Jimmy Butler ...

I'll put this out there and you guys tell me if I'm off base.

Jimmy clearly has issues with KAT and Wiggins and their mentality. That mentality can be molded with his help, so Jimmy raising concerns about that and calling them out can be fixed IMO. However, after watching the interview from yesterrday and some things I can piece together, I have a slightly different take on it.

I think this boils down to Jimmy being insulted by the 4/$110 million offer this summer that he flatly rejected. He wanted them to move around some pieces to offer him the 5/$190m that he could have gotten. The fact they gave him a worse deal than Wiggins got when he clearly isn't the player that Butler is really pissed him off. He talked in the interview about being appreciated. Well, that's not appreciation. He also said multiple times he loves Thibs and that they are tight, etc. but he thinks Thibs is looking out for the team because that's his job when all along they were probably assuming Jimmy would take a lesser deal because he wanted to play for Thibs (my assumption anyways but I think I'm right). This has all blown up in their face and no he's saying "it's not fixed". "it could be fixed but he doubts it, etc." This has the owner's hands all over it. And I think Thibs agrees with Butler but he couldn't convince the owner to pony up so Thibs is trying to sabotage everything to say I told you so.

I'll put this out there and you guys tell me if I'm off base.

Jimmy clearly has issues with KAT and Wiggins and their mentality. That mentality can be molded with his help, so Jimmy raising concerns about that and calling them out can be fixed IMO. However, after watching the interview from yesterrday and some things I can piece together, I have a slightly different take on it.

I think this boils down to Jimmy being insulted by the 4/$110 million offer this summer that he flatly rejected. He wanted them to move around some pieces to offer him the 5/$190m that he could have gotten. The fact they gave him a worse deal than Wiggins got when he clearly isn't the player that Butler is really pissed him off. He talked in the interview about being appreciated. Well, that's not appreciation. He also said multiple times he loves Thibs and that they are tight, etc. but he thinks Thibs is looking out for the team because that's his job when all along they were probably assuming Jimmy would take a lesser deal because he wanted to play for Thibs (my assumption anyways but I think I'm right). This has all blown up in their face and no he's saying "it's not fixed". "it could be fixed but he doubts it, etc." This has the owner's hands all over it. And I think Thibs agrees with Butler but he couldn't convince the owner to pony up so Thibs is trying to sabotage everything to say I told you so.


Was there not another player/coach who was questioning it?

There was no practice today... so if there was a meeting...kinda hard to deny it...
John Lucas III said it didn't happen either, but it was a players-only meeting so how would he know.

Also, rumor today on the radio was that the pickup game was 6 minutes and they kicked the starters asses. AND BUTLER DIDN"T EVEN SHOOT ONCE.

OMFG if real....