Incredible Case Study on a Blown Call


Bump. Set. Shuma!
The Armando Galarraga/Jim Joyce thing will likely go down as the biggest gaffe so far in MLB in my lifetime (bigger than Jeffrey Mayer and yes, bigger than that call at 1B in the Royals/Cardinals Series). Love that a professor chose that as a case study for his students to show how law interacts with sport/recreation.

The Armando Galarraga/Jim Joyce thing will likely go down as the biggest gaffe so far in MLB in my lifetime (bigger than Jeffrey Mayer and yes, bigger than that call at 1B in the Royals/Cardinals Series). Love that a professor chose that as a case study for his students to show how law interacts with sport/recreation.

I dunno, Bonds not getting into the Hall of Fame is probably the biggest gaffe
I dunno, Bonds not getting into the Hall of Fame is probably the biggest gaffe

HOF voters a bunch of self righteous douche bag hypocrites. Pete rose not being in along with all the greats of steroid era a joke. Funny thing is half these jerkoffs knew god damn well everyone was juicing and said nothing but now they wanna hang the guys who saved the sport!!
HOF voters a bunch of self righteous douche bag hypocrites. Pete rose not being in along with all the greats of steroid era a joke. Funny thing is half these jerkoffs knew god damn well everyone was juicing and said nothing but now they wanna hang the guys who saved the sport!!
Please don't make this thread about juicing. This is about one call that actually altered the books.