Kobe vs Jordan vs Lebron...

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WHO's better??? This may be pointless, but I find it may be fun to hear what people gotta say on this forum. This is gonna probably cause one huge argument. Now don't get me wrong, I love Jordan but this guy Kobe Bryant reminds me of Jordan and more.

Anyone who says Jordan because has more rings and that Kobe had shaq, needs to shut up. Jordan didn't even reach his prime until he was 32(kobe 30 now), he didn't even win most of his rings till after 32. People saying Kobe had Shaq but people can't say Jordan had rebounding machine rodman, lockdown defender pippen, high percentage 3 point shooters. IMO the years Jordan played in the NBA he never got to face a defense like today (2007 above). I really hope Kobe wins 3 more rings so all this shit can end all the kobe haters.
Did you watch the Finals last year? Jordan would have NEVER let his team get completely dominated when in his prime imo...
This thread should die right away. Its Jordan and not even close. Long 4 page thread on this somewhere in the back pages
In order:

1. Jordan
2. Jordan
3. Jordan
t4. Few others (incl. the names you listed originally)
I did say in the other thread though that Lebron will be the for sure number 2 and might even be better than Jordan when he retires
Yep, not even close with regards to thread title.

1.) Jordan
2.) Jordan again
3.) Kobe (RIGHT NOW)
4.) Bron
it's funny i was thinking about this earlier for some reason.

It's not even close bro.

I've heard all the Kobe lovers excuses for him, that Jordan played with a bunch of slow white guys and not the caliber of athlete that Kobe plays against. Those kinda people are simply foolish.

What they fail to take into account is Jordan played during the golden age of the NBA in terms of defense/allowing hard fouls/the hand check rule etc. Put Mike in today's NBA in his prime with the soft D and no hand check rules and he could avg. 40/game.

Jordan 6 for 6 in Finals

woulda been 8 if he hadn't retired in 1993. in the modern era NBA with free agency etc. very like 8 in a row is inconceivable. Also he did it with basically 2 entirely different squads minus Pip. The first 3 included such stars as Bill Cartwright, BJ Armstrong, Stacey King. His 2nd 3-peat included the likes of Buechler,Bill Winnington, BIson Dele(RIP).
IMO the years Jordan played in the NBA he never got to face a defense like today (2007 above). I really hope Kobe wins 3 more rings so all this shit can end all the kobe haters.

Pistons and Knicks were very tough, physical defenses. Laimbeer, Oakley, Starks, Dumars, et al.
I watched Jordan play 500 games in my life. He did what he wanted. He started scoring 37 pts a game. Figured out d won championships and became the best defender in the league while still leading the league in scoring at 30+ a game.

Won 3 titles. quit for two years. Came back and won 3 more. Kobe's not a winner, not like Jordan. Can argue it all you want, but it is a fact. Kobe's done zero without Shaq. Zero.

Jordan had Pippen and role players. BTW the NBA today is nothing compared to what it was. Not saying the athletes can't jump higher or run faster, but they don't play team BBall. Very few teams play D. Few of you are old enough to remember the real Bad boys, Magic's lakers, or Bird's Celtic's. Some of the best ever.

I think LeBron has the skills and the heart to be the next Jordan. He can carry a team when it counts. Kobe will always resort to Kobe and he will never ever be like Jordan.

but that is my opinion, lol
Wade is not too far behind Kobe and Lebron fellas. He's right there.
lebron has the potential and skills to perhaps be more versatile than jordan, and maybe one day he can be HALF as good. kobe is nowhere near half as good as jordan and never will be
Hey signal caller ask Coach K who was the best player on the Olympic team alright.

Wade is as far behind Lebron as Lebron is to Kobe. Wade's jumper is better than Lebron's. Wade is more explosive than Kobe. Wade put on Kobe type performances in the Finals while Lebron looked like garbage vs. San Antonio. Lebron still can look like utter crap in certain games when his jumper is not hitting. Ppl forget about Wade and they are flat out wrong he is the #3 player in the NBA.

Your probably one of many who said Kobe was a ball hog who didn't make his teammates better 4 years ago. When Kobe was with Shaq I proclaimed him as the best player in the league. Public just got on Kobe last year.
hunt is right. only nba player to defeat space aliens. he wins on that alone.
Jordan no question

Anyone else think Tracy could have been great if not for injuries?
haha brewer...love that shit.

I remember just flipping to WGN to watch Jordan play..and see how many he'd get....especially in his EARLY years..
Jordan had Pippen and role players. BTW the NBA today is nothing compared to what it was. Not saying the athletes can't jump higher or run faster, but they don't play team BBall. Very few teams play D. Few of you are old enough to remember the real Bad boys, Magic's lakers, or Bird's Celtic's. Some of the best ever.

Ljc is an older guy..even older than me..;)

He remembers NBA golden age...you young bucks missed it..I was a fan early..age 8...ya know..and I came in several years into it...

There is no NBA defensive struggles today without the 87-91 'Stons...and then the 91-93 Bulls...and the 91-99 Knicks...and add in the 96-98 Bulls in the waterdowned league..

Rule changes...

One guy was right..in this era...MJ..who I hated for several years due to all the favortism he got..and his going thru the media to try and influence officials(along with Phil)...but he woulda averaged 40 ppg for his prime in this era...

We had this thread last spring...

Kobe and Bron are top 20 players of all time when said and done..at minimum(thats all positions)...but do not compare to the greatest...and it takes a lot for me to say that to a guy that got away with so much and could throw his fist at an official and not even receive a Tech..you think Rasheed is a baby...watch MJ in the nineties..biggest whiner towards officials ever..but its all perception...

either way...go to youtube..and watch some of his games from 86-89..the early years...its simply amazing...

Remember he won Defensive MVP in '87 as well.
The best finals I ever saw were the 80's finals with Lakers and Celtics...

ECF with Stons and Bulls were great too in nineties.
I loved basketball then, watched every game as much as I could...I hate the NBA now and what it's become but will always be a Stons fan and watch them religiously.
Four best finals I saw in all honesty..and have watched everyone since 1987..

Det-LA 1988(phantom foul cost DET 3-peet plus Zekes broken ankle)
Det-Port 1990(every game but Game 3 was a nail-biter)
NY-Hou 1994(was ugly at times..but still pissed I missed half of game five cuz of OJ)
CHI-PHX 1993(great games, great players...anyone remember Richard Dumas?)
Where I am impressed with Kobe is his will to win is almost up there with Jordan's. Lebron and Wade have a little bit but aren't there.

----Lebron has said this fact as well that Kobe has a better killer instinct and desire to win

Jordan, Kobe, and Wade all have a part of their game that Lebron doesn't have right now.

Lebron is best ever at bulldozing down low but Jordan, kobe, and Wade are much closer in that regard than Lebron is with his outside shot/perimeter game. Wade needs to work on his outside shot as well.

I'd rank jumpers like this
1. Kobe
2. Jordan
3. Wade
4. Lebron

-----attacking the basket Lebron #1 everyone else right there.

IMO Kobe closer than Jordan than ppl realize, competitive edge is close, defense is close, Kobe's Jumper is better, Jordan's physicality and low post game better, ability to make teammates better would lean Jordan.

----PHIL knows the answer. When all is said and done and Phil writes a book maybe we will get an idea.


NY-HOU was because I fell in love with that team after my bad boys dissolved...that was the team to beat that evil team from the 2nd city.

Hasn't been a great finals in some time

DET-SA in 2005 was 7 games..but most were blowouts and both teams were ugly.
Jordan is the greatest player of all time. Greatest team sport athlete of all time.

kobe is a rapist.
I don't think anyone is arguing Jordan is the standard.

.........I think this thread was just found in Kobe's accuser's panties.

Jordan is not perfect. He cheated on his wife. Good word is he does not tip anybody a dime.

....Alot of people hated Kobe when he played with Shaq and got charged with rape. He was deemed arragont, selfish, wouldn't talk to teammates, didn't pass to his teammates or make them better, jelous of Shaq, got Shaq traded, cussed out his Butler, blah blah blah.

----Now many of those same ppl are toting him as The Mamba best player in the League.

Some still hate him, some have done a 360.

--I've been on him as the best player in the league for 5 years running what I think of him as a person does not matter of my judgement on the court.

----Kobe also is probably one of the most intelligent players in the league as well.
What do ppl think of Marv Albert when they see him on television????
Jordan is the greatest player of all time. Greatest team sport athlete of all time.

kobe is a rapist.

Thats one word I take seriously..because it has so many different levels..and with family experience...I take it to heart...fwiw

Kobe cheated on his wife..

This chick was a slut..she fucked another guy right after...no rape vicim does that...or at least not 99 percent of them..thats why other semen was found in same panties..she was your classic young whore..and I hate to say that because I am a very respectful person towards young women and women in general..all joking on the forum aside...

He wanted some action and she was all about it....and...well...we won't debate this...because e don;t know full truth...there i a reason this never went to rial..and it ain't just money...girl lyed her ass off looking for a payday...many young teenagers would...

Is he a jerk for what he did...absolutely..she he be labelede a rapist by forum-goers...not at all..he wasn't convicted and anyone who has followed sports should know how money hungry women are towards athletes...
Thats one word I take seriously..because it has so many different levels..and with family experience...I take it to heart...fwiw

Kobe cheated on his wife..

This chick was a slut..she fucked another guy right after...no rape vicim does that...or at least not 99 percent of them..thats why other semen was found in same panties..she was your classic young whore..and I hate to say that because I am a very respectful person towards young women and women in general..all joking on the forum aside...

He wanted some action and she was all about it....and...well...we won't debate this...because e don;t know full truth...there i a reason this never went to rial..and it ain't just money...girl lyed her ass off looking for a payday...many young teenagers would...

Is he a jerk for what he did...absolutely..she he be labelede a rapist by forum-goers...not at all..he wasn't convicted and anyone who has followed sports should know how money hungry women are towards athletes...

agree to disagree.

when asked in a police station he not only lied about the event but went out of his way to throw teammates under the bus. Actions he made point completely to his guilt both early on in the investigative process and then aftwerwards when he paid her off .... which i guess is what i would do even if innocent if i had his money but still ....... her story was corraberated by witnesses with no axe to grind and his story was not.

will never know for sure ... and you could be right..... i am certainly biased as he is my least favorite person in sports.

i think he is one of the most overrated players while at the same time i think he is clearly one of the top two in the league right now.

always hard for me to get involved in a kobe thread without bringing it up. If you take him at his word he is at a minimum an adulterer who threw his teammates to the wolves in an attempt to save himself grief. His selfishness is not just when he is on the floor.
U must have lost a lot of dough betting against him or just pissed that he didn't want to stick it in ur pooper

that is not a very nice thing to say.

i might have lost betting on the overvalued lakers and his lack of team basketball coupled with his horrific leadership skills led to me losing some money... so that might be part of it .... or it could be that he is an asshole.

i want him nowhere close to my pooper thanks .. but glad you are fantasizing.

i thought kobe was dating richard simmons anyway ...
Also Kobe was prbly telling the truth when he said Shaq does this stuff too.

---I think that's why Shaq ended up getting a divorce.

NBA I think 90% of the guys due this stuff. Their life is on the road.
why do you think Lebron hasn't married his bitch yet he has kids with her????
Also Kobe was prbly telling the truth when he said Shaq does this stuff too.

---I think that's why Shaq ended up getting a divorce.

NBA I think 90% of the guys due this stuff. Their life is on the road.

the point is that kobe was asked whether he slept with her and he said no ...... in a police station ... why did he think he was being questioned ??? He is either the dumbest human being this side of susan sarandon or he was protecting himself from his own actions. Again .. he was in a police station .... so i dont want to hear any crap about the idea that he was just trying to save his marriage or image by lying about adultery .... but he has no problem throwing shaq under the bus ?!?!?! guy is a prick.
Kyle, I understand why U don't like him as I know many lakerfans that can't stand him either. But he is not a rapist and ur impaired judgement of his play on the court speaks volumes. The fact that he is the only legitimate comparison to Mike halfway thru his career proves that he is not overrated.

I still think it's
1. Mj
2. Kobe
at this point n everyone else is not even in the discussion. When the game Is on the line n the opposition is not giving u a wide open lane to the basket( ala stones in the playoffs vs lbj a few years back) u r going to have to hit a jump shot to win a game/series/ring.
VK I understand where you are coming from. IMO I don't think much of him as a person. LOT of stories out there about him. Kobe see's things as this, he is Kobe f'ing Bryant and the rest of us are peons. He see's those as beneath him and treats them like shit.

---He used to be very much kept to himself. Now adays he has become more public and showed his personality around the media and IMO that has made him more favorable in the eyes of the public........and celebrity can put on a fake mask and fool the public.... I.e. Phil Mickelson.

---I do not know what went down in Colorado that one night.

I do know Kobe cheated on his wife and MANY MANY NBA players do the same in my estimation.

If Kobe is dirt simply for that one incident than we should say the same about the rest of the players.

---I don't look at him favorably as a human being for cheating on his wife but I would place more emphasis on how he treats other people around him not in his close circle of friends which is few and far between.

All said though VK, I can seperate "off the court" with "on the court"

On the Court Kobe is the best today.
late 80s mike would average 46 a game in todays nba. you cant put a finger on a perimeter player let alone breathe on him. who is gonna stop him from getting to the rim? big and mean dwight howard?