Lets Talk Championship Sunday


Breaking it down briefly
Real disgusted with my decision making process last week. Started the playoffs good and GB really looked sharp for me on Sat. After that just one tough loss after another. On NE in the nightcap they managed to do everything possible to not cover the number , which is UNLIKE them IMO. Terrible job picking totals and I was dead wrong with SD. Had on Dallas -4 1st H and the amazing Cowboys allowed a TD with 53 seconds left. I know I got lucky when the INT was dropped but that sort if soldified my feeling that it would cash. Anyway moving ON....

NYG @ Green Bay :
Being a NY'er obviously I am proud of the effort put forth in Dallas. If you go back and look at the game though NY really seemed to get every break and have the bounces go there way. Toomer breaking free for the 52 yd TD in the 1st quarter , stupid penalty by Dallas tacking on 15 yds for the 2nd TD drive. First drive after the HALF again Dallas is grinding NY down the field and committs a penalty on 3rd and 7( also believe there was a dropped pass in the end zone). Which they settled for 3 points. There was the holding penalty on 2nd down that really fucked Dal field position wise and led to a punt inside DAL 20 which McQuarters returned back into Dal territory setting up a short field. Which NYG used for the go ahead TD. There was the Crayton drop and Still Dallas had the ball inside the NYG 25 with enough time but couldnt make a play.

The Giant defense made some nice adjustments in the 2nd Half. I think TO didnt have the explosiveness and the passing game wasnt exactly a threat especially to stretch the field. Romo might have reinjured his hand as well. I think DAL shows some Mental weakness for the second year in arow in close games .

When the season ended I suspected that NE game would be a springboard to better play and improved confidence. So far it has been NY has done well in simply not beating themselves and only creating positive momentum . Overcoming a rash of injuries.

This is about as tough as situation as one could expect. Playing there 5th in 7 weeks away while trying to win for the 3rd time on the road in the playoffs. Not to mention they finished up with NE and a hrad fought battle where GB rested most of its starters then had a bye. GB comes in much fresher. Worse is the weather situation which is a CLEAR edge to GB.

Remember the BULK of NY's passing output came out the Toomer 52 yder where he shed two defenders. They allowed 10 of16 on 3rd down and allowed 100 more yards then they accumulated. Plax has been Non-existant in the playoffs and you wonder how the cold and weather will effect his ankle. So far 4 /38 and 1/5 in the 2 games. Tommer has really stepped up his play. One thing I think could be HUGE is the GIANTS have so many drop sthis year and I cant imagine that in wind and frezing cold there HANDS will magically become better. Anyone have there drops stats?? GB playing in those conditions just last week are a huge plus. In watching GB while Grant had 2 fumbles I really dont see them as a team who will beat themselves and maybe there was some rust , some nerves and some new conditions to adjust to last week. After that hiccup they steam rolled SEATTLE.

I think beating DALLAS was such a huge Mouse of there back and one could argue that was there Championship game cause they left it on all the field that day.

Jacobs has not run that well and it wont get easier here. 13/34 and 14/54 carries with a LONG of 10 yards. Now his size might be a PLUS here but if he gets his legs under him it will be a disadvantage IMO. As well he has run his numbers ve the better defenses are less then impressive.

NY has enjoyed great success on the ROAD but mostly versus bad teams or squeaking victories against the solid ones. One things for sure is the OFFENSE has not put up impressive numbers and only the Bills game since the OPENER went over. On the season 15 ppg allowed , less then 300yds of offense , 3.2 YPC and 6.2 YPA . The ONLY game GB didnt cover was the loss to CHI at home. You have to think SEA and NYg are fairly equal teams and well SE got disposed off just like every other team who came to GB recently. This defense is NO JOKE and Bigby looked like a man on a mission last week.

Early on GB had a huge 2nd Half and won @ the Meadowlands but as I said with Ryan Grant this GB team is much better and complete. GB wont beat themselves like Dallas did.

I think GB again wins by DOUBLE DIGITS as painful as it might be for me. With the total NYG trends UNDER away and that would be lean but depending on how the weather shakes out. Already played some GB -6.5 -125 earlier this week looking to see what happend with the line tmrw.

Thoughts on GB and NYG?? :cheers:
Alright Nut....got home hoping to see this thread tonight...need to do some last second capping here..lol...
Ask and you shall receive BAR!!!!

Chargers @ Pats :

This is a matchup of QUESTION marks. In some ways this is similiar to NYG / GB in that we may look back and see that SD championship game was last week in INDY. Lets face it these guys left it all on the field last week and while they didnt get all the breaks it seemed Indy was one the who made all the mistakes at KEY times.

The BIG questions are surrounding HEALTH. Is Philip Rivers starting and if so how mobile is this guy with at least two torn MCL's? Also does the COLD weather even hinder him further because I would guess warm weather makes it easier to get and stay loose. While LT was injured last week SD can throw a few RBS at ya. Jamal Williams is questionable which could hurt the run defense. Norv Turner has always been shifty with Injuries and why wouldnt he here. Why announce Rivers out and allow the GZA ( Wu Tang reference) the opportunity to game plan for Billy Volek. Which btw is a much different situation then last week. Last week its like being a spot starter. Your thrust into the game and just react where as now all week your thinking about and become a focal point of the opposition. Can Volek play in the cold weather?? Gates one would think is limited AGAIN . How will SD react to the NE weather??

After watching Rivers step up last week if he were 100% I would back SD but he clearly wont be. I wont be suprised if he doesnt start or play. I cant imagine NE being so sloppy again on offense as they managed to probably take 14 points OTB last week.

Really if you think about the SD defense was SHREDDED by Indy last week as there were 3 UNFORCED errors which became turnovers. The 1st being the Harrison fumble as he tried to spin out of tackle. No one knocked the ball out but it killed a HUGE drive. After scoring a TD on there 1st drive , there 2nd drive was ruined near SD 20 on that 1st down play , the 3rd drive was a FG once the drive stalled , Then in FG range already right before Half Manning over threw his WR and was PICKED! So they failed to extend there 10-7 lead. After the Half SD took the ball and scored to go up 14-10. Again Peyton drove them down field and sailed a ball for an INT.After a PUNT they get the ball back at midfield and score 17-14 Colts. SD answers with a TD of there own 21-17 SD. With great field position at SD 45 the Colts manage there ONLY PUNT and only 3 and out !!! Another SD punt and Indy scores again for a 24-21 lead. Once again SD responds for a 28-21 lead. Indy get s the ball back and drives 11 plays 70 yds and inside the SD 10 but cant convert on 4th down and essentially the game is OVER. Manning had 400 yards passing but Indy losing by just 4 points had 4 possessions where they could have scored 3-7 pts x 4 but had turnovers of some sort.

At this point I feel SD is probably a point worse then Jax which would make me fee comfortable with a 11 pt line but the injuries do give reason to inflate the number.

Personally the NE defense looked terrible IMO last week but could face an easier task if SD comes limping in.

So basically DUE to injuries I would have to lean towards NE @ -14 . Not something I see as reasonable but injuries could make this one sided. The SD defense was shredded by Manning and Brady is probably a tougher task. While the SD offense will be watered down some maybe alot if Volek starts .

Lets see what injuries hold players back...:cheers:
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"NY has enjoyed great success on the ROAD but mostly versus bad teams or squeaking victories against the solid ones."

And thats all I'm looking for. Not even a squeak- by, but for NY to keep it within 7.

And as far as SD/NE...Injuries? What injuries? This is for the Superbowl baby.....haha

Good Health to you guys today :cheers:
Good writeups Nut I have to agree with you on both, I think both these games could be blowouts for the home teams today.

Good luck!
Nut, love your style but I am taking the plus number in both... Good Health... Likely think we'll split..

Take a look at Temple/ SLU if you haven't already.:smiley_acbe:
Tee*Dub : Good Luck bro. Not sure I will actually take the Pats its such a hefty number. I just cant make a value play if Volek is the QB he will make costly mistakes IMO. For NY just to much working against them here. There is no distratced QB , injured star WR or media circus. To win 3 straight road games would be some accomplishment and I know your taking the points but still tough to see them keep it close for 4 quarters. Looking at the game in CBB but thinking opposite. :cheers:

Deuce : Thank You and GL today.

Spanish Shark: It was tempting to take NYG here. I just think you cant rely on good fortune in consecutive weeks. There road schedule since Dallas in the opener is fairly soft : Wash , Atl , Miami in London , Det , Chi , Philly , Buffalo . In the playoffs they got an overrated TB team and then caught Dallas with its Star WR hurt / coming back from injury after losing twice to them. Here just as I was telling JoePub they keep increasing GB lines and they keep covering them. The solid teams were really medicore teams who were decent at home.

In the end I think NYG will struggle on offense and GB will me able to find ways to score like it has beendoing all season.

The Qb situation is just to big to overlook. The SD defense is so similiar to Jax and Jags couldnt stop NE and SD couldnt stop Indy. What can stop NE offense here is the weather. SD offense with Volek will allow NE to key on him and he is not mobile like Garrard . While not having played much either. Few years back I had him in fantsay football when he was hooking up with Drew Bennett all day and nite but just different situation here. Take away Gates as well....Again priced to perfection with NE but SD offense could be in trouble here....

Cant wait for KICK....BOL:cheers:
I will likely wait for half in the NE game; I did that last week w/ Jax. The Jags came out ready, they go to half tied up, the 2H line is NE -9 (which was a 2pt discount from the opening line and a 4.5pt discount from where the public bid it up to), Belichick makes 2H adjustments, and the Pats come out and win (and cover the 2H spread). Also, I think the Jags last week will prove to be a tougher task than the Chargers this week.

As for the NYG v Packers game, I will wait for a 2H total bet like last week as well. Hope for one half of either extreme high scoring or low scoring, then bet the opposite in the 2H. Last week, Seattle & GB had a 45pt 1H and a 17pt 2H (which cashed because the 2H total was 21.5).

Of course, the risk with waiting for 2H bets is that the opportunity may never exist, but that's alright, I do not have to have action today in the niffel.

GL everyone... looks to be a great day of sitting around the house and watching football
Brett Favre, Frozen tundra of Lambeau feild,Big stage of the NFC Championship, Giants are hoping Eli doesn't implode, I think i'll take my chances on the Packers.
I'd try not to buy into the "Brett Favre doesn't lost at home in the playoffs" theory. They have not had as many home playoff games throughout the years as people would tend to believe. I know they got knocked off vs Atlanta at home a few years ago.

Not saying dont bet Green Bay (im leaning that way myself) but I think doing it because the notion of 'Favre at the Tundra' and all that is misleading.
Kramer : Its a valid point. I think every situation has to be weighed differently. This GB team is still underrated IMO in the eyes of fans. True Vick did win @ GB but he played one helluva game if I recall and he was a weapon that NYG doesnt have ( mobile QB). The frozen tundra is a huge plus for GB here I think because I havent seen enough from NY in tough weather situations to think they can just play as if its not an issue. Just remember Grant fumbled twice and Pollard missed a few receptions when he couldnt figure out the wind. The COLD makes everything hurt more but what if you are already hurting?? Like Plax and some of the NYG corners?? As much as I like Boss here is where Shockey would be huge...this is EXTREME weather ..BOL

Wearo: Thanks bro! GL:cheers:

Blue Chip: Good stuff bro. What scares me about laying off NE would be 21-3 at Halftime and cruise control in the 2nd H....BOL:cheers:

Steed: Thanks bro and you as well!:cheers:

Shark & Dub : T minus 3:27:cheers:
I'd try not to buy into the "Brett Favre doesn't lost at home in the playoffs" theory. They have not had as many home playoff games throughout the years as people would tend to believe. I know they got knocked off vs Atlanta at home a few years ago.

Not saying dont bet Green Bay (im leaning that way myself) but I think doing it because the notion of 'Favre at the Tundra' and all that is misleading.
Actually betting Favre vs. Eli, whereever they play.
With you on the notion that both NYG and SD played their "superbowls" last week.

Heavy lean on both favs...

GL Sportsnut!!!
Thanks ATL. It appears Rivers went from Doubtful to probable to start....:cheers:BOL

Wearo: Its funny Eli looks terrible at times but the guy rarely gets help from his Wrs which is on ethe reasons why I like GB. Even if Eli makes the throws they still find ways to DROP balls. BOL bro

Thanks JK : I guess will find how "great" it is around 10 PM EST .....BOL bro:cheers:
:cheers:Master P; Thanks bro

Temps in GB :

2 degrees at kickoff . Third COLDEST game ever @ GB. Wind chill -15 to -20 !!

Waiting on INACTIVES before I decide anything with the SD game...Jamal Williams seems doubtful.
Good luck today Nut, took GB (& over) and NE -- The weather isn't very much fun here today.

Thanks Fondy and you as well. One of these days will start talking CBB again like the old days. I know your a busy man & these cards are oversized most days.

The weather here in NY pretty much mirrors what I see looking at NE. Real cold low 20's but the sun is shining bright right now so it doesnt look or feel as bad. I know some people making he trip out there and I wouldnt do it. Just dont enjoy the cold enough to spend an entire day and night tailgating and all regardless of how great the game is.

GL:cheers:Hard to not like the over but take GB team over...
The worst part is that the networks made the Green Bay game the nightcap. It's one thing to be out in brutally cold weather when the suns up, but that's insane at night.

Playing the Pack in this one. All those nagging injuries for the Giants are going to be a bitch in that cold today. Hopefully Grant can hold on to the ball in the 1st quarter today.

Leaning towards the Chargers in the other one, but I think the 1st half might be the route.

I'm generally worthless when it comes to the NFL so basically all of the above was one big good luck. :)
There road schedule since Dallas in the opener is fairly soft : Wash , Atl , Miami in London , Det , Chi , Philly , Buffalo . In the playoffs they got an overrated TB team and then caught Dallas with its Star WR hurt / coming back from injury after losing twice to them.

that's alot of excuses for a team that went 9-1 on the road.. don't you think?? I mean, I did see Owens play that game and I believe he even scored... if you want to talk about hurt reveivers in that game, you can bring up Plaxico (who has been hurt most of the season) and Shockey.

The frozen tundra is a huge plus for GB here I think because I havent seen enough from NY in tough weather situations to think they can just play as if its not an issue. Just remember Grant fumbled twice and Pollard missed a few receptions when he couldnt figure out the wind. The COLD makes everything hurt more but what if you are already hurting?? Like Plax and some of the NYG corners?? As much as I like Boss here is where Shockey would be huge...this is EXTREME weather ..BOL

I don't think there is much evidence ( or at least drastic evidence) that the Giants or that Eli plays worse in the cold.. and even if there was, the Giants and Eli have already gone against all odds the last few weeks... it's possible they can overcome this too...

it was said this is the third or second coldest weather ever in a game (or something like that)... so how can we know exactly how Favre will react to a game THAT cold.. I mean.. they are ALL humans... right?... lol..

gl with todays' game Nut.. I'm on the Pats as well.
btw Nut... as for Shockey being needed for this game, the Giants stats have improved big time since Shockey went down... and in almost every offensive category you can think of... alot of that has to do with Eli not trying to force the ball to a hurt Burress and a missing Shockey... he is using Steve Smith and Toomer more and taking what he is given... plus Boss does a better job in the blocking dept. than Shockey does... I think Boss can be bigger for Eli here than to have Shockey always crying about not getting the ball thrown to him.
that's alot of excuses for a team that went 9-1 on the road.. don't you think?? I mean, I did see Owens play that game and I believe he even scored... if you want to talk about hurt reveivers in that game, you can bring up Plaxico (who has been hurt most of the season) and Shockey.

Not really if you look at the schedule and look at the teams what games where they supposed to lose?

@ Wash terrible 1st H and nice 2nd Half? Is Washington better then the Giants though? So they snuck by an inferior team largely thanks to terrible playcalling when Wash had the ball about to TIE. Which goes back to why NYG is winning in the playoffs. They simply are NOT beating themselves but that is a tough angle to expect in GB.

@ Atlanta and Miami in London ...nothing to talk about

@ Chicago : Again needed a nice comebakc versus a team who wasnt playing that well at the time. The Bears of the last 3 weeks may have been a different outcome IMO...

@ Philly : Again snuck by a team who failed to put them away early

@Buffalo : Close game which got blown open in the 4th quarter. Bills may look good at home but unless they were catching aFG or better there wasnt much value in them. They played hard and I always rode them @ +3 outside of NE. Thing is any team with talen t was to much for them. Beatting NYJ and Miami twice plus Balt say what?

@ TB : Nice win but again perfect situation. TB has Galloway banged up and Garcia complianing about rust from sitting out a week and half. Neutral field the Giants are a better team.

@ Dallas : There best road win but unfortunately DALLAS beat themselves. Sure Owens caught a TD but it was a 4yd pass. You could be half dead and catch a 4 yd TD pass. It doesnt take much. What you need from OWens ar 48 yd receptions to open the middle for Witten and Barber to pound away....They beat a less then 100% Cowboys squad.... We all saw the game @ Carolina whne TO left the offense fell apart. Nice win but nothing impressive ...

Do NOT expect GB to play like Dallas. This is a different animal.....GB is clearly the BEST team in the NFC and have no problems thinking they could beat NE. They can match the PATS on offense and the defenses are a wash.....

Inferior play at home all season created value in NYG lines along with must win games. Now they face there TOUGHEST task in the WORST possible situation!!

Wha has Eli done in the playoffs? I dont expect a FLUKE Toomer TD cause GB was hitting real hard and tackling very well vs Seattle.

Your right about Plax being injured and thats exatly why I dont like them. No Shockey to energize the team , less then 100% Plax and tough to run on GB. Where are the points coming from??? Dallas should have scored more and seeing how effecient GB was vs SEA if NY puts forward the same effort no reason GB doesnt get 28+...

I think whats missed is peole thinking Dallas was better then GB ....NOT TRUE....

I love th eNYG effort but you need to be making plays and they havent in 2 games really. They last game vs NE with 2 playoff road games takes it toll here in the freezing cold. You remember how many passes NYG WRs dropped vs Wash , dont you? All 3 NYG drives last week were bi- products of sloppy DALLAS football...

BOL Blitz....but at this point the Giants are pretenders IMO...they arent quite what they appear to be and thats coming from someone who isnt suprised they are here:cheers:Dont see NY as better then SEA and think anything less then -9.5 is value for GB...

Good Luck JPicks!!!! :cheers:

btw Nut... as for Shockey being needed for this game, the Giants stats have improved big time since Shockey went down... and in almost every offensive category you can think of... alot of that has to do with Eli not trying to force the ball to a hurt Burress and a missing Shockey... he is using Steve Smith and Toomer more and taking what he is given... plus Boss does a better job in the blocking dept. than Shockey does... I think Boss can be bigger for Eli here than to have Shockey always crying about not getting the ball thrown to him.

Love Boss @ TE. Been tooting his horn for weeks now. I agree with your point on taken what is given to him that works vs TB but this aint some sad sack offense. Again vs Dallas the Cowboys beat themselves and GB will keep that defense on the field just like Dallas did except they wont shoot themselves in the foot every single time....

NY can rise up and overcome weaker teams but GB is clearly the better team.:cheers:
Not really if you look at the schedule and look at the teams what games where they supposed to lose?

@ Wash terrible 1st H and nice 2nd Half? Is Washington better then the Giants though? So they snuck by an inferior team largely thanks to terrible playcalling when Wash had the ball about to TIE. Which goes back to why NYG is winning in the playoffs. They simply are NOT beating themselves but that is a tough angle to expect in GB.

@ Atlanta and Miami in London ...nothing to talk about

@ Chicago : Again needed a nice comebakc versus a team who wasnt playing that well at the time. The Bears of the last 3 weeks may have been a different outcome IMO...

@ Philly : Again snuck by a team who failed to put them away early

@Buffalo : Close game which got blown open in the 4th quarter. Bills may look good at home but unless they were catching aFG or better there wasnt much value in them. They played hard and I always rode them @ +3 outside of NE. Thing is any team with talen t was to much for them. Beatting NYJ and Miami twice plus Balt say what?

@ TB : Nice win but again perfect situation. TB has Galloway banged up and Garcia complianing about rust from sitting out a week and half. Neutral field the Giants are a better team.

@ Dallas : There best road win but unfortunately DALLAS beat themselves. Sure Owens caught a TD but it was a 4yd pass. You could be half dead and catch a 4 yd TD pass. It doesnt take much. What you need from OWens ar 48 yd receptions to open the middle for Witten and Barber to pound away....They beat a less then 100% Cowboys squad.... We all saw the game @ Carolina whne TO left the offense fell apart. Nice win but nothing impressive ...

exactly what I mean... alot of excuses for a 9-1 road record... I mean.. some of those games, the Giants were just not up for.. they played flat and like shit in some of em' and still won those games... that would be like trying to say the Patriots are not that good because they barely got past Baltimore and Philly (who are not good teams)... or that they struggle against the NFC East because they barely got past the Philly and the Giants... I guess what I'm saying is that... the Giants may have played some soft teams, but they still did what had to be done to win those games... even if they were not really up for them.

Do NOT expect GB to play like Dallas. This is a different animal.....GB is clearly the BEST team in the NFC and have no problems thinking they could beat NE. They can match the PATS on offense and the defenses are a wash.....

and why would you think that if the Giants get lucky again...that they can't beat the Pats??.. I mean they did almost pull it out last game of the season.. right?

Inferior play at home all season created value in NYG lines along with must win games. Now they face there TOUGHEST task in the WORST possible situation!!

this I do agree with... but like I said, they have already overcome alot... no reason to think they are not in a state of mind to do it again.

Wha has Eli done in the playoffs? I dont expect a FLUKE Toomer TD cause GB was hitting real hard and tackling very well vs Seattle.

Eli has done what he has needed to do to win... that's all he has to do again. And just because Toomer ran a FLUKE td all the way home, doesn't mean that the Giants would not have driven down the field and scored anyway even if he hadn't.
BOL Blitz....but at this point the Giants are pretenders IMO...they arent quite what they appear to be and thats coming from someone who isnt suprised they are here:cheers:Dont see NY as better then SEA and think anything less then -9.5 is value for GB...

I gotta say, my initial jump at the beginning of the week was to just pound the hell out of the Packers this week... but I'm just not buying the blowout here... it seems the Giants have come this far without being given credit... maybe they can keep going the same way.
exactly what I mean... alot of excuses for a 9-1 road record... I mean.. some of those games, the Giants were just not up for.. they played flat and like shit in some of em' and still won those games... that would be like trying to say the Patriots are not that good because they barely got past Baltimore and Philly (who are not good teams)... or that they struggle against the NFC East because they barely got past the Philly and the Giants... I guess what I'm saying is that... the Giants may have played some soft teams, but they still did what had to be done to win those games... even if they were not really up for them.

More like alot of BUTS for a team who was better the 8 of the 10 teams they played. WHich games werent the NYG up for?? I'll agree Miami in London . What else though? NY losing at home created Must WINS on the road. Every game except for Miami and ATL followed a loss. So NY needed every one of those games and IMO was clearly motivated in each.

It has no comparision to saying NE is no good because of there play vs Philly and Balt. Every game late in the year vs NE was the opponents SuperBowl. NY or any other team didnt have that bullseye. First everyone continues to miss out the key point to the game @ Balt. That is the Ravens defense for once was actually healthy. There were starting there 3rd and 4th CBs. So playing one of the top rated defenses on the road is never going to be easy and I will go as far as to say that anyone laying 20 in Balt was a FOOL. You knew it would Balt SuperBowl and while the competiveness of the game was suprising the spread was INFLATED big time. The Eagles I suspect had alot to do with taking them lightily cause Feely was starting and played a near perfect game except for the INTs. Again Philly is a tough veteran defense which saw taking NE out as there Super Bowl.

So its the not the same as needing 4th Q comebacks vs Det , Chi and Buffalo.

and why would you think that if the Giants get lucky again...that they can't beat the Pats??.. I mean they did almost pull it out last game of the season.. right?

Eventually fatigue has to set in : 3rd straight away game , 4th consecutive tough opponent ,5th consecutive MUST WIN game , 4th road in 5 weeks and 6th in 8 weeks.

First despite there home follies they still a home crowd pulling for them and being home is wher you always want to be. ALmost and really they needed a great return from Hixon to keep them in it and the last score erases tthe fact they were down 10 pts late. They did lead 21-16 at half thanks to settling for 3 FGS and Hixons return. So what happened when push came to shove? On the road down 28-16 NE scored 22 straight in the 2nd H ...

So NY played about as good as they could have played were home and still realy lost by 10 points.....

this I do agree with... but like I said, they have already overcome alot... no reason to think they are not in a state of mind to do it again.

State of mind ? YES. Physically capable is another story.

Eli has done what he has needed to do to win... that's all he has to do again. And just because Toomer ran a FLUKE td all the way home, doesn't mean that the Giants would not have driven down the field and scored anyway even if he hadn't.

Yes it does when they didnt move the ball downfield all day and couldnt pickup a 1st down in the 4th quarter. They got a lucky break it may happen again but doubt it. Enough works when the opposition is not playing well. By no means I am saying he cant do it just with the weather I dont think he will do it! The NYG success is simple they have not beaten themselves and wtahc Dallas self destruct. GB will NOT IMO......:cheers:

I tend to agree with Blitz everyone leans favorites and laying the chalk but all these teams deserve to be here. Giving a full TD to the pack or 2 TDs to the Pats just seems to be a tad much.
Good Luck all!!

The SD/ NE game is tough with th health concern so I am gonna sit back and watch it!

I made only 1 small play so far NE -3.5 -140 1 st quarter...:cheers:

Late game have GB =6.5 -125 but will be adding and possible other twists depending on the weather:cheers:
I tend to agree with Blitz everyone leans favorites and laying the chalk but all these teams deserve to be here. Giving a full TD to the pack or 2 TDs to the Pats just seems to be a tad much.

SD deserves to be here no doubt but there injuries are the concern. Not there talent when healthy.

I think everyone forgets what GB did to Seattle. Suddenly NYG is better then Seattle? Dont see it that way.....GB wins by DD again IMO.....Plus you have to fcator this is Football its takes a toll on a team to scratch and claw there wat here. The BYE becomes huge here IMO...especially when GB is clearly the better team IMo....:cheers:
Oh well shot in the dark play missed. I fucked up (again) though cause I wanted to play Maroney 1st NE TD and they took it OTB b4 I could.....played it last week and lost wanted to hit it again..damn!!!

SD offense is in for along day by the looks of it....
Good Luck all . Solid game so far. SD keeps fighting..

Took another small shot NE -7 -130 2nd H to try and even myself out on this GAME. Pats get the ball , are good with adjustments and SD would be the team to wear down in the 2nd H one would think. :cheers:
Another sloppy WIN for NE. Definetly looking to fade them come the Super Bowl. All week I wanted to take SD but the damn injury cloud got me off it. Suprised Rivers made it all the way through. Great gutsy performance for SD and glad the Charger backers got paid.....

So we have GB -6.5 -125 .....

Donald Lee +800 1st TD scored

Thought about James Jones initially and passed..then Ryan Grant the payout wasnt worth it....
Interesting PROP:

Ryan Grant -190 vs Brandon Jacobs ::

Longest run of the game....

L3 weeks Jacobs longs are 10, 9 and 7 yards.

All season 3 games he had runs with LONGS of 20+ 20, 21 , and 43..

Since Grant has become starter 10 games ago he 9 games where he longest road was at least 20 ++ yards with the low being 12yds.....

Obviously the field conditiosn could level the playing field but really stood out to me....:cheers:
Oh well shot in the dark play missed. I fucked up (again) though cause I wanted to play Maroney 1st NE TD and they took it OTB b4 I could.....played it last week and lost wanted to hit it again..damn!!!

SD offense is in for along day by the looks of it....

i almost took maroney to be the leading rusher today, it was +300
Fuckin terrible officiating . Is GB home?

How many more breaks can they give NY? Lets negatate an INT cause Plax flops and a roughing the passer on a blitz. Not to mention the earlier hands to the face BS call...:down2:
Thank You Sam...and thanks Fox for NOT showing the replay of the play where Favre wanted pass interference.
I guess no one notices Toomer pushing the DB off every time the ball is in the air when they are not even engaged...clear as day on the outbounds incompletion
GB just playing stupid. Why keep chucking the ball down field in terrible weather in a TIE game.....what happened to the first few play calls of the game that worked so well??