If You Love OVERS….


Not from 63rd
Historically speaking, when I get a bit too excited it’s the exact time to fade me. With that being said here we go!

Chicago OVER 6
Vegas OVER 6
Carolina OVER 6
Anaheim OVER 6
As I’m typing Dach has a chance and gets poke checked by Vasi

I’m sorry but I just don’t see it with this guy
Historically speaking, when I get a bit too excited it’s the exact time to fade me. With that being said here we go!

Chicago OVER 6
Vegas OVER 6
Carolina OVER 6
Anaheim OVER 6
Didn't see before the first 2 starts. But I love the Vegas one. Ottawa just doesn't play defense
There are times I look at the board and feel like a kid in a candy store. Everything looks good and games look easy. Well, it is usually a disaster for me. So I know exactly where your coming from.