ksimpsc rival week

I have a feeling you are going to get run out your own stadium. Will be the 1st to admit when I’m wrong, but...
I take it with that attitude you are betting it pretty heavily. Very well could happen. I only have 1u at what will be the best number it is what it is. I'm not really expecting too much.
Bad bounces early part of the game that could have changed the momentum but Clemson capitalized on opportunities and we did not. Clemson humming right now. Well done, dilly dilly

Didn't apply tonight I didn't think, but you down on Roper, did you ever think maybe Muschamp influences more conservativeness into the gameplan the OC might otherwise gameplan and call? Sometimes HCs with D backgrounds can have that effect on their OCs because of the style they want the game to be played. I don't know just wondered if that was ever considered?
Didn't apply tonight I didn't think, but you down on Roper, did you ever think maybe Muschamp influences more conservativeness into the gameplan the OC might otherwise gameplan and call? Sometimes HCs with D backgrounds can have that effect on their OCs because of the style they want the game to be played. I don't know just wondered if that was ever considered?
Muschamp is probably influencing dumb shit like kicking a FG down 30 but the stuff I down Roper for are the play calls and lack of personnel awareness. After the pick6 Gamecocks were moving the ball well and TySon had multiple carries on that drive for good gains and then Roper throws Denson in there on third and 2 and fakes a jet sweep to Turner and Denson up the middle. That's essentially our fourth string RB getting carry on one of the more important conversions of the game. Those little personnel decisions hurt and as you said a lot of the other stuff did not matter as Jake played a pretty poor game on top of the rest. The incosistentcies definitely shown through tonight.

But back to your original point yes that has been considered. To me though I am fine with the defensive mind if he gets a better OC but he has also proven he can not hire an OC worth much so that very well could be him picking a style. He better make a change at that spot or we will be looking for a new HC in a few years sadly. There have been some interesting names thrown around so far on the boards but that is all usually BS
Gamecocks fans are going to be all fire and brimstone about this loss but honestly not too far off expectations. Let's assume in the alternate universe the pick 6 didn't happen, we pinned them down on the 1 either of those times, and say we actually extended one of the first three drives for a FG or maybe even a TD. Don't really think the outcome on final would be very much different.

Cocks fans are a bit blind in this regard but the team got very lucky this season. A down Florida, down Tennessee, and vandy all had the ball in their hands to end the game less than a score behind with a chance to win/tie and we came out on the good end of the bend don't break. 1 point win against LaTech. Caught Mizzou early in the season before they were humming. The team could very well be missing a bowl or way worse. The OL talent and some of the D gaps will get filled in with time.
There have been some rumblings about Toper but good summation about what SC needs. I believe I made a similar comment that is below about Ropers stats over the last decade.

JC on Roper:
“You can’t run a pro-style offense at South Carolina”

I said that during the coaching search. Obviously that wasn’t what was communicated when the hire was made. I’m not sure you’d call this offense pro-style conceptually but it operates in that manner. You can’t let Brent Venables with the talent and depth they have and his ability as a DC to substitute and to sit there and make adjustments pre-snap. You can’t let any team with better talent do that. At South Carolina, you have to be a special preparation. Look at the history- look back to 1999-2000 when Lou Holtz scrapped the Notre Dame offense and let Skip Holtz run the spread. Look at the games under Spurrier when he was locked in and dialing them up. Look at when Spurrier starting in 2009 added the quarterback run/zone read stuff with Garcia and then Shaw. Go back to the 1980s and see how the offense regressed when Joe Morrison scrapped the run n shoot for a more conventional attack and then move up to 1998 when Brad Scott for whatever reason decided to do away with the FSU stuff he brought to town and tried to go conventional- the program bottomed out and he lost his gig. The Gamecocks can’t get the linemen to consistently try to be a Power football team. Outside of Alabama, Georgia with its 100 five star backs or sometimes LSU (although ask Les Miles about that), nobody in this part of the country can. Even Auburn, which is playing as well as anybody in the country right now, does not try to do that and when they did, Gene Chizik lost every SEC game and got fired two years after winning a National Championship. I have no doubt Kurt Roper knows football and his concepts are sound, but you need to bring something extra in terms of play calling on gameday in this part of the country- the defenses are too good. I don’t know what Muschamp will do, but something has to be done because this is not a recipe for offensive success.

I mean i get fans and wishful thinking, but the evidence was there when Roper was hired. A coach's resume is what they put on the field and it's unrealistic to expect an about-face in terms of success and style of play.

Edit: the last paragraph didn't copy over
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Just to know who is saying that, who is 'JC'?
I believe that is JC Shurburtt who is a recruiting insider and was with 247. He got his education at USC so he does a good bit of coverage on them. I do not spend any time on the boards that was a post a buddy forwarded to our group chat I just posted it because I thought it summarized things a lot more concisely than I could have.
Was -5u just on the early week MAC. Card shook out to be something around -8u had I not placed that egregiously large 2H wager on SC O20.5 at 15u. I wrote 'pretty large' for unit size because I did not want anyone slipping into the degenerate slump that I had after watching that SC first half (had to stop myself from making the bet twice to make it 30) and if anyone was tailing I wanted to let them decide how much would be 'large' for them, but for transparency and record keeping need to at least disclose that. I thought the 2H over would be a bit easier too and would not come down to a garbage time TD so could have been a potentially season ruining night. Ended the weekend +4.4u with that. Will update full record later today.
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15u chase on the 2nd H Ov...now I know where that SC TD ranks in your memory bank!
15u chase on the 2nd H Ov...now I know where that SC TD ranks in your memory bank!
I'd rather forget it. I went ahead and made another gin drink after the FG on the INT. Was resigned to the fact that it was a loss and had actually accepted my fate rather calmly haha.