Gorgolon Lives
The Reverend of CTG
Sheeli u idiot
anyone else sick of Matthew mcconnegay car commercials?
The Bills are 2-1 under Kyle Orton. They've led for a grand total of 5 seconds in those 2 wins. pic.twitter.com/IbHGt1Ftlv
The Bills are 2-1 under Kyle Orton. They've led for a grand total of 5 seconds in those 2 wins. pic.twitter.com/IbHGt1Ftlv
can't challenge forward progress, Red
I think they are called the Dan Bandben mcadoo looks like the "see the fucking look in your eye" wedding singer from old school
cant believe he stepped out of bounds .. #KCreceivermiscues
I am, especially cause I drive a Caddianyone else sick of Matthew mcconnegay car commercials?
I think they are called the Dan Band
I am, especially cause I drive a Caddi
Had a black one, just traded for the Pearl White 2 door coupe CTSlol.. if someone would have ask , "what kind of car does sharkie drive?" I would have guessed black caddie.. did I get color right?
:rofl:I would have guessed Shark drove a Smart Car?!
I would have guessed Shark drove a Smart Car?!
I am, especially cause I drive a Caddi
old people