*** In-game College Football Week 8/NFL Week 7 ***

Unfuckingbelievable, fuck off

Pass Interference call cost me a bunch of money tonight, Beavers got fucked. Congrats to those on the other side, you won one you didn't deserve.
Stars dominated by osu. Fucking unreal. Go from 2-0 to 0-2 so fucking dumb. In a game with 20 punts the over hits, what a joke. If you played the over, first off fuck off and second go by a lottery ticket.
It's hard to put me on tilt and this game won't do it, but wow that's about as close as it gets when it comes to the outs that I had

After watching this game I would take Oregon State with much more confidence the next time than I did, pretty fucked up
weeknight luck is fun ...

had Houston two weeks ago and they fumble at the 1 going in on first down to blow the cover
had byu last week and they blow a two td lead while getting 3.5 and go to overtime after ucf misses a bunch of fg's and then lose by a td in overtime ( pi on final play not called ).
had Oregon state and over ... was sitting at 1-1 with Utah pinned deep having not scored a td all game and leading by 4 outright. Manage to have them drive the length, converting a fourth down, then Oregon state hits long fg .. then misses chip shot in ot and gives up the td ..

to have all three makes me giggle. if you had Oregon state and over heading into the second overtime you had to work really hard to lose both bets.