KJ Conference Finals

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Bump. Set. Shuma!
Xmas & MLK: +8.12
Other Reg Season TV games: -2.11
Playoffs Rd 1: -39.52
Playoffs Rd 2: +34.17
Conference Finals: +5.86 thru 5/23 incl future

827 Warriors Series -180 5*
60041 Warriors -1.5 games -105 3*
60062 Warriors up 3-1 thru 4 games +175
826 Celtics series +165 (2-2)


734 1h Celtics pk -110 1.5*
734 Celtics tt o101.5 -130 2*

734 1h Celtics tt o51.5 -115
733 2h Cavs/Celtics u100 -115 1.5*


731 Warriors +2 -110 3*
731 1q Warriors/Rockets u58 -105 3*
731 2q Warriors/Rockets u57 -110 1.5*
731 1h Warriors/Rockets u115.5 -108 1.5*
732 Rockets tt u113.5 -115 2*
732 1h Rockets tt u58.5 -115

731 4q Warriors/Rockets u54 -105 3*
732 2h Rockets tt u56 -115 1.5*


701 Cavs/Celtics o202.5 -110 2*
701 1h Cavs/Celtics o103.5 -110 2*
701 1q Cavs/Celtics o52 -115 1.5*

702 Celtics tt o102.5 -115 2.5*
702 1h Celtics tt o52 -115 1.5*


501 Warriors/Rockets u225 -110 2.5*
501 1q Warriors/Rockets u57.5 -110 3*
501 2q Warriors/Rockets u57 -110 1.5*
501 4q Warriors/Rockets u54 -108 3*

501 1h Warriors/Rockets u114.5 -110 2*
502 1h Rockets tt u58 -115 1.5*
502 Rockets tt u113 -115 2*

501 2h Warriors/Rockets u110.5 -110 2.5*
502 2h Rockets tt u53 -115 2*

501 2h Warriors -4.5 -110 2*


703 Celtics +6.5 -114 3*
703 Celtics ML +230


504 Warriors ML -335 3*
504 Warriors -7 -112
503 1h Rockets/Warriors u116 -115 3*

503 1q Rockets/Warriors u58.5 -108 4*
503 1h Rockets/Warriors u116 -112 3*


705 Celtics/Cavs u206.5 -110 2*
705 Celtics +7 -107 2*


505 Rockets/Warriors u224 -110 3*
505 1q Rockets/Warriors u57.5 -105 3*
505 2q Rockets/Warriors u56.5 -110
505 1h Rockets/Warriors u115 -110 1.5*
505 4q Rockets/Warriors u55 -110 3*

505 Rockets tt u108.5 -115 1.5*


707 1h Cavs/Celtics o103.5 -110 2*
708 1h Celtics ML -125 1.5*
707 Cavs/Celtics o206 -108 1.5*


507 Warriors +1 -110 4*
507 1q Warriors/Rox u 56.5 -110 3*

507 2q Warriors/Rox u55.5 -105 2*
507 1h Warriors/Rox u113 -110 2*
508 3q Warriors pk -130 3*
507 4q Warriors/Rox u52.5 -110 3*


709 1q Celts/Cavs u49 -108 2*
709 2q Celts/Cavs u48.5 -110 1.5*
709 1h Celts/Cavs u97 -110 2*
709 Celts/Cavs u201.5 -105 3*


509 1h Rockets/Warriors u108.5 -110 5*
509 1q Rockets/Warriors u54.5 -110 4*

509 2q Rockets/Warriors u54 -115 2.5*
509 Rockets/Warriors u212.5 -104 2*
5509 Rockets tt u100.5 -110 3*


711 Cavs/Celtics u200.5 -115 5*
711 1h Cavs/Celtics u99 -105 3*
711 1q Cavs/Celtics u50 -122 2*

711 2h Cavs/Celtics u97 -110 2*
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Thought about a Horford prop but just gonna observe, think he might have a game

734 Celtics tt o101.5 -130 2*
734 1h Celtics tt o51.5 -115

Typically like under on Sun afternoon games but just can't do that with this Cleveland efense
today talked with our local man
told him not to bet against Boston
and the nerves will be fine
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Gulp...gonna stay consistent. For the faint of heart.....

731 1q Warriors/Rockets u58 -105 3*
731 2q Warriors/Rockets u57 -110 1.5*
731 1h Warriors/Rockets u115.5 -108 1.5*
732 Rockets tt u113.5 -115 2*
732 1h Rockets tt u58.5 -115
731 4q Warriors/Rockets u54 -105 3*
701 1h Cavs/Celtics o103.5 -110 2*
701 1q Cavs/Celtics o52 -115 1.5*
702 Celtics tt o102.5 -115 2.5*
702 1h Celtics tt o52 -115 1.5*

703 Celtics +6.5 -114 3*
703 Celtics ML +230

Goes against every conspiracy theory out there but if it's on the up n up, gimme a break
501 1q Warriors/Rockets u57.5 -110 3*
501 2q Warriors/Rockets u57 -110 1.5*
501 4q Warriors/Rockets u54 -108 3*
501 1h Warriors/Rockets u114.5 -110 2*
502 1h Rockets tt u58 -115 1.5*
502 Rockets tt u113 -115 2*

It's quite simple, going to continue playing the best unit/advantage on the floor, and if it loses, won't stop me next time either
501 2h Warriors/Rockets u110.5 -110 2.5*
502 2h Rockets tt u53 -115 2*
501 2h Warriors -4.5 -110 2*

Feel like I've got a decent read on this but also didn't think a double digit lead would last long
Will start by saying laying this seems a silly number. But it's off, tremendously. I don't shy away from it in tennis or even soccer, think this number is so shallow it should be hit at an alarming pace. Evening game helps imo. Only a number til it loses.


504 Warriors ML -335 3*
504 Warriors -7 -112
503 1h Rockets/Warriors u116 -115 3*
Just kinda think this is a clunky Sunday night start, gonna guess GSW hit their shots at some point but betting against it early on. Will certainly be looking at them in the 2h
Y’all two never sleep eh.. @B.A.R. @KJ

Agree on Warriors. Going be all over them in some way shape and form today. Already on 1q, 1H & game.

Weary on the Unders but your read on totals been way better than mine.

Don't group me with this cat ;). I sleep "different" hours each day though. Unders are tough, much easier live but you still get frightened. KJ has a bigger stomach for them before games than me.
I suppose totals more than anything is numbers driven, so tempo and pace of play factors in, watching a few mins or 1q of how the refs going be letting or not letting them play definitely helps a shit ton.
Just woke up 2nd time today, prolly another one in there somewhere before tip. I'll go to my death bed wagering on what I perceive to be the largest advantage in this series...the GSW defense against D'Antoni
505 1q Rockets/Warriors u57.5 -105 3*
505 2q Rockets/Warriors u56.5 -110
505 1h Rockets/Warriors u115 -110 1.5*
505 4q Rockets/Warriors u55 -110 3*
505 Rockets tt u108.5 -115 1.5*


707 1h Cavs/Celtics o103.5 -110 2*
707 Cavs/Celtics o206 -108 1.5*
507 1q Warriors/Rox u 56.5 -110 3*
507 2q Warriors/Rox u55.5 -105 2*
507 1h Warriors/Rox u113 -110 2*
508 3q Warriors pk -130 3*
507 4q Warriors/Rox u52.5 -110 3*

709 1q Celts/Cavs u49 -108 2*
709 2q Celts/Cavs u48.5 -110 1.5*
709 1h Celts/Cavs u97 -110 2*
709 Celts/Cavs u201.5 -105 3*