It's official. WKU -3.5 is the worst beat of my life.

and im not some spring chicken either. ive been doing this shit for 15 years and i have seen craziest finishes, but the way this happened... up 35 points in 4th qrt. you can just kneel every down and punt, and you should run out the clock.
How did they score?...It was 49-42 with 1 second left and CM had the ball on their 25...

75-yard Hail Mary??...
Unreal...I just went to check my account and was wondering when they were gonna cash my CMU+1/2H Under 38 parlay, drove home from the bar up 21 with a few minutes to go, unreal. Unfuckingreal.
WKU coach mentally checked out when they were up by 35. I give CMU tons of credit for not quitting, but this is just so sick.

brewers, they did a crazy lateral and scored. Poor execution by WKU. This should've never happened.
I watched WKU waste the whole third quarter and first part of the fourth quarter playing slow and basically trying not to run it up. I went to the store to get stuff for tonight's dinner it was 49-21. I get a text from CC about, you guessed it...

Just amazing you can score 3 tds in the last three minutes without an onside kick recovery.
I spent last 20 minutes reminiscing every single bad beat I had for the last 15 years. This has to be it.
Not only the final TD was a complete bullshit, but the scenario it took to get to that stage was one in a million.
I left a restaurant and left when Wky ahead by over 20...did a few quick errands, turned on Capping Game and saw this thread....unreal
Unreal. I think worst beat ever to happen. How do you allow 5 TD's in the 4th quarter to begin with? And then allow that play at the end. Absurd.
Last second miracle happens. I get it. But this was not some back and forth game where WKU was holding on to a 7 point lead. They were up 35 points and literally dominated every part of this game until 4th qrt. And like Garfather said, they did this without even recovering any onside kick.

If I have to mathmatically calculate the odds of CMU covering +3.5 at the beginning of 4th qrt, I wouldn't even give it 0.001%
Thanx for the video...

That is sickening to anyone who had W. Kentucky...

I changed the channel after the punt when there was 1 second left and CM had the ball on their own 25...It was a miracle CMU even had a chance for 1 more play with 1 second left and 75 yards away from tying the game, but I didn't think there was any way they could score, and I turn ESPN back on about 5 minutes later and see a final of 49-48...

When it was 49-35 with about 3 minutes left and 3rd and 11, I could not fathom why WKU threw a pass there...Incomplete of course and it killed the clock and CMU was able to save one of their timeouts, and I thought right at that moment, "Man, I hope that doesn't cost them a tie if CMU can get a TD, recover the on-side and score again"...

Just an improbable ending...

And then why go for 2 if you are CMU??...

You have ALL the momentum...35 straight points and an opponent in shock after you kick the extra point and tie the game...Take it to OT and win it there, why take a chance and waste a comeback for the ages on 1 play?...Just stupid to go for 2 there...And WKU was stupid to even allow CMU to get the ball back for that final miraculous play where the last guy barely got in after they had them stopped at least twice...
Have no problem with going for two. Just a dumb play call. Should have pounded it right at the shocked wku defense
horrible call and horrible throw. Ball hung up there for 10 seconds. Manute bol would've had trouble
JFC went to sleep in 2Q feeling good (worked nights) and see how this shit happened. WTF. 2K turnaround for me, fuck.
Really really rough beat. I feel for anyone holding a WKU ticket. There were so many scenarios where the WKU coach could have burned that clock or done things differently to avoid that collapse.

The one saving grace after bad beats is being able to go over to blankets and read the entire forum absolutely imploding.
Really really rough beat. I feel for anyone holding a WKU ticket. There were so many scenarios where the WKU coach could have burned that clock or done things differently to avoid that collapse.

The one saving grace after bad beats is being able to go over to blankets and read the entire forum absolutely imploding.
Yes.the one thread over there is calling it a fix lol
there was 3rd and ten with about 3 mins left and qb throws ball away instead of taking sack making cmu use a timeout which would have also ended game but WKU coach should be fired for incompetence...I had no money on game but no one can be that stupid
That play and the missed FG by SDST has cost me about 4k in the last two days.

Sick also

I was on the wrong end of both as well. I was skiing today and my friend was texting me updates, I thought he was kidding on the last play. Un-fucking real. If last night and this game aren't trying to tell me something then I don't know what the hell is going on. That may very well be the last bet I place on sports. I think the fix was in last night truth be told.
I just saw the replay on ESPN. Anyone remember if they actually reviewed the last play to confirm if any of the laterals were illegal? It looked like the final lateral was at least worth a review. It was close.
2 years ago I was on the bad side of every crazy bowl beat there was...beat after beat...I'll take it light the next two days incase this is a sign of things to come...Fucking Terrible...
I just saw the replay on ESPN. Anyone remember if they actually reviewed the last play to confirm if any of the laterals were illegal? It looked like the final lateral was at least worth a review. It was close.

I was saying the same thing, I don't think they reviewed it
Alex called this at 49-14, or maybe 49-21. Guy's got vision.
2 years ago I was on the bad side of every crazy bowl beat there was...beat after beat...I'll take it light the next two days incase this is a sign of things to come...Fucking Terrible...

had WKU -2.5 and SDST ML last night.

Losing on that circus play and a 34 yd fg attempt puts a halt to my betting until after New Years. There's no point after those two loses.

That's the second hail mary I've been hit by this year. Only thing worse was holding a Cal ML ticket this year vs Arizona.

Trust me, I know how you feel getting fucked every way to Sunday. Hopefully next year all these plays will go for us.
I've had so many bad beats that it's very difficult to pick the worst, but Maryland/Miami and GT/NC State both come to mind. I would have to say GT was the worst.
Thought I heard on ESPN radio call, they didn't have review in the stadium. Can't confirm that though

If so, that's ludicrous. Hope their reasoning is strictly because it was in the Bahamas. Every bowl should have replay otherwise you're saying not all bowls are important.
In small defense of it not being a bad beat, other than 34 unanswered points in the 4th quarter, all the laterals looked legit.
I had both and the recency on this makes it worse, but the more I think about it, belk feels a bit worse
I will admit I looked at half and figured no way they come back. To watch that though makes me sick.
belk was bad . I had that one too.

Another factoid .. cmu averaged 25.2 pts per game this year while playing against mac defenses.