KJ CFB Week 12


Bump. Set. Shuma!
-22.10 Week 11
-24.85 ytd


Akron/NIU u43.5 -105 3* ESPN
Kent St/Miami OH u47 -110 3* ESPN


Arkansas +12.5 -110 3* b365
Arkansas ML +450 .5* b365
Tulane -7 -115 2* DK
ULM +24.5 -110 2* b365
Arizona St +7.5 -110 3* b365

Arizona St ML +240 .5* b365
S Alabama +6.5 -105 3* b365

S Alabama ML +205
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Akron/NIU u43.5 -105 3* ESPN
Kent St/Miami OH u47 -110 3* ESPN

Much more likely both of these go under than go over imo so figure at worst it's eating juice. State of Iowa really fucked me last week by simply not showing up.
Only things I've even thought about tonight on the gridiron were UTSA and Houston. Still might play either and/or both. Value all gone with UCLA and I'm not sure they were the right side to begin with but that line is begging for UW money while there's already a bunch on it. All overs are public tonight and they've ticked up accordingly from open.
Didn't see one snap. Would have been higher on Houston than UTSA so I guess it's a net gain by not playing a damn thing Friday night. Getting to be that time of year where not only are lines tight, we have a bunch of sports going on in general so attention to semi-pro football is less than it was a month ago. Maybe some think this playoff thing was going to be awesome, I've simply lost interest and not just because ISU has lost their way out, they would have gotten taken to the woodshed is whatever matchup if they made it. It's just. not. interesting. I don't even know who's in or out or in the top ten or care at this point. It sucks for situational capping because I really miss the intensity that I as a fan got in November. Now it's just like a salad bowl of "what?" Bring back the BCS!

Anywho, trying to situationally cap shit sucks now. What I've got so far for Caturday

Arkansas +12.5 -110 3* b365
Arkansas ML +450 .5* b365
Tulane -7 -115 2* DK
ULM +24.5 -110 2* b365

Would take Colorado team total under if available, still pretty sure the Utah defense will be the best unit to step foot on the field but always a concern about turnovers/short fields

Horns with the uber double lookahead to the A un em and will be fine chasing this if the Hogs can't keep it within the number
Hit burnout mode at some point today, only thing I'm looking at is BYU if Kansas takes the lead before 5:00 left in the third