Jason Collins comes out...

I'm just saying it will be a bigger deal when an active pro athlete actually on a team comes out.

I just dont see why it matters anymore. His teammates and coaches have basically known or had a hunch for years. I just dont think they care. Nor should they.

Homophobia is ridiculous.
Not at all...

Not only that, Broussard evidently isn't a true Christian either since he's judging Jason Collins for being Yag. Aren't Christians supposed to let God judge people? His passing judgement on others makes him 'not really' a Christian IMO.
Chris Broussard is a jackass. People in the media need to realize if they don't have something good to say regarding race and sexual orientation, then stfu. I also hate how people bring religion into things as if EVERYBODY believes what the bible says.
Why cant you say that the thought of wanting another dudes dick is disgusting? Why is that wrong? I think homosexuals should have all the same rights as heterosexuals. Why cant i also think its gross?
i dont think anyone here is angry at mike wallace... twitter doesnt exactly let you explain in great detail what you actually mean. its still not smart to just post how you feel on twitter though, he knows damn well that whatever he does can be scrutinized at any point .... atleast i hope he knows

chris broussard on the otherhand is a dick
Chris Broussard is a jackass. People in the media need to realize if they don't have something good to say regarding race and sexual orientation, then stfu. I also hate how people bring religion into things as if EVERYBODY believes what the bible says.

So instead of saying how they feel, like the player did, they should jump on his dick?...............oh, wait.
i wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a 7 foot black dudes homosexual acts. i think that's the real story here.
So instead of saying how they feel, like the player did, they should jump on his dick?...............oh, wait.
If you're a member of the media and want to risk your job, I'd stfu. It's not worth losing your job. Learn from Rob Parker.

But if it was the religious aspect you were referring to, what I'm trying to say is there are just as many people who don't believe what the bible says. It's a fucking book written thousands of years ago. It has no bearing in 2013. So when Chris says "the bible says this, the bible says that", many of us don't believe it or give a shit.
So instead of saying how they feel, like the player did, they should jump on his dick?...............oh, wait.

Mama always said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Why did he have to say anything? Who was asking for his opinion that he felt the need to voice it? I'm referring to Mike Wallace here.
he has no chance in the CFL

the field is 10 yards wider

he could not throw the ball, would set interception records
Chris Broussard is nothing more than a hypocrite. Why doesn't he come out and say having fifteen illegitimate kids with thirteen different females is wrong? Why doesn't he say about the man who gives all his thanks to God after a "win" the same hell for going out one hour later and getting drunk as shit and driving home? Or about all these guys sleeping with many, many women when they are married to another? The list goes on and on.
NBC Nightly News made quite the error: http://deadspin.com/nbc-covers-famo...source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
OK just got this text, probably already posted:

Jason Collins:
Can really finish at the rim...The crossover and blow by are his 2 favorite moves...commits a lot of reach around fouls....likes to play in the post...gives up too much penetration
Karl Malone CNN just now


The woman who was once engaged to NBA star Jason Collins tells TMZ, she had NO CLUE he was Yag at the time of their relationship ... in fact, she only found out last weekend ... and she was floored.

Carolyn Moos (who played a few seasons in the WNBA) dated Collins for seven years and was engaged to him until they broke up in 2009 ... after Collins pulled the plug on their wedding.

Carolyn tells TMZ, she never once suspected he was Yag, so the news is shocking. She says Collins eventually revealed everything last weekend -- just days before his big announcement -- and said that his homosexuality was the real reason he ended things with her.

At the time of their breakup, Carolyn says Jason gave a bunch of BS reasons for calling it quits ... and she could never understand what went wrong, until now.

Carolyn -- who's back on the hunt for Mr. Right -- tells us, "It's very emotional for me as a woman to have invested 8 years in my dream to have a husband, soul mate, and best friend in him. So this is all hard to understand."

She adds, "I care about [Jason] tremendously and only want the best for him. I want Jason to be happy for a lifetime and stay true to who he really is, inside and out."


The woman who was once engaged to NBA star Jason Collins tells TMZ, she had NO CLUE he was Yag at the time of their relationship ... in fact, she only found out last weekend ... and she was floored.

Carolyn Moos (who played a few seasons in the WNBA) dated Collins for seven years and was engaged to him until they broke up in 2009 ... after Collins pulled the plug on their wedding.

Carolyn tells TMZ, she never once suspected he was Yag, so the news is shocking. She says Collins eventually revealed everything last weekend -- just days before his big announcement -- and said that his homosexuality was the real reason he ended things with her.

At the time of their breakup, Carolyn says Jason gave a bunch of BS reasons for calling it quits ... and she could never understand what went wrong, until now.

Carolyn -- who's back on the hunt for Mr. Right -- tells us, "It's very emotional for me as a woman to have invested 8 years in my dream to have a husband, soul mate, and best friend in him. So this is all hard to understand."

She adds, "I care about [Jason] tremendously and only want the best for him. I want Jason to be happy for a lifetime and stay true to who he really is, inside and out."

That's some bad stank right there. When you make a brother switch sides.
reading the conversation between you & julian wright made my morning. What is even weirder is that I know Joe Davis- he is from CT. Big doucher, but hilarious to see you both against julian wright lol

I thought when I asked him about who's still be in the NBA he'd go off the handle. That didn't work. But I thought for sure that this comment, "How does it feel to be a 25-year old virgin? Or in the alternative, to stand with Chris Broussard and admit you are a "sinner" in the same vein as Jason Collins?," would really put him over the edge. Instead I get his repent b.s. Need to figure out something else to troll about.
<header> [h=1]John Amaechi says he has talked to other players about coming out[/h]By Royce Young | NBA writer

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2013-04-30T17:59:47Z">April 30, 2013 1:59 pm ET</time>

</header> <figure>
<figcaption>John Amaechi isn't sure if other Yag NBA players are ready to come out. (USATSI)</figcaption> </figure>Before there was Jason Collins, there was John Amaechi, who, in 2007, four years after his NBA retirement, announced that he is Yag.
Amaechi obviously has a very unique perspective on Collins' landmark announcement and joined CBS Sports Radio to talk about how he talked to Collins before he came out, and how there are more players whom he's talking with.
"I've known about Jason for quite some time," Amaechi said.
Amaechi said he had multiple conversations with Collins but insisted he wasn't anything more than a friend there to allow Collins to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. Amaechi didn't like being painted as an "advisor" to Collins at all, instead deflecting all credit to Collins himself.
"This has nothing to do with me. This is all him," Amaechi said. "The reality what we have here is a remarkable human being making a decision, that I can already affirm has had a radical positive impact on people."
Amaechi, who played six NBA seasons with the Cavaliers, Magic, Jazz and Rockets (never appeared in a game with Houston), said he has spoken with other current players who are Yag.
"There are other people I'm talking to," Amaechi said. "There are other people who I'm chatting to, other people who are perhaps not as amazingly equipped to handle the rigors of this type of media circus as Jason. And when they'll be ready, I don't know."
Amaechi was asked if any of the players whom he's talking with are a higher caliber player than Collins, as in a more household NBA name.
"I hesitate to endorse what I think is a pretty thin meme that the better the player the more important their sexuality," he said. "I just can't buy into that. I'm focused on what Jason has done today. I don't think it's opening floodgates; there are still logistical and legislative hurdles to overcome, especially in America."
The hesitation for other players obviously stems from the potential media circus that Collins is currently enduring. But, more than that, potentially impacting his relationship with teammates who aren't comfortable with a Yag teammate whether it be because of fear, religious reasons or whatever.
"I recognize there are a lot of people that hold views about Yag people that are backed up by a bronze-age book," Amaechi said. "I have no problem with their opinion as long as they don't think it's so divine that it's allowed to manifest physically. That it should manifest in a way that actually impacts teammates.
"If you're really one of those people that believes homosexuality is a sin, I would have no problem with that and very little difficulty with it, except for the fact I was in those locker rooms with men talking about sex they had with woman that weren't their wives," he continued. "With men talking about gambling. With men who played on the Sabbath. With men who wore clothing with mixed fabrics. With men who violated any number of tenets in Leviticus, in Genesis and Deuteronomy. If you're going to be consistent, I can live with your condemnation. But if you're going to pick at the Old Testament as if it was a smorgasbord, that you could go along and take the pepperoni and banana peppers but ignore the olives, then I don't have that much respect for you."
Collins, 34, is a free agent. But what makes him unique is that he intends to continue playing. Amaechi has no doubt that Collins will be able to find another contract and another team to play for.
"He's going to play. I'm confident that he will have another contract to play again in the NBA," he said. "The issue of homophobia in sports is rarely rooted in the locker room. That's what people who have never been in a locker room think. But it lives at a higher level in administration. It lives with team owners who speak vociferously about their anti-Yag sentiments, who donate large amounts of money to anti-Yag organizations. It's about legislation that allows you to be fired in 30 states for being Yag. That's really where it sits, at a much higher level. Teammates -- you've already heard the vast majority of people that know Jason, that have played with Jason, have sent just amazing messages to him of support."
Amaechi was asked what the next step is for sports in America, particularly the NBA, on this topic. And he summarized it simply.
"You know what the next step really is? The next step really is somebody coming out and people saying, 'Oh, that's nice. Are you ready for the next playoff game?'"
Anyone else find this story a bit of a letdown in that he's a 34-year-old guy out of the league? I mean, I'm also an NBA free agent.
Completely agree. Sorry. I mean hey! wow! whatever........when someone that is playing comes out....lemme know

a boxer came out this year that fights ho hum
Chris Broussard is nothing more than a hypocrite. Why doesn't he come out and say having fifteen illegitimate kids with thirteen different females is wrong? Why doesn't he say about the man who gives all his thanks to God after a "win" the same hell for going out one hour later and getting drunk as shit and driving home? Or about all these guys sleeping with many, many women when they are married to another? The list goes on and on.
he essentially said that. amongst other things
OK just got this text, probably already posted:

Jason Collins:
Can really finish at the rim...The crossover and blow by are his 2 favorite moves...commits a lot of reach around fouls....likes to play in the post...gives up too much penetration

The woman who was once engaged to NBA star Jason Collins tells TMZ, she had NO CLUE he was Yag at the time of their relationship ... in fact, she only found out last weekend ... and she was floored.

Carolyn Moos (who played a few seasons in the WNBA) dated Collins for seven years and was engaged to him until they broke up in 2009 ... after Collins pulled the plug on their wedding.

Carolyn tells TMZ, she never once suspected he was Yag, so the news is shocking. She says Collins eventually revealed everything last weekend -- just days before his big announcement -- and said that his homosexuality was the real reason he ended things with her.

At the time of their breakup, Carolyn says Jason gave a bunch of BS reasons for calling it quits ... and she could never understand what went wrong, until now.

Carolyn -- who's back on the hunt for Mr. Right -- tells us, "It's very emotional for me as a woman to have invested 8 years in my dream to have a husband, soul mate, and best friend in him. So this is all hard to understand."

She adds, "I care about [Jason] tremendously and only want the best for him. I want Jason to be happy for a lifetime and stay true to who he really is, inside and out."

what did she finish at the Preakness? nehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
If he gets paid off this would anyone have a problem with this?

It is a non story in the sense like a retired dude coming out. If he "plays"....I guess he sets up someone for a nice lawsuit about not getting a "chance" cuz I was Yag

that will come soon enough
I'm just amazed at the adjectives used to describe this. Courageous, hero,etc.

More shocking are all the players that are "supporting" him on twitter. Nothing like a national text message of support to a guy you won't ever play with or never met....wow!!!

The woman who was once engaged to NBA star Jason Collins tells TMZ, she had NO CLUE he was Yag at the time of their relationship ... in fact, she only found out last weekend ... and she was floored.

Carolyn Moos (who played a few seasons in the WNBA) dated Collins for seven years and was engaged to him until they broke up in 2009 ... after Collins pulled the plug on their wedding.

Carolyn tells TMZ, she never once suspected he was Yag, so the news is shocking. She says Collins eventually revealed everything last weekend -- just days before his big announcement -- and said that his homosexuality was the real reason he ended things with her.

At the time of their breakup, Carolyn says Jason gave a bunch of BS reasons for calling it quits ... and she could never understand what went wrong, until now.

Carolyn -- who's back on the hunt for Mr. Right -- tells us, "It's very emotional for me as a woman to have invested 8 years in my dream to have a husband, soul mate, and best friend in him. So this is all hard to understand."

She adds, "I care about [Jason] tremendously and only want the best for him. I want Jason to be happy for a lifetime and stay true to who he really is, inside and out."


Signs were there. ^^^That could easily be packing a 9. A white Brittney Griner.
