in the pool) to pick the teams, but I don't know who actually would want to do that.
If you want someone not involved in the pool to generate the teams I'd be willing to do it.
paypal is 3.9%, but were getting hit both ways. so its almost 8%.

i never came up with a better solution, so i guess were paying juice to paypal for this :(
Sorry guys...I havent had much motivation to get the PM's out. I'll try getting them out tonight, and we can start the payment process.
PM's are sent out about payments. Deuce's Wild, smith1051, and boz45 are alternates if anyone before them doesn't pay.

I'd consider running a second league if there's enough interest. I'd get in that league, too. So we would need roughly another 12 people interested.
I'll get back to 1kstate and Dwight about generating teams. I should be able to do it myself, unless anyone has objections. We still have time, though.
I'll get back to 1kstate and Dwight about generating teams. I should be able to do it myself, unless anyone has objections. We still have time, though.
Just sent you a PM. Funding done. Look forward to the contest.
Wearo Dog
I think we have 12 unofficial payments sent in right now. I'll have to wait for BAR to respond with the official number. I'll be send PM's out to the Deuce's Wild, smith1051, and boz45 as needed.

If anyone else has interest, please post. We may need to fill a spot.