Looking for a good fantasy Baseball League


Pretty much a regular
Anyone here have open spots or plan on running a league this year? Redraft is fine. Keeper is cool too. Let me know. Either Roto or H2H is fine (as long as their are weekly start/pickup limits).
I have a joke but it is too easy. I don't know if CTG 1 will have any open spots but you may pm tipyerbartender as he's the commish.
Odds are yer in if you want in, Hbomb, usually at least a little turnover in CTG-1. Most seasons, the winners even get paid. It's a non-keeper, snake-draft, HTH, traditionally pretty competitive.
I'd deff want to play if you guys have any additional spots open...

or potentially just add a few more spots to the league
CTG 2 league might have a couple openings this year. will have a better idea closer to the season when I send i invites/reminders but there has been 1 or 2 members who drop out each year. we run a tight ship, get your money in before the draft or we kick u out the league and replace you with someone who will pay on time.

difference in settings though. instead of AVG & HR we do OBP & TB. H2H, no limits on IP or anything like that though, max moves per week is 4.

its actually a league I brought to CTG after years of doing it w/ friends. Out of 12, 9 dropped out so it's 10 from CTG (including me) and 2 members who aren't on CTG.
that sounds awesome NO....love TB as a stat, I'm in a lot of leagues that have obp although most actually do that and avg.
Odds are yer in if you want in, Hbomb, usually at least a little turnover in CTG-1. Most seasons, the winners even get paid. It's a non-keeper, snake-draft, HTH, traditionally pretty competitive.

Thanks Tippy. I definitely want in. I'm fine with whatever the buy-in is. Just shoot me a PM when you have more info. Thanks :shake: