Kristin's bad week 12


Active Member
Boys, it got ugly.

Cincy +3 over Louisville W
Illinois +9.5 over Ohio State L
Indiana +36 over PSU W
USC -23 over Stanford L
Florida St -6.5 over BC L
OK St +17 over Colorado L

Disappointing after 5-1 weeks the previous two weekends. I shall defer to the pros this week. :cheers:
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Don't sweat it Kristin. We all have bad weeks. Just keep pluggin away and the wins will come. GL this week.

Be careful, the pros are having some major problems also.This is the time of the year where you got to cut back bigtime.
yup ... motivation becomes even more of a factor than ever and it'sone of the hardest things to handicap.
......Not much separates a 2-4 type week from a 4-2 week. I think sometimes you can make pretty good decisions and end up with a losing week. As in feel like you didn't differ in your decision process one week from the next and felt pretty good about both weeks. A game that you get unlucky on makes a big difference, hence 3-3 vs. 2-4. And really after a bad week, you can still look at it and say man I wasn't that far off from a winning week.

Plays are like math. You can do the problem correct and feel pretty good or have a good understanding, but if you forget one little step or number crunch wrong, or even forget a decimal point, or forget to label, it's a loss.

---Details my friend, detials.

We are all golfers, shooting for the best score possible. The only thing that matters is the outcome. We have to learn to manage the course. Some guys can be decent cappers but they know how to manage the course, see things in 2nd half bets, they know the correct strong opinions to add and to lay off. It's all about managing the course, it's like Jim Furyk. Hit it 260 down the middle of the fairway but get on the green with a chance of a birdie. Jim isn't making bogey's. Losses hurt worse than wins, you gotta limit the plays, play par, and take an opportunity at birdie when you get a chance. Don't go chasing out of the rough with a loss and end up with a triple.
Just an example, Kristin, you almost had a 4-2 week. I don't think any of your bets were bad bets. Sometimes things just don't go your way.

The USC game and Oklahoma State game were winnable. Okie State covers easily if they want to. That's a detail, checking to ensure the motivation is there. I think Aggie was similar type of performance even though they covered. You still only missed it by 3.

USC covered by 22, one number off. Look, if that last touchdown doesn't get you, that's a win. THIS game was unlucky for you. Pete calls a timeout, I mean Stanford was kicking a field goal there at the end and Pete calls a timeout and then Harbaugh decides to throw it in the end zone. Unlucky. It happens.

Then the Illinois and FSU bets were not bad bets at all whatsoever. But I think there were better games on the board, and just try to learn from your pregame thoughts about those, I was on them myself but I regret betting them. I regret alot of games. I just think I wouldn't of been all that surprised prior if BC won or if Ohio State covered.

---I think USC is proving to be a great team on the road in Pac-10 to bet against 1st half, and for 2nd half. How many times have we seen this in Pete's tenure?? A-lot, and Pete mentioned post game on versus that that's their MO, they've been in that situation before and know how to turn it up in the second half.
Thanks, to all of you guys.

O-State, thanks for sharing the thoughts. This kind of insight and experience is why I finally joined up after months of lurking.

I'll be doing my reading and research over the next few days and will post my card then. I look forward to seeing everyone's thoughts.
GL this week, guys. :money2:
Yeah, I'd like to have your problems.


= 17-7

You're still hitting like 70%. A little perspective, please.
Actually RJ, my season to date record to 36-36, exactly 50%. I warned y'all that I'm a beginner but yes, you're absolutely correct that I need to learn perspective.
it's a marathon, not a sprint.....

keep that in the back of your mind as the weeks go by....:shake: