KJ Jan National TV Games


Bump. Set. Shuma!
Upon the excitement and success of MLK Day I've decided to dabble in national tv games only. See where this is at the end of the month and will reassess. Might even do that at the end of the night.

Xmas & MLK: +8.12
TV games: -2.11 thru 2/17


501 Thunder +3 -111 2*
501 Thunder tt o108 -115
501 Thunder ML +131 .5*

Love o10 reb -113 2*
Lebron o28 pts -142

512 Rockets tt o118 -115 4*
511 Warriors tt o120.5 -115 2*
511 Warriors/Rox o237.5 -112 2*

512 Rox +3 -115 2*
512 Rox ML +125 .5*


510 Warriors -11 -105 4*
509 1h Celtics/Warriors o106.5 -111 2*

509 1q Celtics/Warriors o54 -118
510 2h Warriors -10 -115 3*
509 2h Celtics tt u51.5 -115 2*


712 Nuggets ML -120 3*
712 Nuggets tt o104 -115 2*
712 2h Nuggets tt o55 -115 5*

All Star

37705 Hield to win Skills Challenge +500
37771 Guard to win Skills Challenge -160 2.5*
37553 Booker to finish top 3 in 3pt +170 2* (homer alert)
37652 Mitchell to make finals of Dunk -150 2*
37652 Mitchell to win Dunk +200 .5*
Last edited:

501 Thunder +3 -111 2*
501 Thunder ML +131 .5*
Love o10 reb -113 2*
Lebron o28 pts -142
Nothing crazy here other than I hate going against the Dubs but they can win/cover and I can still be ok

512 Rockets tt o118 -115 4*
511 Warriors tt o120.5 -115 2*
511 Warriors/Rox o237.5 -112 2*
512 Rox +3 -115 2*
512 Rox ML +125 .5*

510 Warriors -11 -105 4*
509 1h Celtics/Warriors o106.5 -111 2*
509 1q Celtics/Warriors o54 -118
Worked out but that ML woulda been sweet. Kinda head scratcher.

Let's have some fun with All Star stuff

37705 Hield to win Skills Challenge +500
37771 Guard to win Skills Challenge -160 2.5*
37553 Booker to finish top 3 in 3pt +170 2* (homer alert)
37652 Mitchell to make finals of Dunk -150 2*
37652 Mitchell to win Dunk +200 .5*