Joe Torre out as Yankees manager, rejects offer to return


Pretty much a regular
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I would tell big George to shove it as well after that shit in ALDS. I have just gained some respect for J Torre
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Not surprised at all. It was more of a pushing him out than anything. The Yanks would save face by offering him a shitty 1 year deal when they knew he wouldn't accept it. It wasn't a tough decision at all for Torre. Why would he accept that deal and have to go through this circus all over again next year?
At least he gets some finality. I know its a great job with a great salary but to have that bafoon Steinbrenner threaten you every time you dont win the world series would get annoying.

I can't wait for the next coach to struggle getting these overpaid knuckleheads to perform as a team.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I can't wait for the next coach to struggle getting these overpaid knuckleheads to perform as a team.

I couldnt have said it better.:cheers:<!-- / message -->
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He wont be getting in any welfare line anytime soon. The guy will go into the hall of fame as the only Yankees manager to turn down the Yankees.

Joe did the right thing here. Steinbrenner is just another lousy businessman who thinks his money talks, when Joe just told Steinbrenner, " "Your Bullshit Walks".

Yankee team payroll 200 million.

Job of a lifetime 5 million.

Telling an owner with a giant ego to shove it up his ass.


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He wont be getting in any welfare line anytime soon. The guy will go into the hall of fame as the only Yankees manager to turn down the Yankees.

Joe dod the right thing here. Steinbrenner is just another lousy businessmans who thinks his money talks, when Joe just told Steinbrenner, " "Your Bullshit Walks".

Yankee team payroll 200 million.

Job of a lifetime 5 million.

Telling an owner with a giant ego to shove it up his ass.



my gawd, g-man. i know there is no middle ground w/ the either love them or you hate them. but get a fucking clue, dude.

if you're gonna yankee bash, at least get your shit straight...don't make assinine comments...and know what the fuck you're talking about.

besides...your focus should be on your own team now. a team that'll hopefully finish off the bosox in game six.

are you perturbed this story overshadowed game five or something? perturbed that even now, the yanks are the most relevant story in baseball?

i'll stop here. but if you really want to argue business w/ me...or the torre situation...or george...i'll be glad to get into it, and point out just how assinine your comments/opinions on this topic are.
but come on. he buys a team for a few million, and it's now the most valued franshise in all of baseball. he wins, and he makes money...which just so happens to be the 2 bottom lines to this type of operation. his team generates by far the most revenue in the league. he's got the cable network. and all those taxes and so forth everyone likes to bring up will ALL be going back into his/the yankee's pocket very shortly. (read up on the incentives for building a new ballpark, if you don't believe me.)

anyways, both Joe and George did the right thing. it was a smart business move, and neither side comes off looking bad to those that matter. bottom was 100% by design, for all involved.
i need ozzie to say something dumb. so we can get torre.

i think torre could of took my struggling sox to postseason like he did his struggling yanks.
Did not expect anything less from Mr.T. A Man of Class all along.

Sad day for Yankee fans.
Did not expect anything less from Mr.T. A Man of Class all along.

Sad day for Yankee fans.

yep, it is. i'm a big admirer of Joe Torre. but it's time for a change...

he's allowed to leave on his terms, with dignity...and the yanks got what they wanted, w/out being the bad guy. after all...their offer woulda still had Joe the highest paid manager in the game, and that's before the incentives.

bottom's win/win...and was the only option all sides had, at least for it to not turn into a nasty breakup.
my gawd, g-man. i know there is no middle ground w/ the either love them or you hate them. but get a fucking clue, dude.

if you're gonna yankee bash, at least get your shit straight...don't make assinine comments...and know what the fuck you're talking about.

besides...your focus should be on your own team now. a team that'll hopefully finish off the bosox in game six.

are you perturbed this story overshadowed game five or something? perturbed that even now, the yanks are the most relevant story in baseball?

i'll stop here. but if you really want to argue business w/ me...or the torre situation...or george...i'll be glad to get into it, and point out just how assinine your comments/opinions on this topic are.
but come on. he buys a team for a few million, and it's now the most valued franshise in all of baseball. he wins, and he makes money...which just so happens to be the 2 bottom lines to this type of operation. his team generates by far the most revenue in the league. he's got the cable network. and all those taxes and so forth everyone likes to bring up will ALL be going back into his/the yankee's pocket very shortly. (read up on the incentives for building a new ballpark, if you don't believe me.)

anyways, both Joe and George did the right thing. it was a smart business move, and neither side comes off looking bad to those that matter. bottom was 100% by design, for all involved.

Yanks. Just read your post here.

Back off some. This post, is only that a good man and manager, told an owner to shove it up his ass.

My agenda on this subject has nothing to do with the Indians. Dont hate the yankees at all. Just dont like businessmen who treat sucessfull people inappropriately. Especially when, for 12 years the media couldnt find much at fault with Torre. You feel it was a smart business move? I dont. Time will tell - and we'll see who stays with the Yankees (free agents).

I dont feel that managers can do much to get hitters and pitchers to win every day, but they sure can lose games with bonehead moves and player selection in certian games. Torre didnt do much wrong. Many managers do. Wedge is suspect in IMO.

Steinbrenner, likely, would have never made 12 playoff runs without Torre. Dont give credit to any owner who has more money then baseball itself. Cable TV made it possible for all the skyrocket profits for owners and all the millions of dollars for players to play a game. A GAME! This means exactly NOTHING in anyone's lives except for the families of the owners and players.

Mantle said it best 40-some years ago. Something like this. "Fans think were hero's. The real hero's - are the fathers of boys who admire us ballplayers. How many players paid your rent, put food on the table, and raised your kids. Players just play a game. The real hero's are those that fight for our country.

Steibrenner, is nothing more than an entertainment company. His other business ventures, do more for mankind than any Yankee team ever could.

Just to make my point about Torre, he's a man's man. There was principle, dignity and character involved. Something that Steinbrenner lacks within the game.
Haven't been on the site since Sat AM, so jsut getting to this.

G-Man, you miss my main beef with what u said. I bolded that part of your quote when i was first responding, if u look.

It was about George...not Joe. You can say a lot of things about George, most of which i won't argue. But you cannot claim he's a "lousy businessmans" and not expect a retort. (and not just for the lousy english either, lol.)

i'd even argue that by definition, there's no such thing as a self-made multi-millionaire as being a "lousy businessman."
Anyways, w/out beating a dead horse, that's the comment i found so ludicrous and assinine. George may be a prick, but he's definitely a very successful businessman.