KJ Playoffs

Complete disaster was averted due to OT but still a bit of a disaster. -5.83 overall now

1h OKC +5 2.5*
1h OKC tt o47.5 -115 1.5*
1h OKC ML +230 .5*
Fukking brutal to lose money on that, probably an ill-advised bet here but going with it anyway, was my plan before the game

2h SAS tt u52 -115 2*
-6.06 now, still a bit steamed about that first half the other night but gotta move on

Spurs tt u99.5 -115 3*
1h Spurs tt u47 -105 2*
1q SAS/OKC u47 +100
+.94, needed that, can't really believe the game tt was in question but whatever, it hit

Gonna lay this and just not think about it, fairly confident that Canada moves on

Toronto ML -205 2*
Over ticked up from 109.5 to 110, team total went 55 to 55.5 briefly and looks like GSW tt ticked up half a point too. Just gonna give this theory a whirl, it would likely benefit from a closer game I'd think but 4th Q, who knows who's on the floor

Can't overcome the 38 point 3rd quarter although they tried.

One team off game 7 and one coming off a lengthy break, gonna give it a go with a sloppy start to this one.

1h Toronto/Cleveland u101 -115 2*
-.76 now, gonna be tough for me to bet that ECF series at this point, maybe find a halftime bet but such a mismatch gonna be hard to find value imo

1h GSW -5 -115 3*
Yep that series gonna be tough to watch without a wager but what can ya do?

Draymond o9.5 rebs -125 .5*

Slept through the first half so this may not be the most educated of wagers

2h Toronto tt u47.5 -115
+.32 now, gotta cracker here for better or worse

2h OKC u50.5 -115 5*
2h GSW -8.5 -115 2*
That's what getting stupidly intoxicated can result in on a Sunday. Ooof. -17.73 now...not that I didn't like the wagers, just went a tad high on them.

1Q GSW -.5 -110 3*
1h GSW -.5 -115 1.5*
Sure as fuck not confident in this but going to do it, likely be playoffs over for me if dubs can't get back into this thing. Just a terrible read and shoulda trusted my hesitation in the 1h with the Green lack of suspension.

2h GSW -7 -110 3*
-26.05, should bow out at this point with this squad but going to give em a whirl with the season on the line

1q GSW -3.5 -110 2*
1h GSW -5.5 -115 2*
GSW -7 -115 2*