Killa-BAR Thursday night TNT Collab...

If both of you guys are on it I don't see how we loose. I like this game a lot as well, Spurs will be ready to make a statment to the rest of the league.
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</td><td style="background-color: rgb(204, 255, 102); text-align: center;">
</td><td style="background-color: rgb(204, 255, 102); text-align: center;">
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I wish I was
I bought back my collision. I figured I'd be better off just watching as a fan tonight. We shall see how it goes...hell, I have a .5 pt middle, so I'm hoping for a Phoenix 6pt win.

GL tonight gentlemen.
I think you right Satyr. My point though is you have a list of past your prime guys in SA.

Duncan is the odd one though after avg 23+ and 12+ boards for 5 seasons last 3 have seen declines in both areas. His shots per has dropped 1 0r 2 shots but so has his FT attempts. I think a few years ago Duncan was a perennial MVP type where as now thats not the case. They need him to be. You have Finley , Barry , Bowen and Horry in the 34-37 range. WHich is not old but in the NBA players do decline at that 33, 34 age group. Its ridiculous amount of wear on your legs.

Horry has mastered the role player role. Not sure Barry has but this is his best season in SA. His has only scored 7 , 6 and now 8 pts in his 3 years in SA , Finley peaked in 99-00 but has dropped every season since. Really all he offers is a jump shooter at this point. Basically playing at career lows right now . Ginoboli has been moved to the bench to spark the offense. Really he has done what he has since he came into the league. Not be consistent but offers flashes of brillance.

The way I see it Tony Parker is quietly becoming a superstar and the go to guy on SA.

They could bounce back up but I just dont see it now...they looked tired on the glass late last nite as well...Millsap abused them...

Utah is one of the best rebounding teams in the league, with nice size including a 6'4'' pg.
Yes the loss to Utah was a tough one, what I'm hoping here is a response from the Spurs team, an all round effort, all a notch better than yesterday's performance.

I think they're up to the task.
good thread, but SN I must you think you ever over-analyze a game by going so in depth? I know you love to write paragraph upon paragraph breakin it down...but I think sometimes that bettors as awhole can over-analyze.
Austin - Sure I believe on many occassions I over analyze. What people dont see is when I under analyze though. Its hard to explain I am not sure what the criteria is for photographic memory but I dont know of many people who can remember things as well as me. I look at something and it jogs my memory basically to the extent I remember what I was thinking thought for thought at the prior time. So while it seems I am over analyzing at times I am only typing what is popping into my head at the time.

I could write a paragraph describing the depth and odor of the last dump I took. Just like those dumps this shit just oozes out of me! The part that gets me is so many people dont understand lines. They make judgements based on things they are incorrect about. Is this line to big?? Probably a little fat but to me bottomline is SA isnt playing well. I would be shocked to see them win here. So why rootfor Spurs to lose by 4 instead of 6 or 7?

Also as far as the paragraphs why post a play w/o an explanation? To say I told ya so later? At least right or wrong people know what I think. I can pretty much tell most of the time who is winning or losing by where the line closes....its just impossible to see every print and b able to mak eplays on them.....

Waittill baseball season!
I love this play now but it would of been even a better play if the suns winning streak would of been keep going. I am more of a probability person and i am figuring the suns can only maintain a impressive winning streak for so long.
Hey, the correctly capped side doesn't always win. We have seen many of these instances in the last month or so.

You tell me that Suns would stay under 100 or right at and I tell you I go even larger on Spurs. No team in the league should score under 40 points in a half vs Phoenix...

Its hard to do but the Spurs somehow did it. Missing 13 outta 14 shots late in the 4th isn't hard to do when they are tough shots. The problem is these shots were mostly uncontested.

Bottom line goes to the Suns backers..congrats...this stuff happens over course of season...the right side is always the winning side.

Capping the play the Spurs were the right side and I would do it 10 outta 10 times again. I take confidence outta the play because I had everything right but the last 4 minutes. That last 4 minutes is one of those situations that happens 1 outta 10 times.

Back with Friday thoughts in a bit
sort of agree.. sort of disagree.. . Suns had fresher legs at the end and it payed off.. that should have been part of ur capping. THey made the shots in the 4th, the spurs looked tired and slow, thus they got routed at the end

Suns were the right side
Don't sweat it BAR,you can have some closure when you see the Suns not make the Finals ...

The Spurs absolutely choked at the end of the game. I have not seen that from the Spurs before. It really surprised me
sort of agree.. sort of disagree.. . Suns had fresher legs at the end and it payed off.. that should have been part of ur capping. THey made the shots in the 4th, the spurs looked tired and slow, thus they got routed at the end

Suns were the right side

Suns were right side because they covered. The correct capped side was Spurs. Thats easy to see. I understand what you say but its not like shots were short. They were rolling off or just long. They couldn't buy a bucket off wide open shots. They executed their offense until it came to shotmaking.

Either way...Spurs will get some value in certain spots in playoffs..which will be nice..mind you.."spots"
Ret....I have seen this type of game so many times...on both sides of fence. SA covered spread for over 90 perecnt of game. Shit happens. Def had it go both ways. I just feel good that I analyzed game correctly. That helps down the line. Its not a sprint its a marathon.
al i respect ur knowledge,
note ive been out bozoin all night and only caught the second half. But Phx was the better team. I dont care about lines but its obvious that they have been all year. Spurs have to make a trade and bring in a guy like magette or someone to add some energy and athltecism. I mentioned in killas thread that this was a bigger game for phx and that i wouldnt be suprised if the spurs got ran off the court.. i just look at the rosters and see a complete mismatch, spurs are just too streaky scoring, while the suns are explosive

G luck later on..
Ret....I have seen this type of game so many times...on both sides of fence. SA covered spread for over 90 perecnt of game. Shit happens. Def had it go both ways. I just feel good that I analyzed game correctly. That helps down the line. Its not a sprint its a marathon.

IMHO the spurs were totally the wrong play, if anybody seen the game the night before against the jazz they would have realized it and who could see them getting tired late in the game against the Suns after the Spurs had that tough road game against the Jazz . I knew the spurs would go dead late in the game, i didnt care how the game started what 9-0 or some shit like that:shake:

just my opinion
It's not worth saying much because you'll all think I'm biased.

But claiming Phoenix to be the "correct" play is insane. This was a 1-point game with 6 minutes left, exactly where I wanted to be. The Spurs were not TIRED at the end of this game. They were missing WIDE OPEN THREES (2 by Bowen, 1 by Manu, 1 by Finley). If those shots go in, we cover. They didn't, so we lose. Fatigue does not set in in a game this big in the last 6 minutes. "Oh, I was fine all game, now I feel tired." Have you guys ever played sports? Fatigue will set in at the end of a trip when you're playing a shit team, not a game you're jacked up for. The best play was no play, but to say the Suns were the correct call is nuts.
Without attempting to ruffle feathers after a tough loss I have a few comments. Two things I didnt like from the get go. All the talk about the line being off and it wasnt and all the talk about the square side...all the late comers were on SA...the wonderful SportsInsights had 52% on Suns at tip...someone think Krunk quopted 65% earlier in the day

You can say alot of things both ways. I will say if the Spurs were destined to cover they would have those very uncontested threes / shots at the end. Second is PHO played so lethargic it was annoying. Nash sort of fading away badly every shot he took , marion and Amare going up soft gettting rejectd easily by Duncan on numerous occassions. The missed layups all nite especially early when SA pulled ahead .

Coming into this game just about every situational angle was against SA IMO. I agree SA would try to make a statemnet here and Manu even said that at the halftime interview. However like I said they didnt play well in LAL and escaped with a win , they didnt play well in Utah and lost , they didnt play well and lost tonite. They havent beated any quality teams. They got abused on the glass again but worse is Manu played his A game but was visibly winded by half. He only plays high 20's so 35 minutes here was a stretch for him. Parker was solid but not spectular and DUncan was 6 of 18 playing very soft despite his 18 boards. Again though go back to what I was saying who else worth a darn is on this team? There role players I said that are visibly declining Barry , Bowen , Finley and Horry and they were 4 of 15 (3/13 for three)...did you see how lost Oberto looks out there? Udrih doesnt do anything..Big Three 72 of 87 pts! you know why I know SA so well cause I have lost with them a big a few times and I learned my lesson. They cant beat a quality team and tend to get bad lines cause of reputation. I said the teams to compare SA with are Cle , Minny , Chi and so on....teams the Suns raped...and were much bigger then 6.5 pt favs against...

With Pho you cant say they played well. Bell played 11 minutes meaning there only disappointment Marcus Banks had to play well Banks is still better then Udrih. They didnt have Kurt Thomas either . In one of the Suns biggest games Nash had 13pts and 11 dimes...thats like a good half. The Suns beat them on the boards 51-41. The Suns lost the 1st quarter due to that early spurt what was it 14-3? They won every quarter after that. The only reason SA was in that game in the 4th quarter was its good start. It made PHO play uphill all nite. Suns go on that 20-3 run and then give it rightback in 90 seconds ...If Suns had hit those big threes they were firing up when they had made 5 , 8 , 9 pts leads it could have been a different story and it wasnt SA perimeter defense it was the same deal just missing good looks.

At the end of the day you have to feel there is ALOT more hope for BAR's Pistons then the Spurs....

Not an I told you so essay but seriously Spurs arent worth your money...Its Dallas and Pho then everyone else...
It's not worth saying much because you'll all think I'm biased.

But claiming Phoenix to be the "correct" play is insane. This was a 1-point game with 6 minutes left, exactly where I wanted to be. The Spurs were not TIRED at the end of this game. They were missing WIDE OPEN THREES (2 by Bowen, 1 by Manu, 1 by Finley). If those shots go in, we cover. They didn't, so we lose. Fatigue does not set in in a game this big in the last 6 minutes. "Oh, I was fine all game, now I feel tired." Have you guys ever played sports? Fatigue will set in at the end of a trip when you're playing a shit team, not a game you're jacked up for. The best play was no play, but to say the Suns were the correct call is nuts.


It was a 1 pt game cause every time Suns pushed it 5 , 6 , 8 or so the Spurs clawed back that alone causes fatigue. How much of the 2nd H did SA lead after the Suns claimed the lead that tealls the story. It was the exact opposite of what of SA did to PHO early. SA hung around cause they put Suns down 14-3 early and they made PHO claw....cut to it bucket push back to 6 , cut it to a bucket , push it back to 6...think of it like this after 14-3 SA it was 100-73 Pho for the final 43 minutes and again Suns played horrible ball.

if those shots go in you cover . My them not going in SA was not mean to cover. Fatigue played a large role in those shots missing they were all flat.

If you saw the halftime interview then you had to notice Ginobili looked like he already played a full game...Your still missing the point that SA is not a good team and not a shadow of the team they were.

It was simply one of those games where we saw the changing of the guard. Suns did not play well at all . They didnt have key bench player in Thomas and Raja Bell couldnt come out for the second half. The Suns overcome that with there starters playing 37-42 minutes.

Right now the Suns are the best team in the NBA and Spurs are middle of the road.

In this situation the Suns were the right play cause SA was off 2 wars and relies on 3 players.

Its not worth arguing about but you should always ask yourself why I won or lost . Simply the Spurs were not what you thought they were...Fuck it and get to work on Friday.....
I honestly don't wanna debate this. I say all the time that there's too much post-game arguing about who was right and who was wrong. You won, I lost, nothing else to say. Let's find some winners for the weekend dude.
Agreed. Its not about right or wrong with me you know that. I make more wrong decisions in a day then most do in a month and probably you do over a season. Like I said I defended SA numerous occassions this season but after losing at home to the Lakers that was it for me . All my preaching is anti-SA bantering for future wagers. Will get some tmrw we got a few nice days to enjoy. Though tmrw sucks. Chat with ya in the A.M...
yet wizards beat phx on their home court ... and Mavs are 2-0 this year vs the suns well see whos comes outta the west 'an_horse'

And I was born bcaz my mom slept with my dad. But wait..what it's gotta do with this thread. :spank:
Hey guys, it is not first and not last lost pick .. I dunno what you writing about .. I see that most users come here just to take picks and find out if there is another collaboration pick by Killa/BAR so they can put a lot of money on it. Relax friends. Everyone has own responsibility. Punters and "takers". When pick is lost every punter doesnt like to see senseless comments after game. It is not fair. On the other hand, most punters like very much to see positive comments also after game so some balance is needed and not overreactions. Peace. Generally I agree with Killa's thread about posting.