Kevin Durant

well if that was what he was doing then yes i did miss it. I went to the "issues" part.

so for the Lin comparison - i said above a few times I would take RW but the leash would be short. Why continue with something that doesn't work?
If he is saying would you swap out lin for RW with the way the team is structured now - no

Gotcha. Yeah, this is what Ivy said....he wasn't comparing them, he was asking if you would rather have a "true PG" who may be a little stronger mentally.

But I mean, lets put this in perspective... there are a lot of true PGs that are very strong mentally and know how to run an offense. Jeremy Lin comes to mind. Who would you rather want on your team?

I somewhat agree with your thoughts, but I'm not sure moving RW to the 2 will really accomplish much. He's a guy that needs to have the ball in his hands (as does KD of course)....if you add a PG, now you have 3 guys who really need the ball in their hands and there aren't that many balls to go around. I agree with you from the standpoint that RW shouldn't be going anywhere, OKC should find a 3rd, complementary piece to go with RW and Durant (Ibaka may be the guy I guess).
Gotcha. Yeah, this is what Ivy said....he wasn't comparing them, he was asking if you would rather have a "true PG" who may be a little stronger mentally.

I somewhat agree with your thoughts, but I'm not sure moving RW to the 2 will really accomplish much. He's a guy that needs to have the ball in his hands (as does KD of course)....if you add a PG, now you have 3 guys who really need the ball in their hands and there aren't that many balls to go around. I agree with you from the standpoint that RW shouldn't be going anywhere, OKC should find a 3rd, complementary piece to go with RW and Durant (Ibaka may be the guy I guess).

Think about the James harden comparison. They have a true pg in beverly and lin, Harden, parson and howard get their touches.
I think this is where a good/creative coach comes into play.. (not saying that mchale is a good coach)
Think about the James harden comparison. They have a true pg in beverly and lin, Harden, parson and howard get their touches.
I think this is where a good/creative coach comes into play.. (not saying that mchale is a good coach)

Oh yeah I agree with that all day, except that Howard and/or Parsons don't need the ball nearly as much as KD does, for obvious reasons.

The problem I have is that the Thunder HAD Harden on their team ffs. They should have NEVER let him leave, under any circumstances. That's on the management, and now it's on them to find a suitable replacement for KD and RW. They would have been able to make it work with Harden, RW, and KD. It would have probably meant RW taking a few less shots (as well as Harden), but RW would at least feel more comfortable giving it up to someone other than KD with Harden on the floor. Those 3 would be/were almost impossible to stop.