KJ Pro Hoops Xmas and MLK Day 2017-18


Bump. Set. Shuma!
+8.12 thru MLK


702 Knicks ML -149 2*
2673 Courtney Lee o20.5 pts/reb/ast -120
703 Cavs +5 -115
703 Cavs ML +164 .5*

2645 Durant o32.5 pts -105
2641 Love o30.5 pts/reb +115 1.5*

706 Celtics -5 -107
2591 Beal o2.5 3ptrs +100
2585 Jaylen Brown o14.5 pts -120

2587 Tatum o20.5 pts/reb -110 .5*

708 Thunder tt o109 -115 2*


701 Hornets/Pistons o205 -105
701 1h Hornets/Pistons o104 -110 2*
704 Sixers +2 -115 2*
704 Sixers ML +105
705 Bucks +5 -110 2*
705 Bucks ML +175 .5*
2547 GREEK FREAK o26.5 pts -115 2*

2563 Porter o20.5 pts/boards +135
708 Hawks +5.5 -115 2*
708 Hawks ML +175 .5*

710 1h Nets -2.5 -110
710 2h Nets -4.5 -115 2*

712 Bulls ML -116 2*
712 Bulls tt o104 -115
714 Grizz ML -160 2*

2657 Tyreke o23.5 pts -110
2685 Thomas o20.5 pts/asts +100 2*
2683 Love o28.5 pts/boards -115 3*
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Will probably add a couple things during the day but let's fire this up. Guessing this thread ends up on page 3 once MLK comes around. 3 public teams to start out.


702 Knicks ML -149 2*
703 Cavs +5 -115
703 Cavs ML +164 .5*
706 Celtics -5 -107
Goodluck KJ. The Knicks are my squad so hoping they win that game and think they should unless Embiid plays and just goes off, which is possible.

Love the Cavs play, would have loved it even more had they not gotten blown out by Denver, but you know Lebron has had this one circled on his calendar and Wade and the rest of the boys will have his back here. Feel even if they lose it’s a tight game so I’ll take the +5.

I feel like the Boston line is low here. Boston has been the superior team all year, wiz have been inconsistent, hell they just got blown out by the nets last week. Bad blood here from last years playoffs even tho a lot of the Celtics from that squad no longer there. Give me the home team I think, but line is screaming trap to me.

I’d lean okc over Houston if CP3 is out. Totally different team without him, especially defensively and okc seems to have figured something out. No clue on the late game, with Lonzo id prob back the home dog, but with him out not so sure.
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Thanks, woulda played OKC already but I prefer to buy it to 3 and can't yet...they will be played in some manner...kinda lean over in the late one but no idea what that does to LAL chemistry with Lonzo out. And agree Boston line seems trappish, whole world on the Celts but that matchup is one of those I'll feel stupid if it hits and I don't play. Probably put a couple props in that one to work.

GL with your plays
Thanks man. Glad to know you’ll be on okc in some fashion as well. Agree about lakers game, I think with Lonzo out it’ll really hurt the bench bc if you start clarkson that’s more minutes for Caruso and Hart who I don’t like in that matchup w minny. They might keep clarkson on the bench and start Caruso so you still have clarkson, nance, Hart, Randle. Might be a wait till halftime and see on that one. As much as I like the jimmy butler pickup I feel Wiggins has regressed this year. Def not as aggressive, but they are still at their best in the open floor where Teague, Butler, wiggins, towns can use their athleticism. With a healthy Lonzo this one screamed over. Without him not sure how lakers play
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Yeah, all line movement has gone against me. And waiting to buy that 3 on OKC kinda backfired.

2645 Durant o32.5 pts -105
2641 Love o30.5 pts/reb +115 1.5*
2591 Beal o2.5 3ptrs +100
2585 Jaylen Brown o14.5 pts -120
2587 Tatum o20.5 pts/reb -110 .5*
Only on page 2 this is disappointing


701 Hornets/Pistons o205 -105

Will be a 1h/2h chase once available
I've got 5.5 but will not put much time in til tomorrow lol, just wanted to get the first one in if I sleep through tip. Strong line for Warriors is the instatake but I don't really know much about the NBA
I've got 5.5 but will not put much time in til tomorrow lol, just wanted to get the first one in if I sleep through tip. Strong line for Warriors is the instatake but I don't really know much about the NBA

Just feel like clev puts forth its best 48 min effort in weeks here. I’ll likely play the ML here too, this feels like a Lebron going for 40/12/13 type game to me
Just feel like clev puts forth its best 48 min effort in weeks here. I’ll likely play the ML here too, this feels like a Lebron going for 40/12/13 type game to me
To understand the post, I do this twice a year and literally don't watch the NBA reg season other than...twice a year

So you're probably right...postseason I give it a go. But MLK day I just love, hoops my fave sport so why not

It's business, nothing personal
705 Bucks +5 -110 2*
705 Bucks ML +175 .5*
2547 GREEK FREAK o26.5 pts -115 2*
2563 Porter o20.5 pts/boards +135

Prefer Beal pts prop but only have one with inflated number with boards and assists which can seem pointless with him so will give Porter a run.
Reno tells me this may be the worst team in the league, as a Suns fan...my kinda team. Cute they put Bud v Pop today.

708 Hawks +5.5 -115 2*
708 Hawks ML +175 .5*
Will likely not be playing Cavs, kinda said to myself on Christmas Day that may be the only time I ever play them in this matchup and obv it lost. Will be a bit of an internal wrestling match but something's getting played.

2685 Thomas o20.5 pts/asts +100 2*
2683 Love o28.5 pts/boards -115 3*

Yeah tip
Oh, the game is about to Tip?

You texted me that you were max unit on the Warriors...

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Other than the Nets chase it was fun. That wasn't but fun day sitting at home.