KJ 2016-17 WC Qualifiers

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+3.53 Fri, +12.97 ytd

Faroe Islands -1 -106
Cyprus ML +115

Sweden -1 -129
Switzerland -2.5 -110 3*
Belgium tt o2 -105 3*
Belgium/Greece o2.5 -120 1.5*
Bulgaria/Netherlands o2.5 -125 2*
Portugal/Hungary o2.5 -128 2*
Hungary tt o.5 +135
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-10.81 Sat, +2.16 ytd


Bolivia/Argentina u2.25 -110
Ecuador -.25 -129
Ecuador ML +107 .5*
Chile -2.25 -125 2*
Peru/Uruguay o2.5 -120 3*
Peru tt o1 -130
Uruguay tt o1.5 +100
Costa Rica -.25 +122
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+2.51 ytd

Will just play the under 20s here too, this Argy/England match should be fun. Don't like how easy S Korea look here but nonetheless gotta take em.

5/20 U20 WC

South Korea -1 +100 3*
South Korea ML -182 1.5*

Portugal ML -122 2*
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+1.76 Sat, +4.27 ytd

5/22 U20 WC

USA +.25 -119
USA/Ecuador draw +210 .5*
France -1.75 -112 3*

France/Honduras o3.25 +111
Senegal -1 +101
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+5.06 Mon, +9.33 ytd

Doesn't get much more exciting than the end of that US match, they looked completely outclassed at times (speed more than anything, neither team seemed to value the ball much) and looked in control for a bunch of minutes in that match. 3-3 was probably a just result.

5/23 U20 World Cup

England/Guinea o2.75 -124 3*
England -1.5 -125
Venezuela -3.75 -119 2*
Germany -.25 -128 2*
Germany ML +106
S Korea +.25 -125 3*
S Korea ML +192 1.5*
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+.63 Tue, +9.96 ytd

5/24 U20 World Cup

Italy ML -167 2*
Zambia ML -115 2*
Portugal -1 -129 2*
Portugal/Costa Rica o2.5 -125
Japan +.5 -120
Japan ML +210 .5*
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+.63 Tue, +9.96 ytd

5/24 U20 World Cup

Italy ML -167 2*
Zambia ML -115 2*
Portugal -1 -129 2*
Portugal/Costa Rica o2.5 -125
Japan +.5 -120
Japan ML +210 .5*

Stayed up and watched the Zambia game last night (only 1am for us on the west coast) and I had to double down at half time (even with a 1-0 Iran lead). Based on what I saw in the 1st half, the Zambians we just faster and much more physical. I felt it was inevitable that their speed and physicality would wear Iran down. Got a bit nervous when Iran got an early 2nd half PK, but the Zambians did not let us down. This was the 1st game of the tournament that I got to watch, is a disparity in speed and physicality normal among some of these teams? Just seemed unfair at times.

Anyways thanks for the picks. Looking forward to an Ajax win today.


-1.53 Wed, +8.43 ytd

Thanks Chub, glad the Africans got it done for us...last I saw they were down 0-1, figured last night was the night I'd take off from watching after watching US and England in full the previous two nights. I'm not gonna pretend to know much of anything specifically about these squads, but from what I've seen you just shouldn't expect anything close to the precision we're accustomed to with the seasoned vets which isn't shocking. I've seen plenty of ugly...but there's been some pretty exciting play and plenty of speed as well. In my limited experience with these younger squads, the African teams seem pretty organized/physical/speedy and honestly I'm just throwing some hunch bets out there on the Asian teams due to location and times being more familiar. That said, at this point I'm trying to figure the situation as well...which is what got me on Portugal pretty good. At the end of the day, it's a World Cup and entertaining to follow along nonetheless.

So, let's throw some darts.

5/25 U20 World Cup

Ecuador -1.5 -114 3*
France -3 -156 2*
New Zealand/Honduras o2.5 -112
New Zealand +.75 -108
New Zealand ML +310 .5*
Senegal/USA o2.75 -113 3*
Senegal/USA draw +230 .5*
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-1.76 Thur, +6.67 ytd

Great win for US, slept through it, lost all around on it, but great win. Control their own destiny against Saudis, can't ask for much more. Thought I'd take the night off but when awake, let's watch some games.

Germans need to put up a number then hope...

5/26 U20 World Cup

Germany -5.5 -128 2*
Mexico/Venezuela o2.25 +105
South Korea +.25 -118
England/South Korea draw +210 .5*
Guinea/Argentina o3.5 -121
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-4.24 Fri, +2.43 ytd

5/27 U20 World Cup

Japan +.25 -140 3*
Japan/Italy draw -115
Uruguay -1 -125 2*
Uruguay/S Africa o2.5 -119
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-1.19, +1.24 ytd

If I'm seeing this right, Honduras has to put up a ridiculous number to have a chance to qualify. Not that they will but should be pretty open. France and New Zealand are both in but New Zealand doesn't have much to lose if they go for the group win, so maybe some pace early but if the French get on the board, that one could just be a turd.

U20 World Cup

Honduras/Vietnam o3 -101 3*
Honduras -.75 -115
New Zealand/France u3 -124

USA/Saudi Arabia draw +240
Senegal/Ecuador u2.75 -106

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+4.37 Sat/Sun, +5.61 ytd

Tough to go against Venezuela they way they've been playing but gonna take shots on the two Asian teams tonight.

5/30 U20 World Cup Round of 16

Japan +.25 +115
Japan ML +215 .5*
South Korea -.25 +100 3*
South Korea ML +122
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Venezuela/Japan o2 -128 1.5*
1h Venezuela/Japan o.75 -120
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-7.05 Tuesday, -1.44 ytd

Pretty much saw it completely wrong last night, if there's one thing that's consistent about these U20 teams, it's inconsistency. Only team I've seen that looked well-oiled has been France, they seemed to be the only squad that didn't just make mistake after mistake and give possession away.

Bluedevil, Uruguay is a team I haven't seen play yet at all, have seen Saudis a couple times. Just gonna have to go off the stats with them, obviously not having given up a goal to this point, I see no reason to think somehow SA breaks them down. Saudis have looked competent on offense at times but not spectacular and have given up a goal in every game. Not really thrilled with the shot attempts for Uruguay to cover the handicap, but Saudi defense should at least put the handicap in play. GL.

5/31 U20 World Cup Knockouts

Uruguay -1.5 -112 2*
Zambia/Germany o2.5 -114 1.5*
Zambia pk +101 .5*
Zambia ML +171 .5*
Costa Rica +1.25 -111 1.5*
England/Costa Rica u2.5 -121
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Just playing on the + money with Zambia, only really watched them once but they were impressive in the first two matches playing open and with speed, already had the group locked up in that third match so not putting any weight into the loss to CR. Germans on the other hand, I watched their first two and they were all over the place, looked disheveled. Didn't see the must-win against Vanuatu (had to look that country up last week) and not shocked they finally scored there, but they still gave up 2 goals there after the 3-0 lead...just not tight and I think the Africans can score. I took the over as well just in case that last game actually did wake up the Germans, but I'm not really convinced they're the better team here.

Again, this has been a lesson in appreciating consistency though, I really thought they'd be lined pretty even but the name makes a difference.
In fact, 37/31/33 are the total shot attempts in Zambia's 3 games. Don't know what to make of the first two German matches, Venezuela and Mexico don't really inspire pace, then when they needed it the Germans outshout Vanuatu 27-7 (yet won 3-2). Seems like goals here.


Zambia/Germany o2.5 -114 2.5* (total 4* now)
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At least the over got in but what a kick to the nuts, up 3-1 in the 88th minute and can't close the deal :hang:
+.80 Wed, -.64 ytd

Can't believe they had the resolve to win that in extra time after that meltdown. France and Zambia could be a very entertaining match next round..

6/1 U20 World Cup Knockouts

Mexico/Senegal u2.25 -113 1.5*
France ML -154 3*
France -.75 -113
USA ML -169 1.5*
USA -1 +108
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-1.67 Thursday, -2.31 ytd

Shocked that France got sent packing, they were the best team that I saw by quite a bit. This round looks like a buncha defensive gems, or just shit to watch. Either/or.

6/3 U20 World Cup Quarters

USA +.25 +101 3*
USA ML +210
Venezuela/USA u2.25 -119 2*

6/4 U20 World Cup Quarters

Uruguay -.25 -106 3*
Uruguay ML +132
Portugal/Uruguay u2.25 -118 1.5*

6/5 U20 World Cup Quarters

Zambia pk +109 2*
Zambia ML +183 .5*
Mexico/England u2 -101 2*
Mexico/England draw +220 .5*
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Usually when it seems like I'm missing something, I am. But I've watched enough of England and Mexico to have no idea how England will score...and probably Mexico for that matter. But at +money this is worth it I think.


Mexico +.25 +108 2*
Mexico/England u2 -110
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Oh wow enjoy, that's on the short list. Sucks they aren't doing any WC stuff next couple months but that should be a blast :beer4:
-4.62 ytd

This is an incredibly boring final 4 teams for this tournament. And that's being polite.

6/8 U20 World Cup

Venezuela pk -106 2*
Venezuela ML +174
Italy/England u2 -119
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-6.81 ytd

That was fugly, at least got extremely lucky to get the late goal from Venezuela to avoid that disaster.

Chalky night for me tonight with Mex, CR and USA all at home

6/8 CONCACAF WC Qualifying

8708 Mexico win to nil -140 2*
8606 Costa Rica win to nil +110 2*
25201 USA -2 -130 2*
25204 Costa Rica ML -159
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-8.40 ytd

Red card killed Ticos, watched the entire shitty game and they were still the aggressor with 10 but needed the extra man to create the opportunities. Never really felt that Panama were a threat to score. Huge swing with that straight red.

6/9 WC Qualifiers

25506 Belarus/Bulgaria draw +188
25507 Bosnia-Herz ML -141 3*
25507 Bosnia-Herz -.75 -112
25507 Bosnia/Greece o2 -122 1.5*
25511 Belgium -2 -110 2*
25514 Switzerland -2 -110
25516 Gibraltar/Cyprus o3 -114

25519 Netherlands -3.5 -137 2*
25527 Sweden/France draw +270
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-7.18 Fri, -15.58 ytd

Lloris boneheaded play at the end of the match made an already bad day that much worse, smh..

6/10 WC Quals

25528 Azerbaijan/N Ireland u1.75 -106 3*
25529 N Ireland ML +133
25537 Slovenia/Malta u3 -110 1.5*
25532 Denmark -1.25 -109
25534 Scotland +.75 +100
25543 Lithuania/Slovakia o2 -125 2*
25544 Slovakia -.75 -116
25546 Montenegro ML -137 2*
25550 Czech Republic ML +145 2*
25552 Poland -1 -116 3*
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+13.33 Sat, -2.25 ytd

6/11 UEFA WC Qualy

25555 Finland/Ukraine u2 -120 2*
25556 Ukraine ML -128
25558 Moldova/Georgia o2 -111

25562 Austria +.25 -112
25563 Ireland/Austria draw +215 .5*
25564 Iceland +.5 -122 2*
25564 Iceland ML +245 .5*
25567 Israel ML -108 1.5*
25557 Spain -2 -130
25579 Serbia/Wales o2.25 +101


25211 USA +1 -122
25212 Mexico/USA draw +270 .5*

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Thx crow and P, decent start to the day...just a letdown defensively for a split second where Finland scored, Ukrainians made up for it quickly but shot that under. Really thought that would end 1-0, at least got the ML.

Couple numbers have moved against me but think I'm still happy with everything. Going to add a couple.

25573 Kosovo/Turkey o3 -125 2*
25574 Turkey -2 -120
25579 Serbia ML -145
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Sorry, been out. I actually leaned under, thinking 1-1 or 0-0 type...means nothing now and obviously glad I didn't play it.
+4.88 Sunday, +2.63 ytd

Thanks to all, sorry...this is such a grind but I'll say I'm trying my best to put the time in. Funny that the record is so close to par, think this year has shown me a couple things. European competition (UEFA stuff) has been great, the International stuff I'm ok with, and season long club/league is way more difficult to get a grip on. It's why I kept them separate, wanted to see strengths vs weakness. Once this last WC run ends the next couple days, I'll start it all anew. First time I've done a season in any sport, and glad I did. Been tremendous as to learning things for better or worse.

So now my first ever Asian WC wager that I can recall...think this will be lucky to see a goal. If so, winner. think it will be very lucky to see 2...if so, push. If there are 3 goals in this thing I deserve the loss but show me the 3 to beat me.

6/12 AFC WC Qualy

25001 Iran/Uzbekistan u2 -128 3*
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