.-=King's Throne WEEK 4=-.


Resident Bad Ass
as always, these picks stand out like morning wood, and they'll hit:

Vikings +1.5<----uhhhhhh
NO +7<------perhaps the "welcome back" hangover is gone, but thats a lot of points!
Cinci -5.5<-----reverse linemovement, but vegas can blow me
Seahawks -3.5<----if alexander doesnt play, i might put an extra unit on this

(now those are the plays that i really like....yet i'm taking this week off (as far as capping is concerned) so here's my plays that are consentual tails)...

Bengals -6
Colts -9
Ravens +2.5
Vikings +1
Cards/Falcs O 40.5
Jags -2.5
Packers/Eagles U 48

all for 150 each (current unit)

if anybody gives a damn, i also have a list of cfb plays, but who the fuck cares about me posting that as the best of the best have already spoken their words!
haha if i were too bet nfl this week i would take the 4 opposite teams that u did up top. I think the panthers will light up the aints secondary and expose that team is a fraud.

G Luck Bud
vikings are solid...extremely under rated and about to fly above radar....ive cashed on them 3 weeks in a row now...this will make 4!

ravens played like they had sand in their vagina last outting, i personally lost a little on them....this week EVERYBODY worth a damn is BACK!!

is new england bad? fuck no!! can one argue that cinci is perhaps the best team in the nation? yes! there are a few injuries/suspensions that concern me, also a bit of reverse linemovement, but i still look for the route; you NEVER know what your gonna get w/ NE!!!

colts will route again, this year will me the same as every year where toward the end of the season it doesnt matter who they face, the spread is atleast 15+.....this game will be decided by NO LESS THAN 21

but, like i said, these are pure tails...esp the totals plays!!(abcs, the bottom, larger list is what i have dough on)
Vikings should be favored.. didnt they go win 2 huge games on the road already. It has sucker bet Written ALL THE FUCK OVER IT..
if this is a sucker bet, then you MUST admit that last week w/ cinci at +1 @ pit was a sucker bet as well!!!! i'm sure you realize that pit could have easily won the game and would have proved to be the sucker's bet of the week, but they fucked up w/ turnovers and such...

last week i wrote down 3 sucker bets (1-2...fading would have gone 2-1)

they all looked "too good to be true"....cinci was the one loss and it had 92% on them (according to si)....as of typing this, the vikes are getting 74% of the side; so, you might be correct (the line has a little reverse shake to it as well)

time to watch my nightly movie (xmen 3..comes out tuesday on dvd)

----ps...just checked my acct to see when my games were tomorrow and come to find out, i only have 1 cfb game...hmmmmm.....nebraska -21
fuck me.....current lines....

colts -7.5 (+102)<----horrible movement....fuck
ravens -1
bungholes -5.5
cards/atl o/u 40.5
gb/phil o/u 48.5

got fucked on a lot....gonna be a painfull sunday....jets are gonna play a tight game and perhaps...win?

6 team teaser (7 points...5-1 odds):

colts -.5
chiefs pk
panthers pk
falcons pk
rams +1.5
bengals +1.5
KingKrunked said:
fuck me.....current lines....

colts -7.5 (+102)<----horrible movement....fuck L
ravens -1 W
bungholes -5.5 pending
cards/atl o/u 40.5 W
gb/phil o/u 48.5 pending

got fucked on a lot....gonna be a painfull sunday....jets are gonna play a tight game and perhaps...win?

abcs...this is how i did

teaser pending as well