It's my turn to rant RE: Jeff Fisher


Pretty much a regular
Ok enough is enough. On the final play vs Seattle, Fisher says they gave Clemons different looks to read to make his choice and passing the ball was the best chance they had to score. I'm really ok with that. Do I think it was obvious they were going to pass because it was an empty backfield? Yes. Did everyone in the world know pre snap? Yes. But that's not where Fisher shows his stupidity because who are we to say what's the best play to run in that situation?
Here's where Fisher shows his ignorance and lack of preparation. After they ran the ball on 3rd down for no gain, Fisher, instead of calling a quick timeout with 20 seconds remaining in the game, he lets the clock run down to 4 seconds for 1 final play. Apparently he only wanted 1 more chance at an opportunity to score and if he got a defensive penalty he would get another opportunity. What if the penalty was a pass interference? With 15 seconds left he'd have possibly 3 more plays left instead of 1. Within those 3 plays could be another PI which would then give you another opportunity. This didnt happen but if it did, we have only 1 chance left instead 2 or 3 more.

Ya see, we can all second guess a play call after the fact and look smart, but when a head coach makes a decision that puts his team in a worse position to win, you have to wonder if this is the reason why we lose every year.
We're among the leaders in dropped passes. You saw Monday night, 3 penalties within the first 8 plays of the game. You saw an offense that produced the same offensive production when Bradford was behind center. The only difference was, we were behind by much more in our other losses and Bradford was able to compile stats vs prevent defenses. Take a look at Russell Wilson's stats. Its not pretty but the young fella wins.

The one thing I saw from Monday nights game that is clear to me. We are 1 good QB and Head Coach away from being pretty darn good. All the parts are there. Did anyone notice our #1 2013 draft pick Monday night? Oh, you saw him for 1 play on offense? Oh, you saw him on special teams? Oh, you didn't see him on the final few plays? Fisher didn't have their greatest threat in a position to put the ball in the end zone. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DRAFT HIM FOR???
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Stacy looked like a franchise back. A steal in the draft type guy.

Ive vet never been a brian schottenheimer fan and he did nothing to change my mind in that game. Fuck throwing the ball there, you were bashing them left and right running the ball. I would have given that ball to Stacy, banged up or not. If he was stopped at least you can say they stopped what was working the entire game. We gave it to our best player. Instead your back up QB sails one nowhere close throwing a jump ball vs the tallest DB in the NFL.
Coverdat, I agree with you but of course thats us second guessing on our part. Why did Fisher run the clock down to 4 seconds before he used a timeout? His only pathetic answer could be not to leave Seattle any time on the clock. Really? As if Seattle was having a banner day on offense? Really? He didn't trust his defense after pummeling Wilson all night long? Really? Stupidity is what I've been watching every Sunday. People got a good dosage of it. This time it was on a Monday.
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I didn't even think twice about the clock situation to be honest but your pass interference part makes sense. I remember Gruden commenting that it was the correct move. As a Raiders die hard Grudens word is golden to me LOL.

I think ink maybe Fisher was just sticking up for Schottenheimer to the press.
Cortland Finnegan has been horrible this year and he was a Fisher guy. Schottenheimer is a terrible OC and he is a Fisher guy. Jared Cook has been an absolute BUST sans week 1 blow up and he is a Fisher guy.

I see a theme. Team is underachieving no doubt, they should have won that game, Seattle basically gave it to them calling 8 runs for Lynch against one of the leagues worst run defenses.

The only defense of Fisher i would give on that last sequence would be his fear of leaving any time on the clock for a Seattle return, hailmary etc.
Fisher is terrible. I've said it for years. Perception is built totally on his incredible relationship with the media.

It will be great to see the Titans whip his ass this weekend.
Fisher is terrible. I've said it for years. Perception is built totally on his incredible relationship with the media.

It will be great to see the Titans whip his ass this weekend.
i remember you saying this when the Rams signed Fisher. He's mediocre. I wouldn't say terrible because the guy has made this team better just by his evaluation in the draft. We used to be the worst team in the NFL on draft day. We're in this position today because of Martz, Linehan and Spags's inability to draft the right players.
The reason I'm inspired to wax lyrical on my .02 here is the lingering incredulity I feel in the face of the Rams decision to pass the ball at all, let alone multiple times, at the end of that MNF game.

I don't care what anyone says, you do not throw the ball when you're at the 2. They had 3 plays from within 2 yards, they threw on 2 of them (one ended with a penalty for a replay of the down). The 1 play they chose to rush, was straight up the guts of the Seattle defense. Brilliant. Not only do they run it just once, they run the worst play imaginable imo. What's funny is, they rushed the ball in 3 of the 4 plays before they got to the 2, and those rushes gained 19 yards (the 1 throw was incomplete). So not only did they only rush it just once in 3 plays from the 2, they all butcompletely abandoned what had allowed them to get to the 2 in the first place.

One's left asking oneself, did they care to win that game? They chose to run the lowest percentage plays possible when they were most likely to score.
IMO The rams were never going to score run or pass. With the condensed field it is too hard for bad teams to score touchdowns. They cant pass, cant run inside, and stacy cant run outside. The only possible way for them to get 7 was to run some end around or reverse with your fastest man and hope he beats the defense to the edge.
Game was lost when STL missed the 50 yarder. Make that and no TD would have been necessary with the score 14-12.
ISUZU, that's my point about not using Tavon Austin. Part of the stupidity I see with the Rams also is they don't use any deceit. They think they need to call everything straight up. They have 2 sprinters in Givens and Tavon and there was never a thought to get them the ball in full stride to gain 1 yard. The other problem this coaching staff is having is nobody can sustain a block. Richardson would have gone in the 2nd down run but a DT came over all the way over and tripped him up after getting through 2 lineman. This team doesn't pay attention to details. Fisher supporters can say what they want, the guy is still losing when I see a team like the Colts instantly turn it around.
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