Lets talk about DOC baby, lets talk about you and me, lets talk about DOC


At this point in the Big Three 's career you are absolutely right . I mean what do people think Phil tells Kobe ? The idea is for the coach not lose games but there's a guy in NY really struggling with that in Willie randolph.
It's funny before today I was thinking wouldnt it be only fitting (karma wise) for the Celtics to blow the series to even the scales for Boston's WS win vs my Yankees....
Sammy lets put your theory to the test why dont you bet on Boston the next game..see what happens then hehe..Il try betting on Lakeshow for a change hehe
I haven't been such a curse on a team since the days of " NANDA THE PANDA"

This guy was the worst luck in the history of the world-- If he showed up and you had a bet going, it was an automatic loss no matter the lead-

We were in a bar about 5 years ago, Ottawa Senators were playing game 7 in the eastern conference championship, they were up 1-0 in the third early-- Win that game and we were in the stanley Cup--

The bar was going crazy, out of nowhere Nanda the Panda walked in the bar and there was outrage, commotion, and just panic everywhere. My friend was swearing, teling him to leave, started a pushing match-

Sure enough right when he came Devils tied it, and then 5 mins later went up 2-1 and Ottawa was out as they lost 2-1--

The Panda got a good beating in the parking lot after this debacle.
the series isnt over, just because the odds are against them doesnt mean the Lakers cant still win this, ill still be cheering for them
sportsnut it is funny my brother always said that to me, he says when you write a team off, they always come back, its like they can hear me or something
3 years ago the Heat won the championship after being down 0-2. It hadnt happened since 1976 or something like that. People didnt give them a chance, they came back. the lakers have looked bad, but this isnt the same team weve seen all season, they can play better. Just because there a long shot doesnt mean its over. Not saying its not gonna happen, but it could happen
The Panda got a good beating in the parking lot after this debacle.

obviously not the "kung fu panda"
The Panda got a good beating in the parking lot after this debacle.

obviously not the "kung fu panda"

The rage of one of my buddies he was convinced that the PANDA was to blame for the loss- he was kicking the shit out his ribs and yelling why the fuck did u show up--

This guy was single handedly responsible for many collapses--

He cost us on a Stanford college football game, where he showed up the game was over, Stanford was running the clock out until the Panda shows up and the running back fumbles, ONe play left and the other team scores on a hailmary-

Panda cost us big in the Arizona state Ohio state bowl game, he showed up just after ASU scored on a Jake Plummer run. Surely enough Ohio state and JOe GErmaine hits a pass to Boston for the win-
sportsnut it is funny my brother always said that to me, he says when you write a team off, they always come back, its like they can hear me or something

Yep and thats why I bet the Lakers today . Cause it seemed like the were written off after the sloppy game 3. On thing was certain Boston wasnt going to cover w/o winning...
I'm sure you have seen the stats of the third quarters in this series. When do you think most in-game adjustments are made??? Halftime of course. I think Doc deserves some props for laying the smack down to the zen master in the 3rd quarter.
i've seen a lot of (DOC smack down talk in a lot of threads)
he's no better and definately no worse than any other coach out there
(he's on the verge of winning the championship - give him a break)
Yup , Doc Rivers is shutting me up so far. proving me and a lot of others wrong. i hope he continues to prove me wrong.
i've seen a lot of (DOC smack down talk in a lot of threads)
he's no better and definately no worse than any other coach out there
(he's on the verge of winning the championship - give him a break)


Damn straight.

Guy is up 3-1 in a series he was dogged to win up against the mighty overrated PHIL.... he deserves some credit
Barring a historic LA series comeback, I think last night's game was a legacy-changer. I really think both Kobe and Phil's legacies were badly damaged last night. When you're up 24 points at home with your season likely on the line, and you're the new Michael Jordan, you don't lose that game. You don't go 6-19 for 17 points. I think his teammates were awful, and they were clearly standing around hoping Kobe would save them, but still. They were up 20 fucking points midway through the 3Q at HOME. You cannot lose that game. Phil has coached a HORRIBLE series, let's tell it like it is. Kobe has been flat-out outplayed by Pierce in 3 of the 4 games so far.

I think the faux Kobe vs. Michael "debate" officially ended last night. The argument for Phil as the greatest coach of all-time ended too.

This is all, again, barring a historic comeback to win the series.
Barring a historic LA series comeback, I think last night's game was a legacy-changer. I really think both Kobe and Phil's legacies were badly damaged last night. When you're up 24 points at home with your season likely on the line, and you're the new Michael Jordan, you don't lose that game. You don't go 6-19 for 17 points. I think his teammates were awful, and they were clearly standing around hoping Kobe would save them, but still. They were up 20 fucking points midway through the 3Q at HOME. You cannot lose that game. Phil has coached a HORRIBLE series, let's tell it like it is. Kobe has been flat-out outplayed by Pierce in 3 of the 4 games so far.

I think the faux Kobe vs. Michael "debate" officially ended last night. The argument for Phil as the greatest coach of all-time ended too.

This is all, again, barring a historic comeback to win the series.

100% TRUE BRO-

Phil honestly IMO is all hype-- Would he have won anything if he had Stockton and Malone as players, and Allan Houston and Ewing instead of Jordan?

Would Phil have won if he had Iverson, Geigger on his team?

No he would not have won anything for sure.

Kobe cannot carry the team, he has shown this many times, he can score, but so can REDD and AGENT 0- he is not that good, SHAQ made him, he wins nothing without him, as we are seeing--

PIERCE is owing his ass- he even rejected him yesterday, where are the KOBE drives?
sammy if or when celts win what forum are you gonna go to since u wont be posting here anymore
Come on man that wasn't your opinion last week.

You must be talking to Sammy and his Phil is a fraud talk.
How the phuck can you preach for days about how the series will come down to one factor.....coaching. Then turn around and say coaching is overrated and that Phil doesnt really matter. The Celtics backers tried with no success to explain that the players ultimately decide most games.
In Stern's NBA the refs do the deciding but that is beside the point.

You railed DOC and held PHIL up as the greatest thing ever and NOW suddenly PHIL has so many titles because he "coached" so many hall of famers. Which is the very thing we told you when you started this smack talking in the first place.

The Laker lusters have egg on their face and its great. Lakers fans said coaching and Kobe would be the difference. Celtics fans KNEW defense would be the difference. By the way Pierce (faker?), Rondo, and Perkins were all pretty banged up and still outplayed the SOFT Lakers.

I hope the Lakers do win 3 straight and comeback.......NOT.
But it would make alot of that stupid fictional Laker crap talking we had to endure at least make a little sense. "BLINDED BY THE LIGHT"
Sammy Meat

"Maybe you should be subjective and realize that you have one of the worst coaches in the history of the NBA vs the best coach ever." -from his first LAL will beat Bos thread

Meatballs after LAL are down 3-1

"Phil honestly IMO is all hype-- Would he have won anything if he had Stockton and Malone as players, and Allan Houston and Ewing instead of Jordan?"

Meatballs before the series

"Lakers have KOBE and thats all you need to win."

Meatballs when LAL is down 3-1

"Kobe cannot carry the team, he has shown this many times, he can score, but so can REDD and AGENT 0- he is not that good, SHAQ made him, he wins nothing without him,"
This finals reminds me of the Pistons-Lakers series a while back where all the money and hype was on the Fakers...Phil, shaq n kobe show..The lowly Pistons weren't given a shot to win it, turns out the Phil Jackson mystique was all smoke and mirrors he got outclassed big time by Larry Brown having a slightly 1 notch lower all star cast of sheed, rip and chauncey, lets just call them the not too flashy all stars hehe well guess what history happens all over again..You would think by now people would learn their lesson but clearly some don't, call it blind devotion to the Lakers, doesn't mean your from Cali you can go ahead and make the bookies a shit load of money hehe... But the series aint over yet...I hope this post doesn't bite me in the ass hehehe
Bit of good news for Celtics fans

Kendrick Perkins left Thursday's Game 4 with a left shoulder strain, but says the injury isn't serious and that he shouldn't miss any remaining games during the Finals.
"It's nothing but a shoulder strain," said Perkins, who previously had surgery on the same shoulder. "It was too sore to go back in the game tonight. But on Sunday it will be fine." Consider him questionable for Game 5.