Indy Grand Prix

Played Power +900 for .20. Was hoping for a better number on Veekay . Kind of a shitty race, but we’ll still take it. Driver history…

Ilott seems to be finding his groove. If he can turn his speed into results (which as alluded him) he’ll find a new home next year. Good for him.
Chance of t storms tomorrow afternoon so we’ll check on that with the coffee in the morning. Qualifying coming up. That’s a tight damn second practice btw. Just no room for error these days
We’ll I can’t ask for better than that. Obviously Conor is a surprise and I think he was +10000. I’ll give a recap of todays events in the morning. It’s freekin happy hour time gentlemen. Cheers

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When was the last time Dixon didn’t have at least a podium in the first four races? It was 2018. How did he do in the points that year? He won a ring. He does certainly seem off, but the year is young.

There are some heavyweights buried in the back of the field that will most certainly go off strategy. What are the chances they’ll catch a sweet yellow? There have been 16 cautions in 11 races here.

The Chevy -145 still seems cheap. One would think Palou is the only Honda in the top 9 to fear. Weather looks like a 50/50 at the moment. If it’s dry at the start I’ll be shocked if everyone isn’t on reds. I’ll find that when it’s posted.
Dixon catching +127 v Grosjean. That’s a pass for me.

Added Lundgaard-113 Ilott. He’s with a better team and has outperformed him in 3 of the 4 races this year ( not Texas/oval). He also ran here last year with a damn respectable 12th. I might be reaching on this one, but played it anyway. Probably it for me. Cheers and GLTA.
This race basically defined the entire first half of the day

What a clusterfuck