live covid '20 bets

Quick question Big units.......
I’ve seen u posted those odds from 2 different books. Do u play to win 1 Unit on the - and then play 1 Unit on the + and hope the + one hits?

I’m kinda slow when it comes to these when they both not at +.......

Not BU, but he's "arbing" live, essentially trading for a profit, he's betting big money to basically free roll. You are right though, the best scenario is getting numbers at + money both ways...if you notice, most of his + numbers are decent sized so he can arb the other side for more juice and guarantee himself a win. You have to be very disciplined, quick, and good at knowing your odds/profit probability,which he is...and he is noticing differences in the books on lines he posts for the same number...enough to arb, and make a profit. Dude is a beast.

Here is an example....

Arbing involves wagering on all possible outcomes of a game through two or more sportsbooks. But you can’t just bet with any two bookmakers, you have to choose ones that differ enough on the odds to guarantee you a profit.

Here’s an example:

  • New York Yankees -165 (at Bookmaker A)
  • Baltimore Orioles +180 (at Bookmaker B)
  • You bet $100 on the Yankees at Bookmaker A.
  • You must wager $57.36 at Bookmaker B.
  • You’re guaranteed a $3.24 profit in this situation.
Quick question Big units.......
I’ve seen u posted those odds from 2 different books. Do u play to win 1 Unit on the - and then play 1 Unit on the + and hope the + one hits?

I’m kinda slow when it comes to these when they both not at +.......

yeah it's kinda tough when it's a weird number like -116 and +154. what i usually do is take the - number for an even or max amount, like risk 500, which would be to win 431 in this case. then i take the + number to basically split the bet down the middle, which would be around 365 to win 562. so you'd win 62 or 65 either way. i try not to let one side of the bet ride because i'm strictly in the business of banking profits on every bet i make with no care about the outcome (unless i'm going for a middle). if you do it this way, then you know your accounts will go up at the end of every day. the one thing i do is sometimes leave the bet amount a little lighter on the BM side because they are right more than all the other books. if BM has -120 and the other books have -150 on the same live line, the underdog is the smarter play, so i would probably make it so that i win $50 if the BM bet wins, and $75 if the other books line wins.
also, if you're just starting out using this method, i'd probably start with smaller amounts just until you get used to the speed at which the bets have to be placed. right when the game goes to commercial, each book has different lag times before getting the line up. if you see a discrepancy, it's best to jump on it right away, as the lines will start tightening up. if we have been at commercial for over a minute already, it's probably too late to be trying to get your bets in, and you don't want to be stuck with an uncovered bet when they return to action. just wait for the next one, there will always be some you miss, and there will always be more to come. i use one computer for each of the different books i have, so when any of them put the line up, i see it flash on one of my screens...saves time that way.
Not BU, but he's "arbing" live, essentially trading for a profit, he's betting big money to basically free roll. You are right though, the best scenario is getting numbers at + money both ways...if you notice, most of his + numbers are decent sized so he can arb the other side for more juice and guarantee himself a win. You have to be very disciplined, quick, and good at knowing your odds/profit probability,which he is...and he is noticing differences in the books on lines he posts for the same number...enough to arb, and make a profit. Dude is a beast.

Here is an example....

Arbing involves wagering on all possible outcomes of a game through two or more sportsbooks. But you can’t just bet with any two bookmakers, you have to choose ones that differ enough on the odds to guarantee you a profit.

Here’s an example:

  • New York Yankees -165 (at Bookmaker A)
  • Baltimore Orioles +180 (at Bookmaker B)
  • You bet $100 on the Yankees at Bookmaker A.
  • You must wager $57.36 at Bookmaker B.
  • You’re guaranteed a $3.24 profit in this situation.

thanks, this explains it easily.

hunt is going to beat the live lines straight up because he's a great capper. if you follow his thread you'll get some +/- swings and wind up with a gradual increase in your account balances. if you follow mine you won't have days where you go 8-0 and triple your account balances. but you'll never have a negative day and juice adds up a lot quicker than you think. both threads will result in nice profits.
Sites were awful today and will be even worse tomorrow.

Hope you made cash homey.

already looking like a clusterfuck today. BOL just spins for like a minute before logging in. then takes another minute to load live. games haven't even started.
Yes BM was really slow early today at 830 Eastern, trying to make plays before golf....good thread fellas BOL to all.
GL big

Arbitrage is a nice way to grind.

As stated, be fast and disciplined and have plenty outs. It’s the only way
@big_units Appreciate the arb approach. I get the concept, but have never really dove in, only shot for live middles with big swings. Any books that offer biggest disparities compared to BM? What are the things to watch out for or things you can really F up?
i like that avatar squirrel. when the middle chances come up with a few cents juice or sometimes even or +, i love taking them. if you get good numbers they hit a lot more than expected. the 2 books i find that have the biggest disparity from the BM lines are actually betdsi and heritage. surprisingly so far this football season, it's been mostly 5d/BAS that has differed from BM. BOL does have a decent amount of opportunities against BM as well...lots of times you get a dog at +160 at BOL and BM has the favorite lower, in the -140 range. thing about betdsi and heritage is that they won't really let your account get much past 10k, so there's a half-life on it. BM and BOL you can just keep pitting against each other as the balances keep going up. they are looking for action and you will have the ability to build up some high balances on them.
can't remember the last time a pick six helped me. had -16.5 and +21.5 in the monroe game. suits throws a pick 6 with 20 secs left to make it 38-17. i was shocked.