Kobe nixes trade to Detroit


Creep - Dee oh double gee
A deal was in place to send Rip Hamilton, Tayshaun Prince, Amir Johnson, and a first round pick to the Lakers in exchange for Kobe. Both sides accepted the deal, but Kobe veto'ed the trade.

Huge bummer. As much as I love the guys the Pistons were giving up, to get a talent like Kobe Bryant playing with Billups and Sheed, the Pistons would have had one hell of a squad.
Coming from an LA fan, I wouldn't mind having RIP and Curious George in purple and gold... never heard this rumor..............
I don't get Kobe though, he burns Shaq, the Laker family stands by him, he has his rape shit going on, Lakers back him, they are trying to trade his ass and he vetos everything just about.. I rather see Lakers get something in return for him than having him walk out next summer
Kobe is a confusing individual. I thought that maybe the reason why Kobe was vetoing all these potiential trades is because he thinks he will be screwing the Lakers big time if he plays out his contract and this way Kobe plays where ever and the Lakers are left with a huge void to fill and do recieve anything in return for Kobe leaving.
why would anyone wanna play in detroit? kobe is smart man. detroit can't even make a car right anymore.
he's just an attention whore.. i was backing him up as a Lakers fan for quite some time, but i much rather see a successful lakers team than one with him on it causing needless shit.. complete shit show.. lakers and he both know they fucked up when the traded shaq away..
yea they were talking about it on radio all day..

Detroit as an organization still has $$ for Kobe, and is a title contender. Not to mention the 2nd richest area code in the country....
i dont get why kobe wouldnt want to play here.
he's just an attention whore.. i was backing him up as a Lakers fan for quite some time, but i much rather see a successful lakers team than one with him on it causing needless shit.. complete shit show.. lakers and he both know they fucked up when the traded shaq away..

What about the fact he was lied too. What about the fact he is in the prime of his career and they have turned down trades to pick up guys like Jermaine O neal , Kidd, Boozer and Artest.. because they are relying on a 21 year old to lead them to the playoffs. What about the part as using Kobe as the scapegoat for trading away Shaq? Buss was the reason shaq left.. Oh yea ask the heat how they like having 3 more years on a 65 million deal with shaq :seeya:

Anyway, i cant believe he turned it down.. but who would want to live in that shithole anyway?

Kobe to the Bobcats for Morrison, Jason Richardson and May 'an_horse'
What about the fact he was lied too. What about the fact he is in the prime of his career and they have turned down trades to pick up guys like Jermaine O neal , Kidd, Boozer and Artest.. because they are relying on a 21 year old to lead them to the playoffs. What about the part as using Kobe as the scapegoat for trading away Shaq? Buss was the reason shaq left.. Oh yea ask the heat how they like having 3 more years on a 65 million deal with shaq :seeya:

Anyway, i cant believe he turned it down.. but who would want to live in that shithole anyway?

Kobe to the Bobcats for Morrison, Jason Richardson and May 'an_horse'

Lakers front office has been a mess since Jerry West left. You are right, Kupfag has done nothing to build up the players around Kobe. Bynum and Brown holding down the paint is a joke, even though Bynum is showing some signs of playing well early this season. Yeah, its just a shame to see the Lakers organization and Kobe go back and forth and get shit done.
"We call this a 'Brokeback Mountain' game, because there's so much penetration and kickouts," Jackson said. "It was one of those games."
well...detroit, good team? yes. nice city? 2nd highest murder rate in the country... :cheers:

i dont think kobe would be living on the streets of detroit, just like how lebron isnt living in downtown cleveland and ocho cinco isnt living in a van down by the river.
The surrounding areas of Detroit are very nice, and seeing as how the Pistons play at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Kobe would really never need to step foot near Detroit if he didnt want to.

Kobe doesn't want to play in Detroit. I wouldn't either. Look for him to go to a sunny coast team if he ever does OK a deal. It's a shame tho, I would love to see Kobe go to Detroit and ruin their great chemistry. ^_^
Fact is Detroit has been known for the "team" factor and style since they became contenders again and that's just not Kobe's style..
I would've loved to bring Kobe in with this deal... but since it didn't happen, I wonder how the pistons are going to react.. look what happened to the Bulls with all those trade rumors... this could hurt this squad as well
Fact is Detroit has been known for the "team" factor and style since they became contenders again and that's just not Kobe's style..
:down2:Let me know how many other starting pgs average more assists than kobe. Then let me know who on that starting 5 you want shooting besides kobe.

If he had teammates he would pass.. see USA Basketball
:down2:Let me know how many other starting pgs average more assists than kobe. Then let me know who on that starting 5 you want shooting besides kobe.

If he had teammates he would pass.. see USA Basketball
Get u're head out of his ass...he's the best player in the NBA and I like him too..

But if you think DET is a good fit for him or if he'd view it as a good fit I think u're crazy...
He will be more than a piece of a puzzle there. I also think Detroit would adjust their style of play with Kobe there.
But whatever..
Just saying there is a lot of Kobe haters out there. Who rip on him for shooting too much, but if you ask those clowns who rip him whod they want from the lakers team to start on their team.. they come up with excuses, like well he had shaq
. Also would love to see what guys like Kwame and Mihm and other dudes numbers were before kobe and after kobe.
i think kobe sheed and billups > garnett allen pierce.... plus pistons would have a better supporting cast
28 ppg 7.8 boards and 5 assists shooting right at 50% = Looks like a team player to me. Only one putting up better numbers is KG
i think kobe sheed and billups > garnett allen pierce.... plus pistons would have a better supporting cast
Totally agree.. Watch your head sheed
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By the way where did you guys hear of this.. i havent seen it anywhere
why is that not believable.. there have been little rumors over the past week it may happen and it would probably be a good trade for both teams... lakers would get probably more than they deserve for a player demanding a trade and the pistons would immediately become favorites in the east
glad it didn't happen...Amir Johnson is going to be a stud and Detroit's defense would have taken a big hit.

and for all you morons who think Detroit is a horrible place to live go to all the cities in Oakland county and then come talk to me..don't knock a place you haven't been to...sure Detroit has bad parts, but so does every other city....the right areas are awesome places to live.

Kobe is my favorite player to watch, but as a person he can go fuck himself.
is this stoney and wojo useless drivel?

specualtion? I;ms ure it's been talked about but I don't see any confirmation (yet)
Kobe is a better defender than anyone the stons have on their squad(besides sheed on the post) and that includes prince
and for all you morons who think Detroit is a horrible place to live go to all the cities in Oakland county and then come talk to me..don't knock a place you haven't been to...sure Detroit has bad parts, but so does every other city....the right areas are awesome places to live.

couldnt agree more, western wayne county also has a lot of nice cities.. chris osgood, kevin jones, tj duckett, lindsey hunter, nate robertson, and a few other lesser athlets all live in my township, about 20 minutes from the outskirts of detroit. Even downtown Detroit is starting to get nice again, with alot of cool places to eat and of course the casinos.
and for all you morons who think Detroit is a horrible place to live go to all the cities in Oakland county and then come talk to me..don't knock a place you haven't been to...sure Detroit has bad parts, but so does every other city....the right areas are awesome places to live.

hey man, no need to bring up oakland, it is home to some of the best crack houses in the area :D
whats ironic about how the shaq thing played out is that by not stepping in the way and trying to run shit, people blame kobe for stepping in and running shit.

Buss made the smart decision to let shaq go. Miami is straight fucked with that contract now. The only reason the move paid off for Miami was cuz shaq was angry and got in shape for a couple season. If Lakers had given him the 30 mil per that he was asking for, nothing would have changed, he would have remained lazy gotten injured and the Lakers would have no future.

Kobe stayed out of it, Buss had made his decision........Kobe was probably on board with the decision.......but the picture has been painted by the media that Kobe is the one that got Shaq out of La which is just flat out ignorant.

If I was Kobe, I'd be pissed off too. They trade away Butler, his best friend on the team and a guy that is about to blow up into an all star, who had been working out with him everyday of the offseason.....for Kwame Brown, and don't bother telling him about it until after the trade had been done.

They let Baron Davis go to the Warriors for fucking Speedy Claxton and Dale Davis :36_11_6:...rather than try to make a play on BD.

They give a scrub like Brian Cook a 2 year extention when he is one of the worst players in the NBA. The management is brain dead and Kobe is tired of it. You can't really blame him.

Thankfully Bynum looks legit and the Lakers just might be the best option he has in two seasons. Lakers aren't gonna trade him at this point, no matter how much the douchebags in the media claime otherwise. Its just not going to happen.
by the way the program i was listening to was the sports inferno with mike valenti and terry foster..
Yea once they dealt butler for kwame it was over. Butler had been training every day with kobe and was a close friend.. Stupid Lakers. Why dont they draft another pg?
why would anyone wanna play in detroit? kobe is smart man. detroit can't even make a car right anymore.

players want to come here not for the car business
but because DETROIT builds championships (MLB-NBA-NHL)
yup, your right on orange...I hate having to defend Detroit, but it has to be done...so many misconeptions, it isn't what it was in the 80's and 90's.

Plus Detroit plays in Auburn Hills...people are clueless sometimes.

Kobe is a good defender abcs but the defense wll suffer if he has to put up his customary 45 shots a game...the defense is better on the east coast imo, minus san antonio in the west and it would be tougher to get 60 or 70 a few times for Kobe in a season.