KJ Week 14 NCAA FB


Bump. Set. Shuma!
-16.00 ytd thru week 14


303 Stanford +3 -105 3*
303 Stanford +4 -110 1.5*
303 Stanford ML +155

16037 KJ Costello o1.5 TD/Int -120 1.5*
303 2h Stanford tt o13.5 -135


316 FAU tt o42.5 -120 5*
317 Memphis +7 -104
317 Memphis ML +245 .5*
319 Akron tt o19.5 -110

333 TCU/Oklahoma o62.5 -110 4*
334 Oklahoma tt o35.5 -120 2*
310 Coastal Carolina +3 -105
310 Coastal Carolina ML +143 .5*

307 LaLa +14.5 -110
321 Georgia +3 -110 4*
314 NMSU tt o31.5 -130 6*
313 2h South Alabama/NMSU o24 -130 4*
314 2h NMSU tt o14.5 -120 3*

324 Boise St -9.5 -110
327 Ohio St/Wisconsin o53 -110 2*

328 Wisconsin ML +210 .5*


341 2h South Dakota/SHSU o38 +105
341 2h South Dakota -2.5 -110 .5*
345 2h UNI/SDSU o24 -110
Last edited:

303 Stanford +3 -105 3*


317 Memphis +7 -104
ML to come on the Tigers, Cat is roaming this week
333 TCU/Oklahoma o62.5 -110 4*
307 LaLa +14.5 -110
321 Georgia +3 -110 4*
324 Boise St -9.5 -110
327 Ohio St/Wisconsin o53 -110 2*
Thanks God, it might well be the highest compliment

MLs will be played on Stanford, Memphis, Georgia and possibly Wisconsin...last one is kinda a question mark as of now. FIU as a favorite as well, think they take UMass to the woodshed. Almost seems like a trap but I'll buy. And that Memphis/UCF total is awesome, not sure it's high enough.
Rarely do I post early in the week, rarely do I make early bets

If some asshat wants to ruin my thread, fine...get ready, there's a troll that lurks amongst us all. I've just never really been inclined to go there.
Knoxville is a train wreck. Admin bails against wimpy protests. Arky and Tenny athletic departments should all jump in frozen lake. You should not get paid to wake up, put finger to wind and be PC, losers. Schiano is way to good for those retards.
Knoxville is a train wreck. Admin bails against wimpy protests. Arky and Tenny athletic departments should all jump in frozen lake. You should not get paid to wake up, put finger to wind and be PC, losers. Schiano is way to good for those retards.

UT a spineless program who listens to its fanbase over fucking hearsay from an unreliable asshole. Pathetic.
At the end of the day, that’s all that matters. Perception. The perception is that Bielema being fired mere moments after losing to Missouri on Friday was a low-class move. The perception is that Arkansas athletics leaders have no clue what they’re doing. Perception is they don’t even have an actual commander.

Julie Cromer Peoples said Friday night, after Bielema’s firing, she was the leader.
Thanks Mars. Enjoy the weekend.

Another key number I'll bite for more

303 Stanford +4 -110 1.5*
Game so evenly matched, OT is a real possibility as well but like the Tree to score a couple TDs at least

303 2h Stanford tt o13.5 -135
I gotta know. why did you take stanford team total over 2h after watching the first half? Regression to the mean? They did nothing the first half (or second half for that matter).
I gotta know. why did you take stanford team total over 2h after watching the first half? Regression to the mean? They did nothing the first half (or second half for that matter).
Really the reason I played it and the reason it hit were completely different. I expected Stanford to sling it around more as USC tried to bottle up the run game, which they did for the most part but Tree still never really needed to open it up til the end. The big receivers were a factor...but really I thought Stanford OL was controlling things in the 1h and thought USC might wear down. In the 2h it was apparent that wasn't really the case but couldn't also discount Darnold's propensity for trying to squeeze a pass or three where he didn't need to and a short field. That didn't happen either. Traditional HT score gave OT a shot at happening too. That didn't happen.

Reality is that Stanford should have been throwing jump balls more than they actually did but too their credit between turnovers and some fortune they were always in the game and really didn't need to. Call it lucky to hit as was the prop bet at the end of the day. Fine. 13.5 only required two accidental incidents at worse.

Purged from memory, I tend to do that with most everything as soon as it's over. Reflecting is not something I'm good with at all like you are. Hell I don't remember a thing about ISU's last bowl game, kinda think it was at Yankee Stadium against Rutgers. And that's my team...prolly CTE.
It was extremely lucky to hit but I was just wondering why. Thanks for response. The Stanford O line was dominated from beginning to end. At least the game I watched. They had less than 150 yards at halftime and most of that came on throw it up for grabs plays. Don't see where you got the impression that oline was good. Glad someone I like won on that bullshit. It eases the pain of pushing a great bet somewhat, I guess.

Good luck today!
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Thx, GL today Kyle and Met

I expect Lane to go full throttle today, he's been on quite a roll all week it seems and got some extra pep in his step. Love him or hate him, it's been pure entertainment and seems like Super Bowl week there.

No chance I'm touching that ULM/FSU game, for me it's pure guesswork

And that Miami/Clemson line up to 10, I'll fade the steam and even stab at the ML

316 FAU tt o42.5 -120 5*
319 Akron tt o19.5 -110
334 Oklahoma tt o35.5 -120 2*
310 Coastal Carolina +3 -105
310 Coastal Carolina ML +143 .5*
314 NMSU tt o31.5 -130 3*
325 Miami +10 -107
325 Miami ML +330 .5*

Not sure if I do anything with FCS playoffs, in the past it seems like fading steam there worked as well but I'm also far less familiar with that division than I used to be
I have Florida Atlantic over 41, any concern on that drop or do I just have a good number and I should hammer it. Thanks KJ
Sorry just got back home, numbers, moves etc on team totals don't bother me...and I don't even know what's high or low on those. I think FAU doesn't lay up today even if they're housing UNT
Yeah sorry so late junkie, just had stuff I wanted to get done this morning before the bonanza. I don't have live betting, do they do team totals? They used to I know when I was using a different platform/guy.
Thanks, rarely offer much in the way of thoughts but appreciate it. Same to you. Pissed I didn't follow up on the FIU thoughts when they went off at +3 and a dog. Feel like an idiot right about now. Sadly let the line move scare me off, don't often do that.
Steaming after some of that, gonna add because I do like it a lot.

314 NMSU tt o31.5 -130 3*
Gonna toy with an FCS game or three

341 2h South Dakota/SHSU o38 +105
341 2h South Dakota -2.5 -110 .5*
345 2h UNI/SDSU o24 -110
Fuck it, both teams are slinging it around. Some crazy plays and situations, lack of success first couple times inside the RZ for NMSU to settle for FGs. But this game is wildly entertaining. Why not go for it?

313 2h South Alabama/NMSU o24 -130 4*
314 2h NMSU tt o14.5 -120 3*