KSimp Week 3 plays

forgot to post 2 of these from last night and I just placed a few more:

USF +7
USF +210
1H UNLV/Mich U27

3 team 10pt Stanford +19.5, AFA +34.5, BYU +26.5
3 team 10pt Memphis +8, Mem/BG U88, Stanford +19.5

syracuse -6.5, rice -7, USC +17, Mem/BG U80, AFA +25.5
wakeML, UNC ML
Wake ML, UNC ML, Rice ML
Syracuse -6.5, Rice -6.5, SCar +17, GT/ND O55.5
Syracuse ML, Rice ML, Navy ML, Trojans ML
3 team 10 pt Temple -2.5, Ball St +6, Minn -14
tulsa +32 .5u
Auburn +7.5

.5u Ball st -180
.5u NW +146
.5u Auburn +217
.5u Colo St. +130
lol at AFA fumble for the mich st scoop and score after AFA was actually moving the ball 14-0 smh
.5u rice ML, navy ML, wash ML
.5u Temple ML, Kst ML, Wash ML, Trojans ML
.5u Kst ML, Navy ML, Wash ML
.5u Temple ML, Rice ML, Kst ML, Bama ML
.5u 2H FAU -1
.5u Ill.NC O29.5
I have been watching some of both of these games and I like what my man CKR is putting out on these
dungey for syracuse got hurt and is down. not good as i got some exposure in terms of parlay on cuse so hopefully they hold out
LOL i didnt even have syracuse as a straight bet, im a clown. oh well may push so not a big issue there. :hang:
glad I didn't play it straight up now... Cuse coach calls a TO on third and 17 after a sack with the clock going and :15 left and then HE calls a TO and CMU hits a TD on the ensuing play. So bad
M.W. The top was officially blown off in the USC game, Georgia just ran all over us. The most simple offense in football diced all over our simpleton defense.
georgia runs the score up just cramming it down the throat of the bad teams. not sure how i feel to see GA putting 50 up on us and they not done yet. Think that means we are pure shit. Going to hit the UCF under the second it comes out for next week since obviously they are shit too.
To overview the weekend:

Wake QB goes down early but got a decent number.

Kst. was a misread. They have one of the weakest OOC schedules in the country and La tech actually held their own that entire game.

SC LOL do we even need to talk about this? Georgia throttled us. BUT I will say this USC spanking and Bama losing sets up a GREAT number for when Bama and UGA play. Comeplete mismatch game. UGA is going to get dominated and now with these results hopefully we get a great price.

BYU was probably my best cap of the week. Been on that play since the start of the season but got proabably a worse number than we would have had BYU lost the first two games instead of won them both. Everyone on my end was saying UCLA throttles them but I knew they played better in those first two games other than juts Hail Mary.

Florida was a decent win though they did not score near as much as I thought they would on Kentucky.

AFA was my other pretty good moment. They honestly could have won the damn game. 3 chances in the red in the second half for nothing. Two fumbles in the first half one resulting in a scoop and score and they lost by 14. AFA now 7-0 last 25 years as a 19 pt dog or bigger. Coach does a good job on concepts in the amount of time they get with them.

Switched my position on Cal game and it bit me. What a weird game. Up 2 scores thinking I was sitting nice. Texas comes back and then misses the PAT to even have the chance to cover lol.

Shouldnt have even wasted my money on Auburn. Knew that was dead money when I placed it. Wishful thinking I guess. LSU is going to run for 1000 yards on the Gamecocks.

Rice was one of my big reads for the weekend. My buddy played at TCU and knows all those guys and never shuts up about how bad the NT QB is and how he is just a friend of the coach. Rice decided to stop playing D at the end but thats cool.

Went about even on my totals and honestly just a few misreads there like the VT under. Rice stopped playing D making that under miss. Ark/TT I felt so great about all game, lots of missed attempts there on FG but maybe just the wrong side. Even missed the opener of 65. GT/ND should have laid of with the wind report but I wanted to trust my numbers.

Syracuse coach is a clown. Lets just re establish that.

Trojans losing lost me some money for sure. Had them in a few things even teased down. My buddy always said Sark is a shit coach that just rolls the balls out there and it bites them in the ass a few times a year. Didn't think it would happen in this type game but it did.

Bama losing lost me some money as well. Had some tease with them down to PK and even getting points and decided not to lay the -7 when it was there. Blown away at the result. Lot of short fields for Bama but OM played pretty good. 1/100 Kelly makes that throw for the TD.

Went nearly undefeated on ML parlays until Bama ad trojans bit me. and went positive on second half and live. Going to hawk these lines today and tomorrow to try and get some good early week work in and probably try to condense the card for next week some. Almost had a big week but turned out to be a small winner and a lot of work.