It was only a matter of time....T.O./Romo...


Eagles Fan
Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo

According to multiple sources within the Dallas Cowboys, there is an emerging internal conflict involving three of the team's highest-profile stars.

As the preseason Super Bowl favorites struggle in the final month of the season to simply make the playoffs, wide receiver Terrell Owens has expressed resentment toward Tony Romo, apparently jealous of the quarterback's relationship with tight end Jason Witten.

Owens feels that Romo and Witten -- close friends and road roommates who came to Dallas in the same offseason -- hold private meetings in which they create plays the two will use in upcoming games without including Owens in the conversations, according to a source who speaks regularly with Owens' teammates. Owens believes these discussions have worked to his detriment as Romo seeks to deliver the ball to Witten regardless of whether Owens is open.

Owens declined to discuss the situation on Thursday outside the Cowboys' locker room. As he walked toward the players' lounge at Valley Ranch, ESPN asked Owens if he would answer questions and he said, "Nope.''

Linebacker Bradie James acknowledged to ESPN that his status as one of the team captains has caused him to play a peacemaker role between Romo and Owens.

"Whenever the fire gets blazing, I know,'' James said. "Sometimes, I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but we all talk.

"It just is what it is ... It's just two different guys, two different personalities and they know what's at stake. They know that everybody needs them. And there's no dislike. It's just sometimes, not everybody is going to see eye to eye. That's what makes a football team.''

A current Cowboys player compared Owens' behavior to that which led to problems with his former quarterbacks, Jeff Garcia in San Francisco and Donovan McNabb in Philadelphia. Those failed relationships and problems with the head coaches and other teammates led to Owens' exile from those teams and made him available to Dallas owner Jerry Jones in 2006.

"He's insecure about it,'' the player said of Owens. "The thing that bothers me more than anything about this problem is that it's always something with him--San Fran, Philly and here; always something. And he brings other people into it. You know, he talks to Sam Hurd and Roy Williams, who just got here and doesn't really know these guys. TO talks to him and so now he probably thinks Witten politics with Tony for the ball.

"That's so far from the truth. You think Tony is throwing to him because that's his buddy? His best buddy is Bobby Carpenter, and that's not helping him too much. It's crazy to think that, and I hate that he acts that way.''

Witten leads the Cowboys with 64 receptions to 55 for Owens, who has a team-high 848 receiving yards and nine touchdowns. According to one of the sources, Owens cannot fathom how Romo and offensive coordinator Jason Garrett justify the tight end having more catches than does Owens even though the latter ranks among the most accomplished receivers in NFL history.

There has so far been no known confrontation between Romo and Owens, who have combined for 33 touchdowns since 2006, the most of any quarterback-receiver tandem in the NFL during that time. Romo has always been careful to make certain Owens felt appreciated so that he would compete hard and not cause the kind of upheaval he did with his previous teams.

But one teammate suggested Romo is frustrated enough that he might initiate a different approach, although not the confrontational kind that some believe might solve the problem.

"To be completely honest, I just think Tony is over it; not like, "Screw it.' But I think Tony is over the mind games,'' the player said. "It would help if Tony would stand up to him, but he would never do it. He does a great job of ignoring it and not letting it affect him, and that's why it has worked as good as it has. It's just hard. I think right now everybody is to the point where, "We're going to need him, so let's not piss him off.''

But Owens seems to be finding it increasingly difficult to conceal his irritation. Last week in Pittsburgh, on the first possession of the Cowboys' most important game of the season, a team source who reviewed the game tape said Romo threw an interception when Owens mysteriously failed to complete his route. Troy Polamalu intercepted the ball at the place where Romo expected Owens to be. Later in the half, Romo underthrew a pass for Owens that was intercepted by Ike Taylor and Owens gestured openly in Romo's direction as he walked toward the sideline that the ball should have been thrown further upfield.

But what upset Owens' teammates most of all was his response to the interception Romo threw on a pass intended for Witten that DeShea Townsend returned for the game-winning touchdown in a 20-13 defeat. Both the quarterback and tight end publicly accepted blame for the Cowboys' season-high fifth turnover. In contrast, Owens said the offense stunk, that the team can't win with turnovers like those and then suggested his defender was playing off in single coverage and that he was open but Romo decided to throw elsewhere on the fatal play.

On the sideline, Owens was seen yelling at a Cowboys assistant coach. In his press conference after the game, Owens implied that Romo's decision to throw to Witten was the wrong one, saying, "It's his job to go out there and assess what the defense is, and he made that decision.''

That incensed some Cowboys, one of whom said, "If you only knew all that guy does. It's gonna go down with him before it's all over with. He is unbelievable. Tough loss and he does that?''

Until then, Cowboys insiders considered Owens' most damaging behavior the interview he did with former Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders on the NFL Network in which he suggested Dallas' offensive system under Garrett was responsible for his worst statistical season since his rookie year with the 49ers. Owens also hinted that Romo and the other Dallas quarterbacks who played when the starter was injured were not making getting him the ball a high enough priority. "I can't throw it and catch it,'' Owens said.

At least one prominent Cowboys player was displeased that the coaching staff responded to the criticism by seemingly placating Owens in that Sunday's game against San Francisco, allowing him enough opportunities that he posted his best statistical line as a Cowboy: seven catches for 213 yards, including 75-yard TD.

"Well, TO got his way,'' the player said. "It never fails how we operate around here. Drives me crazy, but what can you do?''

Cowboys coach Wade Phillips justified Owens' argument by agreeing that getting him the ball needed to be the first offensive priority, and then owner Jerry Jones further empowered him by claiming he had no issue with anything Owens said in the interview.

Said another source: "What do you think he said after he complained about not getting the ball and then in the San Francisco game he gets 213? He said, "Look. It works. The more hell I raise, the more I get what I want.''

Owens in March signed a four-year contract extension worth $34 million, including a $12.9 million signing bonus to bind him to the Cowboys through the 2011 season.

When asked if Romo and Owens were all right together as the team prepares to play the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants on Sunday, James said, "Yeah. It's gotta be. It better be.''

The latest controversy comes toward the end of a season that began with Owens saying in training camp that he shared a relationship with Romo that he never had with other quarterbacks with whom he played. That, Owens said, was because Romo knew he was the star of the Cowboys and was not threatened by Owens' status as were previous quarterbacks.

"I guess sometimes I've just been in situations where the quarterbacks felt like I was bigger than them,'' Owens said in July. "And, you know, that was never the case. I felt like whatever I did complemented the quarterback, whatever he did, vice versa. It's just been a situation where things happen, where things didn't work out.''

Romo seemed equally at peace with Owens. "The thing about it is there's a genuine caring about each other. I actually want the guy to succeed. He works hard, he works his butt off. And he cares about the guys, so it's easy to root for a guy like that.

"It's important for us to be on the same page. It's important for us to care about the other one, just because our success is directly related. ... The thing you notice mostly about him is that he talks about 'team' a lot. He wants to win. He understands that, at this stage of his career, he's done all the things individually he can do. Now, it's just a matter of winning.''

Whether it is like that anymore -- and whether the Cowboys can achieve their own stated goals with the relationship between Owens and Romo and Witten being what it is now -- remains to be determined.

Since Romo became Dallas' starter, he has completed more passes to Witten than to Owens, 201-186, although Owens has significantly more yards and three times as many touchdowns.

"You really want to address it with him and say, "Are you serious? Let's cut the [sh--]. But we're trying to win our way into the playoffs and, if something like that happened, if you backed him into a corner, he'd be pissed off and try to fight you or something,'' the current Cowboys player said. "So what do you do? Let it go? Then you're just like everybody else. If he's got a problem and he's upset, clear the air. He should know that everything we do on offense goes through him."
TO must not be in the film room much if he doesn't know that witten is far better, more reliable, and much more of a mismatch 95% of the time than he is. if it wasn't for jason witten, this would be a six or seven win football team. what a jackass this guy is.
TO has psychological issues that need to be addressed in all seriousness . The whole possible OD situation and now being clearly PARANOID that because 2 people hang together they are conspiring . Must be a riot to date the guy . Probably has no jealousy issues and doesnt think the girl is fucking everyone she speaks to or glances at .

We know Rosenhaus really cares about his clients
If Owens goes off as we all know he can, then who picks him up if Dallas gets rid of him? Oakland????I don't think Dallas would cut him but still it's worth thinking about.

It's going to be real hard for Dallas to make the postseason as I see it. They almost have to win out. They're getting a Giants team coming off a loss, a Ravens team that's filthy and they might have to beat the Eagles in Philadelphia when both teams might have a playoff spot on the line. Good luck with that. If they make it, they earned it.
TO has psychological issues that need to be addressed in all seriousness .

This is the truth. And this truth is no laughing matter.

That aside, this couldn't please me more. For me, TO is like that really hot girlfriend who told you she loved you only to basically break up for you for no reason and move on to that guy at the office you can't stand. You wish her nothing but the worst because she brought it on herself.

Smoke's right, it was only a matter of time. He's an emotional infant. And what's even better about this, from an Eagle fan standpoint, is who's in charge. Wade Phillips is a giant p*ssy and you can see his team is getting softer and softer. They're not as disciplined, they're not as together--and now you see this happening. I personally think this only gets worse.

And I'm gonna pull up a chair and go get my popcorn.

I dont disagree by any stretch JP. Problem is he is mentally ill on some level. Mentally Ill people dont see things like healthy people do. Thats how the cycle continues . His messed up is reality to him and thats the unfortunate part . His arrogance is a defense mechanism . If he didnt convince himself to always be right then he would have to admit to himself that he is "off" mentally . Few people can do it until they get smakced in the face with a BRICK . His superstar status and talent cause people to overlook his issues . It happens with so many famous people .

Thats about the only reason why I wont shit on him . This shit has been stirring inside him all his life and its why IMO he has a poor attitude .
I understand what you're saying, SN, and agree with about 95% of it. Yes, a good deal of this is probably based on something he cannot control. My guess is that he's manic-depressive, probably has it pretty bad, too, likely needs medication--and I'm someone who's very anti-meds. But he's probably bad enough that he needs it. And there's no question he needs serious mental help. I think the OD that was swept ridiculously well under the rug by the team and the league proved that.

That all said, his defense mechanism turns him into a cancer and after that cancer damn near wrecked my team, it's good to see it wreck a team I loathe. Yes, it's petty, but f**k the Cowboys. They wanted that trainwreck now I hope they choke on it.

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TO has psychological issues that need to be addressed in all seriousness . The whole possible OD situation and now being clearly PARANOID that because 2 people hang together they are conspiring . Must be a riot to date the guy . Probably has no jealousy issues and doesnt think the girl is fucking everyone she speaks to or glances at .

If TO dates a woman wearing more bling than he is, he probably thinks shes trying to show him up:36_11_6:
I have a feeling, without help, the TO story has a sad ending. Probably not OJ-esque, but who was that guy for the Bears that ended up naked in the snow with a gun?
DLineman I believe ....cant recall the name ....Mark something maybe ..?

Exactly JP, do people not realize OJ is mentally ill . No one is home any longer and its sad even more so because he was such an icon . Our society loves failure , loves watching people get chopped down , and so on....
Updating a previous item, Clarence Hill of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram reports Cowboys wide receivers Terrell Owens, Roy Williams, and Patrick Crayton held a meeting with offensive coordinator Jason Garrett regarding their role vs. Jason Witten's role in the offense.

NFL Network's Deion Sanders, a confidant of T.O., suggested the complaints were coming from Crayton and Williams as opposed to T.O. Maybe he's rubbing off. At issue is the perception that Tony Romo relies on best friend Jason Witten at the expense of the rest of his options. Who ever said wide receivers were divas?
I don't believe a single word Deion says about TO. He might as well be Drew Rosenhaus. That they even had a meeting where it's the WRs vs. the TE is a joke. If Wade Phillips could even rent a single testicle he would have quashed this s**t long before now. But apparently the credit crunch extends deeper than we thought.
TO must not be in the film room much if he doesn't know that witten is far better, more reliable, and much more of a mismatch 95% of the time than he is. if it wasn't for jason witten, this would be a six or seven win football team. what a jackass this guy is.

I'm sorry broadwayjoe but this post is a complete joke. Witten a bigger mismatch 95% of the time? :36_11_6:

TO is only good because of the mismatches he creates, every single time he is on the field.

Defenses have to change for him, not Witten.

But yeah, something is definitely wrong with the dude. Maybe because he wasn't a big star until he got to the NFL? Handled it wrong and now regrets prior mistakes (yet makes them again, ???) Who knows...he's getting older too
Updating a previous item, Clarence Hill of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram reports Cowboys wide receivers Terrell Owens, Roy Williams, and Patrick Crayton held a meeting with offensive coordinator Jason Garrett regarding their role vs. Jason Witten's role in the offense.

NFL Network's Deion Sanders, a confidant of T.O., suggested the complaints were coming from Crayton and Williams as opposed to T.O. Maybe he's rubbing off. At issue is the perception that Tony Romo relies on best friend Jason Witten at the expense of the rest of his options. Who ever said wide receivers were divas?

Wow you guys would believe if ESPN said the moon was for sale. This article wreaks of bullshit.

Yahoo Sports already tore this whole article up for the bullshit it is. First of all, I had no idea that a QB and a tight end can go on their own and make their own plays. To quote yahoo "So are Tony Romo and Witten making plays on a cocktail napkin while the offensive coordinator is clueless to what is going on"

Then the fact that Sum Hurd has apparently just came on the team, when hes actually been on the team for 3 years.

The problem is not TO. The problem is instigators like ESPN and the people that believe it. I'm sure TO said some shit, but come on. I dont know about you guys but I'm pissed when I lose. Maybe TO is more emotional then I would be but this is his life and its just a game to me. In all likely hood TO said something like "Tony throw me the fucking ball" And there is nothing wrong with that.

Just because some asshole writes it doesn't mean its true. Personally I judge people when I see how I act for themselves. I dont call them a cancer and a psychopath if I know nothing about them. ESPN has been known to be wrong multiple times and taking words of context all the time and everyone on this forum knows it. Wasn't Chad Johnson never supposed to play for the Bengals. Shouldnt Chad Johnson be on the Redskins. Isnt Gregg Williams the coach of the Redskins. Fuck ESPN, they suck, seriously.
Media is bullshit believe nothing you hear there, its all fabricated for people---

If the media said TO was an alien, people would believe it-

If the media said TO was really ROMO's son people would believe it-

The point is that much of any truths in this world are started and fabricated from the media.
Ex- This story comes out in the news about TO getting all pissed off about ROMO-
Its all over the news and assumed to be true because the media reported it-

Nothing can be confirmed to be true on the MEDIA reporting it. Statistical things like Stocks and sports scores and gas prices are the things that the media reports correctly-

Scandals and other situations are all tainted and told from one perspective--

Take any event, a fight, a divorce, a dispute, a game, anythign, you will get totally different stories depending on who you ask--
So in regards to the media it is just one agency reporting something- It is to be taken that it is false unless they can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt-

Just the way things work, we often believe anythign we hear on the media, and are conditioned to believe everything we hear. Much of what people learn is from the TV and from the media. True knowledge is learned from books and from real life experiences-

Don't be paranoid and believe per say nothing, but keep an open mind, when ever you talk to someone and they tell you something, you may believe it, you may want to believe it, but consider that they may be telling something from their point of view that is bullshit or incorrect-

Just keep an open mind and check your sources and your info before we start believing things--

THe saying believe nothing you hear and only 50% of what you see is very true-
Illusions and sometimes what you think you saw, or what you physcologically believe you were supposed to see is different from what you actually saw.
You can say ESPN is part of the problem, and I'd say pretty much everybody will agree with you. But if you're judging guys by their actions then there's really no possible way to defend TO. Whenever he doesn't get his way he screams at his coaches. And it's not like he hides it, he does it during games. Or he yells at his QB, or he pitches a fit to the press.

The guy is simply not professional. He's extremely talented, he's probably one of the most in-shape guys in the game, so certainly he does some things very well. But he also is a horrible teammate, which he's proven again and again. He's not about the team, something he's also proven again and again. He's about himself and that he's emotionally disturbed doesn't help anybody.

To your point, though, that ESPN is ready with the gas can every time there's any semblance of a fire, that ain't good either.
Has anybody ever watched Jason Witten when he's a receiver? Dude is slow throughout his entire route like he's its walkthroughs. I'm not sure how he gets so open but he does.
Then don't believe anything you hear in the press, but nobody seems to be denying there are separate meetings being held. That the WRs are discussing Whitten's role. At that point, somebody's lost control. Either the QB or the OC, most definitely the head coach.

Yeah, you can throw away all the he said/she said if you want, but to try to deny that there's a problem in that locker room, and that it doesn't involve, if not center around, TO is to ignore history as recent as last weekend.
The sad thing is that people actually care about his bullshit--

if we didnt care and no one gave a shit, they would not report when he sneezes--

ESPN knows that peopple have become so critical of TO that they report everything and spin it with an indirect message that gives a HOLLYWOOD SPIN to it--

Sort of like REBEL RECEIVER in trouble again-- They make it like a soap opera with internal drama in a nationally recogniozed team with a BILLIONAIRE OWNER--
Its all about marketing--

You think ESPN would report if Brandon Stokely said he was pissed because Cutler is hanging out with Brandon marshall

Or Lee Evans is upset that LOSMAN is chilling with Roscoe Parrish?

Or even ANdre Johnson is pissed that SCHAUB throws to walter more? They wont even publish those stories--

It is because the media has become so much more, its a bigtime gossiper-
Then don't believe anything you hear in the press, but nobody seems to be denying there are separate meetings being held. That the WRs are discussing Whitten's role. At that point, somebody's lost control. Either the QB or the OC, most definitely the head coach.

Yeah, you can throw away all the he said/she said if you want, but to try to deny that there's a problem in that locker room, and that it doesn't involve, if not center around, TO is to ignore history as recent as last weekend.

If I was the QB for you were the QB Joe P, there is no way you would talk to TO either, I mean why? THe guy is a clown, even ROMO knows that--

THe media painted this bullshit love between TO and ROMO- I am sure ROMO knows TO is retarded? I mean how can he not? TO tried to behave but a clown always reverts back to the clown after some time-

So its not shocking, the guy has caused shit everywhere, so I mean why would things be different here? It is like this is a suprrise because the MEDIA painted this great freindship between TO and ROMO-

I am sure ROMO on friday night would not call TO to hang with, I mean obvious he called WHITTEN, WHitten and ROMO are probably friends out of football because they share things in common.
You can say whatever you want with the press making things up but the camera doesn't lie. We've all seen what TO has done in the past, all caught on tape. Like the title of the thread says, it was just a matter of time. Losing has caught up to him, and now he's frustrated. Expect more of this if the G-men beat them this week.

And I agree with you JP. If Wade had any balls, he'd speak up and tell everybody to shut the fuck up and concentrate on winning. Wade Phillips isn't a leader and he just buying time knowing Jason Garrett is right around the corner to take the Head coaching job, most likely at the start of next year.
thats pretty dead on COGS- and also TO has to learn to catch before he becomes an elite receiver--

I mean he could not hold Steve Smiths Jockstrap
Andre Johnsons Jockstrap
Reggie Waynes jockstrap
Randy MOss Jockstrap
Plexiglass Burres jockstrap
Brandon Marshall
Larry Fitxgerald
Anquin Boldin
Roddy White
Santana Moss- Calving Johnson

I mean he is not even top 10 so I dont know why anyone cares about him- He is so overrated anyway.
thats pretty dead on COGS- and also TO has to learn to catch before he becomes an elite receiver--

I mean he could not hold Steve Smiths Jockstrap
Andre Johnsons Jockstrap
Reggie Waynes jockstrap
Randy MOss Jockstrap
Plexiglass Burres jockstrap
Brandon Marshall
Larry Fitxgerald
Anquin Boldin
Roddy White
Santana Moss- Calving Johnson

I mean he is not even top 10 so I dont know why anyone cares about him- He is so overrated anyway.

Not to mention Visanthe Shiancoe ......
Alonzo Spellman had bipolar disorder and it ruined his career. I believe on a plane ride he went crazy and they had to have an emergency landing. Outstanding buckeye but a little before my time so I don't know the extent of his problems except he was fucked up.

....TO talk of committing suicide couple years back with agent calling cops.

Clearly he has emotional problems.
I dont think this matters, I think Cowboys dispose of Giants pretty easily sunday night--

ROMO needs a win vs a top team- I think he can get it here--

Giants will not win now that PLEX is out, it means stack the run, or pay more attention to Steve smith and force Manning to throw to Boss and toomer--

TO may be nuts but my money is more than likely on his overrated ass this Sunday as he will score a TD and then hug ROMO and it will be national news.
This is classic Ed Werder stirring up the pot bullshit. So the receivers have a private meeting with the OC.....that's how you're supposed to handle disagreements, right? Behind closed doors.

Meanwhile Willie Parker and Mike Tomlin are throwing verbal spears at each other through the media in Pittsburgh. But you wouldn't know anything about it if all you watch is ESPN.
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The funny thing about that cartoon is that it kind of looks like Romo's getting caught blowing Whitten.

Of course, that's probably the subtext.

Too funny.
TO will dismantle a team no matter where he goes because the media is the problem. Yes TO blows up at the coaches. But whatever man. I blow up at people too and so do all of you. I get pissed at people all the time that I am friends with. He is a passionate player. Just because someone yells and shit. For all you know he was crying about Ike Taylor holding him or something. I have no problem with TO. Until he comes to a press conference and says this shit himself. Nop. Not a word. And if it is true, it is taken out of context. If its not true, ban this reporter from the locker room, seriously
I blow up at people too and so do all of you.

That's total bulls**t you ****ing ****er and you know it. Go **** your ****ing ****er you ******er or I'll come over there and **** your *****-****ing ****, *****er.
This is classic Ed Werder stirring up the pot bullshit. So the receivers have a private meeting with the OC.....that's how you're supposed to handle disagreements, right? Behind closed doors.

Meanwhile Willie Parker and Mike Tomlin are throwing verbal spears at each other through the media in Pittsburgh. But you wouldn't know anything about it if all you watch is ESPN.

ESPN has not solely zeroed in on the dallas turmoil... they covered the portis/zorn conflict in just as much detail
Honestly though......TO has a point.

Philly used him. They got the ball to him quick and let him do his thing. He looked so much better in Philly, and he hasn't declined it's the way he's used


John Madden was on NFL network classic game doing the Cowboys, that WAS a team.

Romo's acting like a little puss here. A leader circles evryone invloved and says f### the bullshit, we want a ring now let's go get that bitch.