Let's Jinx Tom Brady....:

i heard this today:

Brady has only had FIVE offensive Pro Bowl Players in all the years he has played. If that is true and not "skewed" by subs and guys not electing to go, even more incredible
Not impressed. The only legit team they beat in the SB was STL. Seattle gave away that win at the goal line. Beating Jake Delhomme and Donovan McNabb does not impress me.
They play Miami, Buffalo, and NY Jets 2x every year. Wow. I wonder how many playoff appearances the rest of that juggernaut division has had in the last 15 years? Buffalo 0, Jets 6. Miami 3.
Tommy's overrated.
His Super Bowls were basically the AFC Champ Gms. Especially the games vs Peyton and his Colts. IMO
Rodgers is awesome and maybe a better talent wise qb, but that stats gotta matter too

Rodgers isn't going to have the Super Bowls and probably not total stats on Brady either considering he was on the bench for his first 3 seasons, but comparing completion rate, TD rates, and passer ratings vs the league average Rodgers is better than Brady in all 3 over their respective careers.

Steve Young is the only QB I have found that was 20% better than league average in all 3 of those over his entire career, and when you consider his horrendous #'s while in Tampa Bay that's quite impressive. Young's 49er #'s are astronomical.
It may one day be fair to compare Rodgers to Marino based on stats, except with "x" amount of titles
Again... I didn't expect it to be a popular stance. I can't argue against his numbers. They are what they are. You say he does it was suspect teams, I say he does it because he is put year after year in the position to be successful by the greatest coach who ever lived, which in combination with the preparation that you speak of spells great success.

I think he is an amazing quarterback. The argument has been here for a while, so let's not act like I'm making something crazy up. Is it Bill or is it Tom. I say they are both great. And I say if Tom Brady had Jim Tomsula as his coach for his career he would not be what he is. And isn't that what makes someone the GOAT? That no matter who is involved they would always be the best?

I've seen a lot of games. And if you told me I could have Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady at any age, I would take Rodgers every time. I'd take him in any quarter, any weather, any time. Thus, if I feel someone has the tools and is more talented and a better QB, I cannot then feel Brady is the GOAT.

I don't wanna get into a flame war, I just see it differently than the majority. And as we have seen forever (with the exception of this season) the public isn't always definitively correct.

As an aside, I will be betting on the Pats heavily this week. So he's good enough for me there.

I don't necessarily disagree about Rodgers vs. Brady at all, but when we're talking GOAT we aren't talking talent, we're talking what they've actually done on the field.

Also doesn't matter if Brady wouldn't have done it w/o Belichick...again, it's what he's actually done on the field. If you're going to get that "picky" about it, you could do that with everyone in every single sport and then it just gets silly. Would Montana have done it w/o Rice and w/o Walsh? Would Jordan have done it w/o Phil? Would Kobe have done it w/o Shaq or Phil? We can only judge them based on what they did on the field, regardless of the situations they were in.

Or else, if we're basing it on talent, I'm throwing Randall Cunningham's hat in the ring.

Watch the Super Bowl vs the Eagles again and tell me you honestly don't think they cheated.

We already know that they cheated in the AFC championship game back in 2002 vs the Steelers and that Spygate was a much more expansive operation than the NFL ever let on.
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Watch the Super Bowl vs the Eagles again and tell me you honestly don't think they cheated.

We already know that they cheated in the AFC championship game back in 2002 vs the Steelers and that Spygate was a much more expansive operation than the NFL ever let on.

How did they cheat? I have no idea what you're talking about too...not trying to just stir shit up. I mean that for the SB and for the game vs. the Steelers.

And Spygate was so overblown it's not even funny. The taping itself wasn't illegal, it was simply where they did it from. The only thing more overblown that Spygate was Deflategate.
Gotta agree with VK. When I think of drafting one player, in his prime, compared to his contemporaries, I think of Lawrence Taylor.
Cheat? ROFL. Not applicable here...

Brady has played with almost 0 talent on offense throughout his career. He played with an aging Randy Moss and had the best season I have ever witnessed as a football fan. He plays with a top level TE for a few games a year and a QB at WR.

Can you IMAGINE him with Julio Jones and Freeman? Dion Lewis was scraps.

But his greatness has allowed them to be able to continually address other positions... giving them the ability to even whiff on a lot of picks and still remain competitive.
Gotta agree with VK. When I think of drafting one player, in his prime, compared to his contemporaries, I think of Lawrence Taylor.

Yeah, he popped into my head as well. Bruce Smith also popped into my head.
I wonder what LT would do now in today's NFL?

Interesting thought. According to pro football reference, Taylor was 6'3", 237, exactly the same as Von Miller today. Offensive lineman averaged 270-280 pounds back then, today they average 310-320. Could Taylor get to 260 with his size to be comparable physically? I would think so.

He had 20.5 sacks in 1986. Justin Houston had 22 in 2014 at 6'3", 260. I think Taylor could get a couple more.
Brady best career to this point

Rodgers highest ceiling as a qb ever, if you told me I could pick any qb for a game and it's certain he will play his best game it's Rodgers for me

Peyton added the most to his offense with his brain
This is perfectly said

Brady best career to this point

Rodgers highest ceiling as a qb ever, if you told me I could pick any qb for a game and it's certain he will play his best game it's Rodgers for me

Peyton added the most to his offense with his brain
Just to stoke the flames a little more thought I think teed gave the best analysis

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<script async="" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Tom Brady 1st 10 playoff games: 3 interceptions (.9%)
Tom Brady last 22 playoff games: 27 interceptions (3%)

h/t @garrisoncarr
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Just to stoke the flames a little more thought I think teed gave the best analysis

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<script async="" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Tom Brady 1st 10 playoff games: 3 interceptions (.9%)
Tom Brady last 22 playoff games: 27 interceptions (3%)

h/t @garrisoncarr
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that actually is eye opening

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