Kobe theory

You're saying Julius Erving had a bigger impact on the existence of the NBA than Michael Jordan did?


Doc is the missing link between the regional game it was before him to the national game it became. Because of Erving, the game had the nationwide interest and foundation it needed for the Bird & Magic era. Without him, without the teams he brought with him, the network through the middle of the country wouldn't have been near as strong as it was for Bird & Magic to do what they did.

Jordan, however, (along with Nike) is responsible for the game and the league becoming truly international. That's where I think he really broke ground.

Definitely a statement coming from a democrat, that's for sure! (I dunno if you can see why I'm saying that or not; i think you can).
Kobe has too much pride and cares too much about the game of basketball to ever pull a "Vince Carter". I think right now with the big circus that started with him wanting out has definitely impacted his less than stellar pre-season stats. Not to mention Kobe played for Team USA this summer and there is a lot of wear and tear on his body. He may be only 29 but this will be his 12th season. As for the greatest player ever that could be debated to death (Wilt, Russell, Robertson, Jordan). In terms of impact on the game(on/off the court), no one can or will surpass Jordan.
im a laker fan, but i have to throw Duncan's name out there. He's the best big man ive ever seen. Swats everything and keeps it clean on defense.....unstoppable on the block and to cap it off he'll bust the 17 foot bank right in your face. So skilled and so dominant and so smart. Its really not fair.

FTs / clutchness have been an issue with him but it never cost him a championship so I can't really hold that against him.

I'm only 23, but in my eyes, Duncan is the best big man of all time.

It's tough comparing Guards to Big Men but Jordan should be considered the greatest player ever, even if there are players that come along with the better package that should surpass him as basketball players (lebron) because of what he did for the league.

Jordan WAS the NBA during his prime. Kinda like Tigger is Golf.

I'm not a Kobe hater, I actually love the guy, but he lost the right to be compared to Jordan in 04 vs. Detroit. Jordan doesn't lose that series. It's as simple as that in my mind.
Kobe can be the best defender when he wants to. He can also be lazy at time, and get torched for 50 by guys like Redd and Arenas. Obviously those guys are insane scorers, but if Kobe played the psychotic defense he played in the Team USA games this summer, no way those guys drop 50 on him. In his defense, it's tough to play that kind of defense every night for 82 games but he should at least bring it when Redd or Arenas come to town.

As for the Kobe vs. Michael argument, the argument is quite simple. As a basketball talent, Kobe is every bit as good as Michael. Maybe even better. But in terms of making other players better, which is the ultimate determinant of a player's greatness, Michael did it, Kobe doesn't. Michael made dozens of total chumps into very good players. Michael, Russell, Bird, Magic, these guys made players better, Michael more than any of them. Kobe is arguably the most ridiculous talent ever to play the sport, but he doesn't make his teammates better. At least not yet. I've seen much more evidence of LeBron doing this than I have from Kobe.
I'm only 23, but in my eyes, Duncan is the best big man of all time.

I actually do believe that Duncan is the best forward of all time. As Believe said, Wilt literally changed the game, so you can't really put him in that class. But as time has gone one and Duncan has done nothing but improve and make that team consistently great--particularly if you watch him--I think he's proving he's the best at his position.

He's not flashy, but he's the most sound player in the game in a long, long time.
ya, i would say definately the best power forward ever and that is coming from a guy who fuckin hates him
i thought about this all night and after what i say this thread should be shut down. the "best basketball player" doesn't have anything to do with the impact a player has on the league (wilt dominated but if he wasn't a giant he would suck). best player incorporates offense, defense, making other players better, and clutchness. therefore, jordan is without a fuckin doubt the best basketball player ever. PERIOD. DONE. FINITO.