Kobe nixes trade to Detroit

Not sure the defense is better out east of if the offenses are worst? Im pretty sure the Spurs stuffed the Cavs in the finals.
yeah, your right brian...

I jsut meant he wouldn't have as many opportunities becasue the stons would have to change their offense around him
Once again I scream, KOBE WILL NOT BE TRADED THIS YEAR!!!!!! Only way he ever leaves LA is if he dies or opts out of his contract and walks, period.
yea they were talking about it on radio all day..

Detroit as an organization still has $$ for Kobe, and is a title contender. Not to mention the 2nd richest area code in the country....
i dont get why kobe wouldnt want to play here.

Kobe only likes Mex tails! Det is not for him.
I don't get Kobe though, he burns Shaq, the Laker family stands by him, he has his rape shit going on, Lakers back him, they are trying to trade his ass and he vetos everything just about.. I rather see Lakers get something in return for him than having him walk out next summer

It's easy to figure him out. He's completely selfish.
yup, your right on orange...I hate having to defend Detroit, but it has to be done...so many misconeptions, it isn't what it was in the 80's and 90's.

Plus Detroit plays in Auburn Hills...people are clueless sometimes.

Kobe is a good defender abcs but the defense wll suffer if he has to put up his customary 45 shots a game...the defense is better on the east coast imo, minus san antonio in the west and it would be tougher to get 60 or 70 a few times for Kobe in a season.

LMAO at this thread.

The rumor in the summer was Wallace and Hamilton and perhaps Amir for him. This is changed a bit and would be a great deal for LA. It would be better than anything else they will get but Kobe holds the cards anyway.

Yeah Hunt. People like to dog on Detroit but the metro area is really great. Downtonw Detroit is awesome now and shit Oakland is still one of the richest counties in America. People make asinine comments because they don't have a clue. Cracks me up.

Would have been an intesting lineup. Billups, Bryant, hayes, Wallce, Dice with Dupree, Stuckey, Max and Nazr off bench.

Amir's potential is just great though.