Live Betting the NBA: A Discussion

Speaking of live betting......I had 7 team ML parlay at 25 to win over $300......Boston was the only one losing with like 6 mins left in 4th quarter. NO ML was at like -1000......I went and bet $200 just to win 20 bucks.....was about to put in $300 but wanted to make some money in case Boston comes back and win....... first time I’ve played live ML at -1000 odds....

There’s this other time when I was live betting at Bookmaker. It’s was some Monday night or Sunday night game. They were reviewing some calls. Even the commentators were saying that the calls should be overturned......the odds pop up at like -400 for yes call being overturned.....and the odds were climbing from -200 and I put in 200 to win 50 at -400.......the fukers refs said call stands.....fukin lost the bet.....then same game, another review......same shit, lost cause refs said call stands......after that, no more betting on these fukin live reviews bets.......lesson learned.