KJ Championship Week University Foots


Bump. Set. Shuma!
+19.70 ytd

Championship week gets its own thread, as will bowls.

303 1h Ohio/WMU u31 -110
306 Washington tt o31.5 -125 2*
306 2h Washington tt o14 -125 2*
306 Washington -7 -120 1.5*
420 TCU -4 -120 2*
314 Georgia Southern +7 -110
323 La Tech/WKU o80 -110
323 La Tech tt o34.5 -115 2*
324 WKU tt o45.5 -115

325 Temple +3 -120 3*
317 Oklahoma St +11 -110 2*
317 Oklahoma St ML +370 .5*
315 ULaLa -5.5 -110
315 ULaLa tt o29 -115 2*

328 Alabama -24 -105
328 Alabama tt o31.5 -125 3*
329 SDSU -7 -110
329 San Diego State tt o31.5 -115 3*
331 Virginia Tech tt o24 -105
331 Virginia Tech ML +355 .5*
331 Va Tech +10 -110
333 Penn State +3 -120
333 1h Penn State +1.5 -105 3*
333 1h Penn State ML +120 1.5*
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Nice work KJ, BOL the rest of the way through. Look forward to Championship week and bowls.
If 8 was my only option, I'd still probably take it but to me the extra 20 cents to buy down to 7 is just the way I prefer to play, pretty much all the time. Seriously not a big difference between 7.5-9.5 imo, so guess I wouldn't rush if you're determined to simply lay -110 in hopes it comes down.

Leggo jimmy, hope you can book that trip after this weekend.

303 1h Ohio/WMU u31 -110
306 Washington tt o31.5 -125 2*
Would you take this at 8?

Just throwing this out for consideration -- I personally have the following bet with current number -- have UW -7 large alone

UW -6/St. Johns (CBB) ML.....+135

UW -7/WMU ML....-110

UW -6/WMU ML/West Virginia ML...+100
314 Georgia Southern +7 -110
323 La Tech/WKU o80 -110
323 La Tech tt o34.5 -115 2*
324 WKU tt o45.5 -115
325 Temple +3 -120 3*
317 Oklahoma St +11 -110 2*
317 Oklahoma St ML +370 .5*
329 San Diego State tt o31.5 -115 3*
331 Virginia Tech tt o24 -105
331 Virginia Tech ML +355 .5*
333 Penn State +3 -120