Josh Gordon Done


Big Dick and Average Size Boat
Leaving the team to focus on his mental health.

For all of Patriots Nation I say, Fuck!
The man is ultra talented but sadly has mental issues that will cost him his career.

Its the mind. He needs to learn about his mind. Learn about mindfullness...

After all Mental Health is just a word-- Its 2 words-- What does it really mean?

I think all disorders and personality problems are issues with the mind. The mind is the cause. You have to look deep within yourself to find the cause of the stress discomfort.

If you have a mental issue per say, the best thing to do is to SLOW your mind down. Relax, meditate and slow the thoughts down--

IMO mental health issues are BASICALLY UNHEALTHY THOUGHTS or UNWANTED THOUGHTS-- Its always just thoughts--

Mental health are Unwanted thoughts---- Its important to control thoughs and be mindfull of the source of those thoughts--

I think this rationale could really help ppl if they were wiling to understand-- Its thoughts-- You may have unpleasant or stressfull thoughts, but at the essence of a person those thoughts are not the person- They are just thoughts--

Always know that you are OK- Your spirit is fine- Its just your EGO that gets hurt and all stressed out--

SPIRIT trumps all
EGO causes ALL
People will act like he is some nut, but he is as human as they come. If it wasnt for arbitrary weed laws, he prolly would have never been a scofflaw, idk. Hang strong Josh, the world aint fair and you are an amazing wide receiver, penalized for smoking weed. The league is a joke.
People will act like he is some nut, but he is as human as they come. If it wasnt for arbitrary weed laws, he prolly would have never been a scofflaw, idk. Hang strong Josh, the world aint fair and you are an amazing wide receiver, penalized for smoking weed. The league is a joke.

The man was the victim of Big Pharma. Because they funded the massive disinformation campaign that weed was this horrible substance for you. They were smart how they pitched the propaganda pitch. They took the really stupid burned out high school guy who wasnt doing anything with his life and painted that GUY as the poster child of WEED-- To give the FALSE MESSAGE that if you do weed you will be a DEGENERATE-- to deceive ppl into believing that if you do WEED you will turn into that high school LOSER guy!

Well i have a response to that thinking-- That high school burnout guy was going to be a loser no matter what-- The weed didnt make him a loser

Also remember this folks-- THAT HIGH SCHOOL WEED GUY also likely CONSUMES ALCOHOL!! I dont see anyone saying look what happens when you drink alcohol.

Weed- Govts made no money off it
Alcohol- Generates revenue for govt

Laws are made reflecting this, and propaganda is prepared accordingly for the public
At least the Patriots should be finished now-- Wonder how quick the team folds now--

I cant see BRADY sticking around much longer-- GRONK is done- NO wideouts-- Edeleman is getting older--
Oh Dr. Meatballs-

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your offices when you tell someone who is bipolar/ADHD/ADD/panic or anxiety attack type to meditate, should go over really well when half of them already do

No one knows what the cause of all this is, could be related to lasting affects of addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, sex, etc), technology, too much instant information or disinformation, chemical imbalance, guess is a combination of both. Said it several times here I think some of it really fired up when so much was available to us all at once like watching several different games or shows at the same time.

Ironically every time I've smoked weed I've basically gone into panic mode, so no good. But most people my age bracket either smoke it to combat anxiety, take meds for anxiety, meditate...usually some combination of that.

Just in recent years did I learn so many people I've known do various things for anxiety, mostly because it's finally been acceptable to bring it up in casual conversation
Oh Dr. Meatballs-

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your offices when you tell someone who is bipolar/ADHD/ADD/panic or anxiety attack type to meditate, should go over really well when half of them already do

No one knows what the cause of all this is, could be related to lasting affects of addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, sex, etc), technology, too much instant information or disinformation, chemical imbalance, guess is a combination of both. Said it several times here I think some of it really fired up when so much was available to us all at once like watching several different games or shows at the same time.

Ironically every time I've smoked weed I've basically gone into panic mode, so no good. But most people my age bracket either smoke it to combat anxiety, take meds for anxiety, meditate...usually some combination of that.

Just in recent years did I learn so many people I've known do various things for anxiety, mostly because it's finally been acceptable to bring it up in casual conversation

You turn up the dial, people go crazy-- Humans are not meant to absord this much information--

It was the big scam of technology--

Technology is not your friend-- IT has resulted in ppl doing much more in life now-- Have to check phone- learn new apps etc

If Technology was great, we would all be working less and doing less- the technology should make lives easier not harder.
Sammy speaks of mental health the same way people who were born into billionaire families talk about poor people and how they should just work harder to have more money bc its that easy!

Also, while I agree with most of you about weed, therea are 2 things:

1. whether its a good rule or bad rule, its a rule, and if you cant abstain from weed for millions of dollars, that is a problem

but more importantly

2. A few media members on twitter are insinuating that everyone just assumes its weed, but that is not actually the case
Weren't you crowning them SB champs two weeks ago?

Things change fast in this world.

The key is being agile enough to switch positions.

Getting success in life is about switching things up until you achieve what you are looking for.
Sammy speaks of mental health the same way people who were born into billionaire families talk about poor people and how they should just work harder to have more money bc its that easy!

Also, while I agree with most of you about weed, therea are 2 things:

1. whether its a good rule or bad rule, its a rule, and if you cant abstain from weed for millions of dollars, that is a problem

but more importantly

2. A few media members on twitter are insinuating that everyone just assumes its weed, but that is not actually the case

The media is the most ill informed source for most news.
They assume all kinds of stuff. Know one knows what’s reslky troubling josh Gordon. Only his doctors would know that info.

With regards to mental health sometimes ppl have internal chemical issues.

But D wow I don’t believe I’m wrong here. I’m not saying it’s easy to fix mental health or that it doesent exist.

Ppl have issues. Anxiety depression etc.

Almost all of these issues are a product of Ego and mind.

2 employees go through similar trauma at work. One goes into depression and one does not?


it’s because of attachment.

Ppl that can let go of things don’t suffer much.

Ppl that attach to thoughts suffer. Period.

Depression is just a word. It means the absence of spirit.

Someone can say I feel this I feel depressed I feel anxious I feel paranoid! But the I IS NOT REal.

The I is the Ego. The I is the ego and thoughts.

When a person understands this his suffering will immediately stop.

It works for me and many ppl I have told.

All mental problems arise in the mind. In the Ego. Because of human ignorance.
I can 't get on board with a word you are saying. That work comparison is particularly bad. If I eat a peanut I am fine. If someone who has an allergy eats it, they could hyperventilate and die. That isn't because I have more spirit. Mental health is the exact same thing and I think you should educate yourself and realize that depression and anxiety are no different than other medical conditions
I can 't get on board with a word you are saying. That work comparison is particularly bad. If I eat a peanut I am fine. If someone who has an allergy eats it, they could hyperventilate and die. That isn't because I have more spirit. Mental health is the exact same thing and I think you should educate yourself and realize that depression and anxiety are no different than other medical conditions

Fentanyl and addictions like that are PHYSICAL addictions. Heroin addicts require the drugs for a physical SENSATION- Those drugs are different-
As you mentioned allergies- They are the same thing-- A physical sensation that occurs in the body-- Its all physical

Depression and Anxiety are just words that were made up to describe the human condition- People feel good, some are sad, some are happy, there is a big range of peoples feelings on earth-- When a person typically is battling depression they are in FULL EGO MODE- their mind is not right-- Its because of a lack of spirit--

I will explain to you in the simplest way-- Your mental health is related TO THE QUALITY of THOUGHTS in your mind-- Less thoughts are better, happy thoughts are better-

You cannot have a REAL issue in life IF YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT-- Anxiety and Depression are NOTHING BUT LIVING IN THE PAST AND FUTURE--

DEPRESSION is LIVING IN THE PAST-- If I am living in the present moment enjoying the moment and feeling BLESSED to be alive how can i be DEPRESSED???????

Anxiety is LIVING IN THE FUTURE---- If I am living in the FUTURE I will experience ANXIETY-- Anxiety is not REAL-- Its just not being MINDFUL of the present moment.

Living in the PRESENT MOMENT and being mindfull and not thinking about the past and future and you cannot have any mental health issues---

I'm unsure about complex mental disorder like BI POLAR, and Schitoprenia, they may be genetically caused--

But for the ones I mentioned above its true and you will not find this is any book because its the truth and would shut down many industries that make money off ppl for a lack of mindfulness.
Seems to me this will put playmaker Patterson on the field more. I think the Patriots will be just fine. They made the Bowl last year without Edelman, and won the Bowl the year before without Gronk. They're more vulnerable then past years mainly because their front 7 on D are only average.
When I'm going through a panic attack, believe me, I'd love nothing more than to meditate or slow the brain down. Feels like the heart is jumping out my says, no, your heart rate isn't changing whatsoever, it's your brain. I bring up that I'm very good at slow down like meditation/relaxation but at those moments, I simply can't because it's beyond slowing down. He replies the brain is working way too fast for anything like that to be effective then, it's likely you have something neurological that needs a little fixing. We are on the same page.

Amazing, it's been a ton better. Not like I don't still meditate a few times a week, but have seen the effects when I miss the pills for a couple days. It sucks.
Folks they have sold us a bag of golf balls--

We all have darkness inside of us and some of us are better at dealing with it than others.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body mind and spirit..

Society has brainwashed us by assigning labels to label everything-- Regular human conditions are now labelled to ostrazize and make money off treatment.

People get sad happy, its called emotions-- Depression is a lack of mindfullness--

I had a friend who was really anxious-- I took him to the forest to talk to him- He said he is so scared of things that could happen to him in the future- He told me how he is so scared of those things happening--

I then told him you are in no immediate danger at this moment- IF A big snake COBRA shows up right at this moment in front of us ready to bite us, THEN WE ARE IN REAL DANGER!! Thats a real problem-- He immediately felt better and realized all his fears and anxiety were in his head and didnt exist-- IT was a product of his mind
When I'm going through a panic attack, believe me, I'd love nothing more than to meditate or slow the brain down. Feels like the heart is jumping out my says, no, your heart rate isn't changing whatsoever, it's your brain. I bring up that I'm very good at slow down like meditation/relaxation but at those moments, I simply can't because it's beyond slowing down. He replies the brain is working way too fast for anything like that to be effective then, it's likely you have something neurological that needs a little fixing. We are on the same page.

Amazing, it's been a ton better. Not like I don't still meditate a few times a week, but have seen the effects when I miss the pills for a couple days. It sucks.

Good for you for persevering and overcoming this-- There is always light at the end of the tunnel-- And I agree neurological is impossible to stop- I was just differentating between neurological genetic vs strictly mind issues-- i think its a mix-- some ppl have internal issues and some are just their own thinking
Truth is we are a little crazy- Part of being human is being crazy!

However instead of acknowledging this fact that we are a little crazy we strive for this PERFECT HUMAN condition which doesent exist!

Instead of accepting the fact that mental health is normal and part of a human makeup, we support the notion of the PERFECT HUMAN.

The perfect human is perfect-- Anyone who has any mental issue or anything is LABELLED-- anti social, depressive, anxious, hyper, aggressive, these labels are all false.

The conditions above are just all different ways that humans are wired- Look around at the world today or in any era and you will see that the PERFECT HUMAN myth is a joke..

The mind is crazy, restless, wild, undiscipined and ignorant--- Its in all of us-- Only a few select ppl every reach enlightenment.

THere are no labels--

People are all different ways-- 2 kids in school-- 1 kid talks too much-- LABEL HIM as HYPER ACTIVE 1 kid doesent talk that much- Label him anti social disorder

When in reality there are too different kids-- one quiet and one talkative--

There are loud animals and quiet animals-- we dont go around labelling animals do we??? Consider how absurd it is to label ppl!
Sammy speaks of mental health the same way people who were born into billionaire families talk about poor people and how they should just work harder to have more money bc its that easy!

Also, while I agree with most of you about weed, therea are 2 things:

1. whether its a good rule or bad rule, its a rule, and if you cant abstain from weed for millions of dollars, that is a problem

but more importantly

2. A few media members on twitter are insinuating that everyone just assumes its weed, but that is not actually the case

If it’s not weed then what is it? (Not a question for you per se, just in general) They can insinuate all they’d like, he was facing another suspension was what came out...that would have nothing to do with “mental health” in the least bit. It seems they’re using the mental health excuse to stop the talk about the cannabis again.

I agree it’s a shame he can’t stop smoking weed for millions of dollars...but it’s also true that the NFL policy about weed is a fucking joke and is the only reason some of these guys get in trouble.
I can 't get on board with a word you are saying. That work comparison is particularly bad. If I eat a peanut I am fine. If someone who has an allergy eats it, they could hyperventilate and die. That isn't because I have more spirit. Mental health is the exact same thing and I think you should educate yourself and realize that depression and anxiety are no different than other medical conditions

Yeah, someone please make Sammy stop talking. He’s just repeating the same crap over and over again at this point. Every single thread turns into the same thing in his mind and then his words. We get it Sammy, now let it go.
I'd even take it a step farther and if the weed is helping him with mental illness, good on him for choosing it over the millions an NFL contract offers. Good for society too.
I'd even take it a step farther and if the weed is helping him with mental illness, good on him for choosing it over the millions an NFL contract offers. Good for society too.

Exactly. If the NFL can’t see that weed is better than the pharmaceuticals they have no problem pumping into their athletes, then they’re even dumber than we already think they are.

Ricky Williams. All that needs to be said.
I'd even take it a step farther and if the weed is helping him with mental illness, good on him for choosing it over the millions an NFL contract offers. Good for society too.

It would help him alleviate tension stress anxiety--- It will take him from EGO MODE to SPIRIT MODE-- the term getting High means elevating your Consciousness to a higher plane
Exactly. If the NFL can’t see that weed is better than the pharmaceuticals they have no problem pumping into their athletes, then they’re even dumber than we already think they are.

Ever consider perhaps the NFL is making money and in a business deal with BIG PHARMA to use only their approved drugs???

Weed wouldnt pay the NFL any money- but BIG PHARMA surely has a deal where NFL somehow profits off these pain killer drugs etc?
Every sunday before a game for the past 30 years the trainers will pump force all kinds of drugs or needles down players throats to get tehm ready to play.

So obvioulsy the NFL has been a huge consumer of BIG PHARMA-- The league uses their drugs to get players fit and ready to play--
Ever consider perhaps the NFL is making money and in a business deal with BIG PHARMA to use only their approved drugs???

Weed wouldnt pay the NFL any money- but BIG PHARMA surely has a deal where NFL somehow profits off these pain killer drugs etc?

Sure, I’m sure everyone has considered that. It’s doubtful they’d be getting enough money from anyone to make it worth their while...they print money for fun. The doctors they employ are just another cog in the machine...that’s all it is.
Sure, I’m sure everyone has considered that. It’s doubtful they’d be getting enough money from anyone to make it worth their while...they print money for fun. The doctors they employ are just another cog in the machine...that’s all it is.

It must be related to money for the league--

Jake Plummer many retired players with really bad injuries swear by the fact that weed allows them to live normal lives-- to be able to play with their kids etc..

Weed is not a performance enhancing substance per say-- IT was just illegal because of BIG PHARMA--

Who is JOSH GORDON hurting by doing weed? Where is the social malaise that he is creating? Where are the victims?

WHat is he doing wrong by experimenting with his consciousness levels???

Its a ridiculous stance that Weed can be terrible and they sell a MYTH that weed is bad for you, then get Mr CNN doctor Sanjay Gupta to bold face lie about the benefits of weed-- He lied about everything-- He knew the truth and would sell whichever way his CNN bosses told him to sell-- CNN doctors zero credibility
Good luck to Josh G--

Hope you saved some money and have a good life- A great talent, enjoyed watching him play--

BUt for JOsh the human, hopefully he is succesfull in his battle.
I'd even take it a step farther and if the weed is helping him with mental illness, good on him for choosing it over the millions an NFL contract offers. Good for society too.

Give weed to a military battle field and watch the weapons are dropped and soliders are dancing with each other-- Good reason why its been illegal right here--

Society thrives on CHAOS-- Not peace
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Several years ago I smoked a snow cap, that was not performance enhancing at all.

Woke up on the floor next day after the sun was setting as opposed to rising
Several years ago I smoked a snow cap, that was not performance enhancing at all.

Woke up on the floor next day after the sun was setting as opposed to rising

I read that i believe it was the NBA or NFL that many players play stoned? I think it was NFL----

I wonder if UFC fighter fight stoned? Your body would feel relaxed and things would feel slower--

Might be good or might not be aggressive enough.
It must be related to money for the league--

Jake Plummer many retired players with really bad injuries swear by the fact that weed allows them to live normal lives-- to be able to play with their kids etc..

Weed is not a performance enhancing substance per say-- IT was just illegal because of BIG PHARMA--

Who is JOSH GORDON hurting by doing weed? Where is the social malaise that he is creating? Where are the victims?

WHat is he doing wrong by experimenting with his consciousness levels???

Its a ridiculous stance that Weed can be terrible and they sell a MYTH that weed is bad for you, then get Mr CNN doctor Sanjay Gupta to bold face lie about the benefits of weed-- He lied about everything-- He knew the truth and would sell whichever way his CNN bosses told him to sell-- CNN doctors zero credibility

Actually Sanjay Gupta apologized and said he was wrong and misinformed. Evidently he didn’t know the truth until he actually did more research and read more studies. Like any good scientist (or doctor), he was happy to be proven wrong and admitted he was.
I read that i believe it was the NBA or NFL that many players play stoned? I think it was NFL----

I wonder if UFC fighter fight stoned? Your body would feel relaxed and things would feel slower--

Might be good or might not be aggressive enough.

It was NBA, not NFL. I guess it may be NFL too, but the study or survey was NBA players.
NBA doesn't test for weed, NFL does as if it weren't obvious. Go figure.

Sammy the snow cap woulda been a problem anywhere because it had a "performance enhancer" on top of the one hitter...knocked me into next year
It must be related to money for the league--

Jake Plummer many retired players with really bad injuries swear by the fact that weed allows them to live normal lives-- to be able to play with their kids etc..

Weed is not a performance enhancing substance per say-- IT was just illegal because of BIG PHARMA--

Who is JOSH GORDON hurting by doing weed? Where is the social malaise that he is creating? Where are the victims?

WHat is he doing wrong by experimenting with his consciousness levels???

Its a ridiculous stance that Weed can be terrible and they sell a MYTH that weed is bad for you, then get Mr CNN doctor Sanjay Gupta to bold face lie about the benefits of weed-- He lied about everything-- He knew the truth and would sell whichever way his CNN bosses told him to sell-- CNN doctors zero credibility

I don’t see why it must be related to money for the league though, that doesn’t make much sense. The doctors are employed by the teams, many of those doctors have the same mentality when it comes to weed vs pharmaceuticals, so they prescribe the pills. Add in the leagues stance on pot and there you have it. No need for any money from big pharma. It’s not always a conspiracy.
I don’t see why it must be related to money for the league though, that doesn’t make much sense. The doctors are employed by the teams, many of those doctors have the same mentality when it comes to weed vs pharmaceuticals, so they prescribe the pills. Add in the leagues stance on pot and there you have it. No need for any money from big pharma. It’s not always a conspiracy.

Yeah makes sense-- The Docs were always writing out presciroptions for years like cops write speeding tickets-- ITs just the way doctors operated--

Now they are looking at more natural and other treatments-- Docs are just one cog in the treatment system where the best cures are suppressed and big pharma gets involved to make money off sickness and disease.
Responsible human being degraded for being...responsible

It’s the way it goes bro.

“Society traumatizes ppl”

Its set up to traumatized the ppl.

Gordon being traumatized for choosing which substance to put in his body. Sadly his substance wasn’t on the approved list.
NBA doesn't test for weed, NFL does as if it weren't obvious. Go figure.

Sammy the snow cap woulda been a problem anywhere because it had a "performance enhancer" on top of the one hitter...knocked me into next year

Sometimes good to be knocked out into next year.

Go to nature to experience full effect. View of water mountains etc. Flying eagles.
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