Line Movement Plays 11/17-11/23

What do upsets have to do with using percentages to make wagers? You're simply using what you perceive to be accurate percentages (based on the limited volume to begin with), coupled with little or no line movement to make a wager...and the number of bets doesn't necessarily mean anything if you don't know how much is being wagered to begin with.

And forgive me if I've missed a whole bunch of your NHL plays with this system, but there have only been a handful of plays in this thread in the NHL...what makes it the "most profitable?"
i may be using a different system but I am 15-5 this week smart money on NHL. you see juice movement on the line with 30% then there is some action there. same as CBB where the volume $ amount is low so line movement on smaller percentages can be significant bets
i may be using a different system but I am 15-5 this week smart money on NHL. you see juice movement on the line with 30% then there is some action there. same as CBB where the volume $ amount is low so line movement on smaller percentages can be significant bets


CBB volume may be low compared to NFL or CFB, but it still dwarfs the NHL.

What system are you using? I see you mentioned "juice movement on the line with 30%." What does that mean exactly....really what does the 30% mean in this case?
The hockey %s are large because there is most likely very, very limited action on the games. It would seem that hockey would be the sport that these percentages are least valuable.

All you do in these discussions is just piss on someones thought but you have nothing to back it up.

How do you know (there is most likely very, very limited action on the games)? Do you have any proof?
It would seem that hockey would be the sport that these percentages are least valuable. Again why? proof?
that you perceive to be accurate percentages (based on the limited volume to begin with) how do you know this? proof?

when was the last time you added any value to the nhl or nba thread?
Have posted your picks in either thread, been involved in any discussions - not that i have seen..

All you do is piss on peoples opinions with absolutely nothing to back it up.. how about adding some facts or information to back your argument or side of discussion??

you did it when i posted the ny knicks -kobe rumor, only saying that there were 4 or 5 other teams that he would go to - you didnt mention the teams, you didnt mention the players in return, you didnt mention the salary cap involved..... nope just pissed on that also...

try adding some value..
All you do in these discussions is just piss on someones thought but you have nothing to back it up.

How do you know (there is most likely very, very limited action on the games)? Do you have any proof?
It would seem that hockey would be the sport that these percentages are least valuable. Again why? proof?
that you perceive to be accurate percentages (based on the limited volume to begin with) how do you know this? proof?

when was the last time you added any value to the nhl or nba thread?
Have posted your picks in either thread, been involved in any discussions - not that i have seen..

All you do is piss on peoples opinions with absolutely nothing to back it up.. how about adding some facts or information to back your argument or side of discussion??

you did it when i posted the ny knicks -kobe rumor, only saying that there were 4 or 5 other teams that he would go to - you didnt mention the teams, you didnt mention the players in return, you didnt mention the salary cap involved..... nope just pissed on that also...

try adding some value..

I was asking questions about the system...if it works, I'd love to tail it.

I did answer your questions in the Kobe thread...even linked where I read what I read. In that thread, you posted that he was going to get traded to the Knicks because you say someone say it online....almost every single person involved in the NBA that has been asked about that says there is pretty much zero chance he goes to the Knicks. Like I said in that thread, rumors are funny...pretty much all I was pointing out, and then said there were a few other teams that made much more sense if Kobe was to waive his no-trade clause. Chicago and Dallas were two of the teams..which, again, I mentioned in that thread.

I'm not "pissing" on anyone, I'm simply asking questions.

As far as the limited action in NHL vs other sports...that's just a well known fact. Since the percentages are so high, and the action is so limited, it would logically follow that this 'system' in the NHL would be the least valuable. When you constantly see percentages in the high 90s, it's pretty obvious there isn't much action in the NHL. Right?

We also haven't even begun to get into the fact that these "percentages" people love putting so much stock in can be verified how? I know sportsinsights gives percentages, but how trust-worthy is any of this anyway, and where are the percentages coming from in this thread? Seems like good info to know as opposed to just saying "there is this % on this team."

You want me to be more active in the discussion or I can't have an opinion....but when I do post in this thread about NHL plays, you attack me for it. Seems logical.

You stated I didn't back up any of my thoughts but I did. You can go back into that thread and check for yourself, it seems you've forgotten.
Getting hit in the mouth today. Pretty bad. Decided to make 3 plays at 2 1/2 units. All three are losers. Bos +6 1/2, SDSU -5, and I tailed that Rex guy on Minn +9 1/2. After a hot week, now I am giving it all back. Beautiful.
Probability of going 0-3 on major plays? 12%. I had a 12% chance of missing on all three big plays, and I land in that 12%. Beautiful.
What do upsets have to do with using percentages to make wagers? You're simply using what you perceive to be accurate percentages (based on the limited volume to begin with), coupled with little or no line movement to make a wager...and the number of bets doesn't necessarily mean anything if you don't know how much is being wagered to begin with.

And forgive me if I've missed a whole bunch of your NHL plays with this system, but there have only been a handful of plays in this thread in the NHL...what makes it the "most profitable?"

I don't think you understand the intent of this thread. The "upsets" and percentages play a vital role. The percentages are monitored to see what side Vegas is willing to side on. For example if you have Kansas City -7 1/2 favorite over Oakland with 90% of the bets on KC, yet the line is moving in favor of KC to -6 1/2. You can logically come up with one of two conclusions.

Either "A", Vegas is willing to take a side and let the money flow in on the other team. In the above example, one can be lead to believe that Vegas likes Oaklands chances of staying within 6 1/2 of KC. Which is why they are willing to let the bets sides go that far above 50/50.

Or "B", someone with alot of "weight" is taking a large investment on Oakland which causes the line to move even though most of the small fish are on KC. Either way, it is an attempt to find a edge in a betting situation. No different than looking at games that were played months ago for an indication of how a game that has yet to be played will turn out. Is it fool proof? Not by a long shot, but neither is any system that regular bettors like you and I use.
I think lar understands the system . ....I think his point is that sports that take less money and fewer numbers of wagers will be sports where the reverse line movement numbers mean less. And I agree. That doesn't mean it isn't important or isn't a winning system in those sports ( I have no clue ) but from a pure statistical standpoint (not historical since I have no clue of the historical value of reverse line movement in low volume sports), the numbers themselves have less meaning than in higher volume sports like the nfl example with the Raidas.

In any event, best of luck going forward.
I don't think you understand the intent of this thread. The "upsets" and percentages play a vital role. The percentages are monitored to see what side Vegas is willing to side on. For example if you have Kansas City -7 1/2 favorite over Oakland with 90% of the bets on KC, yet the line is moving in favor of KC to -6 1/2. You can logically come up with one of two conclusions.

Either "A", Vegas is willing to take a side and let the money flow in on the other team. In the above example, one can be lead to believe that Vegas likes Oaklands chances of staying within 6 1/2 of KC. Which is why they are willing to let the bets sides go that far above 50/50.

Or "B", someone with alot of "weight" is taking a large investment on Oakland which causes the line to move even though most of the small fish are on KC. Either way, it is an attempt to find a edge in a betting situation. No different than looking at games that were played months ago for an indication of how a game that has yet to be played will turn out. Is it fool proof? Not by a long shot, but neither is any system that regular bettors like you and I use.

No, I understand the system's simply a 'reverse line movement' system. I wasn't knocking the system at all, but it's not a new concept...reverse line movement can be very profitable if you're getting accurate percentages and there is enough volume to make those percentages actually mean something.

When I asked about the "upsets," it was in the context of NHL plays, which is where younggun said they occur the most (let's make that clear...he said the NHL had the most upsets, so I wasn't talking about anything other than the NHL when I asked the question). The games he has used in the NHL have been -130 or less, so those aren't really 'upsets' when you see favs at -200 or more almost every night in the NHL...which is why I asked what he meant by upsets and brought up that the plays he's used aren't based on anything but the percentages (which mean less with such less volume of plays). Usually, when using the word 'upsets' it has more to do with the line than the percentages wagered on each side...if he meant 'upsets' simply based on the public, and majority of bets on one side, and the other side winning the game, that's a different usage of the word upset and I would, at least, then understand what he meant by 'upsets.' (which is why I simply asked a question)

He also then said that the NHL was the 'most profitable' in this system...even though there were only 5 NHL plays posted until that point, and they went I simply asked what he was basing his "NHL is the most profitable" opinion on, and if he had other posted plays in this system to show me. I assumed since he said the NHL was most profitable, that he was basing it on more than a handful of games and would have some data to show more proof.

Again, it's a reverse line movement concept, one that I (and most others on here) understand quite well. My only point in all of this was, as VK pointed out as well, that the percentages mean less in the NHL, again, due to the little volume that you see there. That was it, nothing more, nothing less. I never once put the reverse line movement system down, and think it can be valuable in certain sports...the NHL is, more than likely, not one of them.

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That just sounds like you are nit-picking. Even if only a fraction of bets are placed in NHL compared to CFB and NFL, it seems to be working for young. Especially when he takes the dog at +100 or better 90% of the time. Even last night after going 1-1 it's still a profit of the juice from the Islanders game. In reality a 50/50 split or better is going to create a profit when there is absolutely no juice being laid on sides. I am not sure about the O/U's, but for the most part it's taking the dog in the lineup. From what I have seen it has been profitable for gun. Even if he has only profited 2 units, being in the green is still being in the green.

As far as amount of wagers placed in the NHL, I agree. Fewer bets makes it harder to essentially "read" the movement. Young seems to be doing decent at it though. I don't follow NHL so it makes no difference to me.

Again it seems to be nit-picking with the term "upset", anytime a favored team loses it can be classified as an upset. I don't think it matters if the losing team was a -130 favorite or a -30000000 favorite. A lose by a favored team is still considered an upset.

Just the way you have carried yourself in this thread reminds me of this guy in my squad while we were in Afghanistan. PFC Roberts. Roberts always felt the need to prove he was right and correct everyone. From simple definitions, pronunciations, to even marksmanship techniques. He was a good guy, but just rubbed people the wrong way with his habit of always needing to be correct about even the smallest of things.

My point is, what does it matter how much YoungGun has profited in the NHL or if his definition of "upset" is 100% accurate? The guy is going out of his way to share his research in hopes of helping others in this thread make a profit. No need to try and dog the guy with petty nonsense. With that being said, I am done arguing semantics. Best of luck with your sports betting endeavors.
77% on VT/WF over 41 1/2, line drops to 38 1/2. Under 38 1/2 will be a play.
78% on South Carolina -25 1/2, line drops from -25 1/2 to -24. USA +24 will be a play
97% on Mich St -22, line remains at -22. Rutgers +22 will be a play.
76% on Minn/Neb over 56 1/2, line drops to 55 1/2. Under 55 1/2 will be a play
88% on Kan/OU over 56, line drops to 54 1/2. Under 54 1/2 will be a play.
82% on Pitt -7 1/2, line drops to -7. Syracuse +7 will be a play.
82% on Penn/Ill under 45 1/2, line remains at 45 1/2. Over 45 1/2 will be a play.
92% on LTU -13, line drops to -12. Old Dominion +12 will be a play.
71% on Tulsa/Houston under 52 1/2, line jumps to 56 1/2. Over 56 1/2 will be a play
74% on ND -4 1/2, line drops to -3 Louisville +3 will be a play.
If we can't honestly discuss the system, then sharing it is worthless though.

I think the system will generate profit, but what is wrong with discussing it? Maybe nhl reverse line movement is even better than sports that have more volume because there is less dumb money involved.... I dunno .. but the system is far more likely to be refined to approach its most profitable state if it is examined and discussed than if it isn't. shrug.

Does the system account for when the moves happen? a hypothetical example for instance latech/odu .... was -13 at pinny and gets bet down early week to -11 along with some other spots throughout the week ( locally several places yesterday ) and then gets bet back up to 12 or 12.5 late when it takes more money to move a line, does that change your opinion of the line movement? I know you try to wait as late as possible to make the plays which makes perfect sense but wondering if situations like that example are considered in the system or not.
Also thanks for posting the system. And apologies if i missed it but where are you getting the betting percentages?

good luck today.
I'm all for discussing the system for tweaks or noticed trends, it just doesn't seem that was his intent. More of, oh it won't work because of this. When Young has shown to be able to turn a profit. Maybe my reading comprehension is off, who knows.

I try to take it into account on my own. I watch the NBA multiple times each, and check the CFB/NFL lines throughout the week. Eliminating and adding a few as I go, depending on the outcome of the movement. I have eliminated lines because they jump, but it has been difficult this week. Had Midterms this week, so I have been somewhat negligent with my checking of the lines though.

I use
That just sounds like you are nit-picking. Even if only a fraction of bets are placed in NHL compared to CFB and NFL, it seems to be working for young. Especially when he takes the dog at +100 or better 90% of the time. Even last night after going 1-1 it's still a profit of the juice from the Islanders game. In reality a 50/50 split or better is going to create a profit when there is absolutely no juice being laid on sides. I am not sure about the O/U's, but for the most part it's taking the dog in the lineup. From what I have seen it has been profitable for gun. Even if he has only profited 2 units, being in the green is still being in the green.

As far as amount of wagers placed in the NHL, I agree. Fewer bets makes it harder to essentially "read" the movement. Young seems to be doing decent at it though. I don't follow NHL so it makes no difference to me.

Again it seems to be nit-picking with the term "upset", anytime a favored team loses it can be classified as an upset. I don't think it matters if the losing team was a -130 favorite or a -30000000 favorite. A lose by a favored team is still considered an upset.

Just the way you have carried yourself in this thread reminds me of this guy in my squad while we were in Afghanistan. PFC Roberts. Roberts always felt the need to prove he was right and correct everyone. From simple definitions, pronunciations, to even marksmanship techniques. He was a good guy, but just rubbed people the wrong way with his habit of always needing to be correct about even the smallest of things.

My point is, what does it matter how much YoungGun has profited in the NHL or if his definition of "upset" is 100% accurate? The guy is going out of his way to share his research in hopes of helping others in this thread make a profit. No need to try and dog the guy with petty nonsense. With that being said, I am done arguing semantics. Best of luck with your sports betting endeavors.

Again, I wasn't dogging him...I was simply pointing out the NHL percentages because there was a comment that they looked really high and juicy...and we should discuss these things so people don't just jump into something because they look 'shiny,' without looking at the reasons behind the shininess.

And it doesn't matter to me how much YG profited, but this isn't covers, and many don't jump on here saying "I'm killing it with this," "This is my new system and it wins a bunch," and not have proof to back it up, or at least be able to respond to simple questions about it (I'm NOT saying that's what YG did, just saying it's a bit different here and not at "toutish," if that makes sense). He's made 7 plays now that have gone 4-3...if that's "the most profitable" in this system, there may be an issue....again, he said it was MOST profitable, not that it was profitable.

GL is your sport betting endeavors as well, and with your reverse line movement system, they seem to work well if you're getting accurate numbers.

What is a tout? I have heard that term used a lot, but have no clue what it is.

I will let YG speak on his NHL plays, I know he barely started posting them due to not wanting to offend me by posting them in my threads. We have emailed a few times discussing this very thing. I know he posted a few in my thread last week, but again he was holding off on posting because he didn't want to "hijack" my thread. I can see where the concern would be though. Covers seems to be filled with a lot of DBs.
I'm all for discussing the system for tweaks or noticed trends, it just doesn't seem that was his intent. More of, oh it won't work because of this. When Young has shown to be able to turn a profit. Maybe my reading comprehension is off, who knows.

Not what I was saying at all about the NHL plays. I didn't say they wouldn't work...I said the percentages meant less due to less volume and may not necessarily mean as much as they do in other sports.

And maybe my reading comprehension is off as well, because you keep saying YG has "turned a profit," as if he's shown over a period of longer than 2 days that it works. It has been 7 games, yes he's 4-3 and is above even, but you're acting as if he's been churning out winners for weeks...which is why I asked if I missed a bunch of his plays since he said the NHL was the MOST PROFITABLE in this 'system.' Maybe he meant something different by 'most,' who knows?
What is a tout? I have heard that term used a lot, but have no clue what it is.

I will let YG speak on his NHL plays, I know he barely started posting them due to not wanting to offend me by posting them in my threads. We have emailed a few times discussing this very thing. I know he posted a few in my thread last week, but again he was holding off on posting because he didn't want to "hijack" my thread. I can see where the concern would be though. Covers seems to be filled with a lot of DBs.

Not sure if serious, but a tout is someone who sells their picks, usually in an aggressive, 'look at me,' manner....or, pretty much what you see all over the site at They often have "systems" that have hit at an unbelievable percentage in the past, and you have to jump on board now or you'll miss out. When guys continue to post they have 'system' after 'system' across all sports, it begins to look toutish. I am NOT saying that this reverse line movement thread is toutish in the least bit...I'm simply answering your question.

I'll let YG discuss his NHL plays.

Yes, I didn't know what a tout is. This is my 3rd year of sports betting, so I don't know much about terms. Hell it wasn't till I joined this site last month that I learned who Walters was.
I'll let YG discuss his NHL plays.

Yes, I didn't know what a tout is. This is my 3rd year of sports betting, so I don't know much about terms. Hell it wasn't till I joined this site last month that I learned who Walters was.


GL with your plays today in CFB, some of them look enticing.
I'm on my phone so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Definitely not a tout, been following here for a long time and finally found something that has been working for me. In am effort to share what seems to be working, I post my research. Yes I call it a "system" because anyone can use it. It doesn't make me a tout. I think the thread lost it's value with the arguing. If you don't like it don't follow it. Of course my posted NHL plays haven't been 70% never claimed they would, it doesn't mean I haven't won using it. NHL will work consistently as the worst team in the NHL is a lot closer to the best team, then say the nba or college bball.

My "system" is something anyone can do, I just chose to do the research and share it for others. But if you want you can go to my website

The site I use is any side that gets over 70% and line remains same or goes opposite would be a play in the "system"

Good luck boys, ended up not so short and no so sweet
I'm on my phone so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Definitely not a tout, been following here for a long time and finally found something that has been working for me. In am effort to share what seems to be working, I post my research. Yes I call it a "system" because anyone can use it. It doesn't make me a tout. I think the thread lost it's value with the arguing. If you don't like it don't follow it. Of course my posted NHL plays haven't been 70% never claimed they would, it doesn't mean I haven't won using it. NHL will work consistently as the worst team in the NHL is a lot closer to the best team, then say the nba or college bball.

My "system" is something anyone can do, I just chose to do the research and share it for others. But if you want you can go to my website

The site I use is any side that gets over 70% and line remains same or goes opposite would be a play in the "system"

Good luck boys, ended up not so short and no so sweet

Oh, ffs, I did NOT call you a fact, I even made it a point to say that I wasn't calling you, or anyone else a tout. I also didn't say you claimed your NHL plays would hit at 70%, I just asked what made it the "most profitable" for you (and didn't get an answer, fwiw).

I agree, the "arguing" has taken away from the thread. Some of us like to call that discussion, but I'll stop discussing with your plays, we will all say GL, and we can watch from afar.
I always enjoy a good back and forth. Let's just hope for a profitable Saturday, I sure could use one. GL gentlemen.
"The hockey %s are large because there is most likely very, very limited action on the games. It would seem that hockey would be the sport that these percentages are least valuable."

Interesting you posted in response to the high and juicy above and then you write this...

Again, I wasn't dogging him...I was simply pointing out the NHL percentages because there was a comment that they looked really high and juicy...and we should discuss these things so people don't just jump into something because they look 'shiny,' without looking at the reasons behind the shininess.

So your saying what is in bold is what you meant with your original comment in italics... wow, just wow...

you had absolutely no intent in a discussion...... you had no intent of asking any questions! If you had, you would have asked those questions well before i wrote anything about it.....
If we can't honestly discuss the system, then sharing it is worthless though.

I think the system will generate profit, but what is wrong with discussing it? Maybe nhl reverse line movement is even better than sports that have more volume because there is less dumb money involved.... I dunno .. but the system is far more likely to be refined to approach its most profitable state if it is examined and discussed than if it isn't. shrug.

Does the system account for when the moves happen? a hypothetical example for instance latech/odu .... was -13 at pinny and gets bet down early week to -11 along with some other spots throughout the week ( locally several places yesterday ) and then gets bet back up to 12 or 12.5 late when it takes more money to move a line, does that change your opinion of the line movement? I know you try to wait as late as possible to make the plays which makes perfect sense but wondering if situations like that example are considered in the system or not.

Agree 100% however larry was not discussing if so he would have asked questions or added value to the discussion. look at his post in 48 and 50... What questions and/or value did he add???

if he had any intent on an honest discussion he would have started at reading at the beginning of the thread..
South Alabama QB Vaughn beat me down today. I had a parlay out to win just over 600.

USA +23 1/2 (4 interceptions) He literally beat his own team.
Old Dominion +12
Marshall ML
And it doesn't matter to me how much YG profited, but this isn't covers, and many don't jump on here saying "I'm killing it with this," "This is my new system and it wins a bunch," and not have proof to back it up, or at least be able to respond to simple questions about it (I'm NOT saying that's what YG did, just saying it's a bit different here and not at "toutish," if that makes sense). He's made 7 plays now that have gone 4-3...if that's "the most profitable" in this system, there may be an issue....again, he said it was MOST profitable, not that it was profitable.

Just to be clear, you were not implying my posts are similar to a tout. Interesting use of quotes.
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I have to ref college hockey tonight, followed by a day and night with the GF. I only saw these two that fit my SYSTEM.

71% on Org ST/Wash over 55 1/2, line drops to 53 1/2. Under 53 1/2 will be a play.
92% on Cincy/Uconn under 55 1/2, line remains at 55 1/2. Over 55 1/2 will be a play
74% on Hawaii -10, line remains the same. UNLV +10 will be a play.
71% on N.O -3, line drops to -2 1/2. Utah +2 1/2 will be a play.
"The hockey %s are large because there is most likely very, very limited action on the games. It would seem that hockey would be the sport that these percentages are least valuable."

Interesting you posted in response to the high and juicy above and then you write this...

Again, I wasn't dogging him...I was simply pointing out the NHL percentages because there was a comment that they looked really high and juicy...and we should discuss these things so people don't just jump into something because they look 'shiny,' without looking at the reasons behind the shininess.

So your saying what is in bold is what you meant with your original comment in italics... wow, just wow...

you had absolutely no intent in a discussion...... you had no intent of asking any questions! If you had, you would have asked those questions well before i wrote anything about it.....

Yes, that's pretty much what I meant with my comments. I did NOT attack him in any way. You, however, immediately did attack me...but I'm the asshole. You'd also have no idea if I wanted a discussion (which I did, or at least open up some eyes about NHL percentages), since, again, you immediately starting talking shit about me, personally.

How is my first comment any different from the comment you put in bold? Where did I say the system sucked or wouldn't work? Do you know what "hockey would be the sport these %s would be least valuable" even means? It certainly isn't and wasn't an attack on any person, and meant exactly what is said....of ALL of the sports, the betting %s in the NHL are most likely the LEAST valuable, since there is so little volume.

Not to mention, my FIRST comment was directed at your post saying the percentages were large...just trying to show WHY they were large. I wasn't even talking about YG at the time, the comment was a response to your comment.

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The USA one hurt the most. Screwed up a nice payout of a parlay by 2 points. Damn QB threw 4 INTS. Turnovers bailed out USCe big time.
[TABLE="class: WagerTable"]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NFL [251] CLE BROWNS +3-115 [/TD]
[TD]115.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NFL [256] TOTAL u47-110 (DET LIONS vrs NE PATRIOTS) [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NFL [258] MIN VIKINGS +7½-110 [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]NFL [271] MIA DOLPHINS +6½-110 [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]CBB [516] WASHINGTON -13-110 [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]CBB [541] CORNELL +4-110 [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
[TD]Nov 23[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]CBB [573] EASTERN ILLINOIS +18½-110 [/TD]
[TD]110.00 USD / 100.00 USD[/TD]
Well, those are 4 of the RLM plays.
69% on Tampa/Chicago under 48, line drops to 46. Under 46 will be a play.
YG, good call in the NHL. I told you I can't read it. I had check early in the day and had the Wild/Blue Jackets/Stars in a +1 1/2 puckline parlay. Needless to say philly smashed the Blue Jackets.
Still looking for the clean sweep to end the week, 5 games down, time two to go. Let's add some more with the afternoon money.

NTL/NYR Over 5 -130
Ducks Over 5.5 +105 LOSS
Vancouver +101 WIN

Boston +5 LOSS
Boston under 210 WIN
Heat under 185 LOSS
CLippers ML LOSS
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I'm sitting on out the NBA tonight. Bit me long enough. I will take the above .500 week and start back up tomorrow.