I know why Anaheim cannot beat Boston its very simple-

Its really this simple, the Jets are kicking an onside kick, and I dont remember details, but I think Cromartie was in the area, got his hands on it, and god damnit he didnt get it back. Leading to this conclusion, CROMARTIE HAS NO HANDS - Sammy. I realize that Norv Turner is not the best coach in the world, but he knows hands. Coaches know more then Sammy Meatball, Cromartie would not be on the hands team if he had no hands. But he has no hands damnit

Also Gurv as we have already stated Cromartie was a receiver in high school and moved to defense as a DB. When that happens its the guys who cannot catch. The guys that can catch are receivers not DB's.

Also field goal kickers get paid to kick field goals, and to make them
Long snapper gets paid to make the long snap
Millionaire is on the hands teams and the ball is kicked right at him and goes right through his hands? If kickers and long snappers get all kinds of grief for not making the play why should Cromartie be absolved for having one job to catch a pigskin that is kicked right at him.

I won that bet on Sandiego that game, but I can tell you it is much more serious than that my friend. I like San Diego, especially Rivers, Cromartie is a stud at DB, however he has to have good hands and sure hands-

It is important for Db's to be mentally aware and always try to catch every ball. You want to know how important it is for a DB to catch a ball thrown at him. ASK ASANTE SAMUEL as it cost the PATS the SUPERBOWL last year, he catches that INT that ELI threw right at him and its over pats win the bowl.

I would never be critical if he was not a professional. ANother guy Terrel OWENS is also a PRO and has no hands. He drops a lot of balls, and he is a PRO in the NFL? What exactly does OWENS do during practice? Does he catch passes, work with the ball machine? How can he drop so many passes, he is not in the CFL is he?

Owens has one job to catch the ball and he cannot do it consistently-
Cromartie was a receiver, he is on D because he has QUESTIONABLE hands, its that simple, if he had hands he would probably be the leagues best receiver with his speed and moves
Owens has one job to catch the ball and he cannot do it consistently
Last time I checked every single receiver has dropped the ball.
You can't serious with this comment. Isn't he 5th all time in the NFL with 135 Touchdowns and will be 4th by end of the season.
Yes every receiver has drops, but when you make multiple drops in games over and over it is evident he has no hands. It is a known fact that Owens has no hands, put him in press coverage and watch balls fly off his hands all day just like last week.
Not singling you out, BC, but I just don't understand the love for this team, and this isn't just based on last night's "performance". I don't know, I just don't buy in to them being better than Boston.

counselor - (before I post my pov, I might add one news outlet review of game 1 started by saying while Anaheim's previous 9 p.s. losses to the Sox came because they were the 2nd best team on the field, their loss in game 1 wasn't because that was the case. So unlike yourself, not all are so down about their effort last night. Boston's offense stank, in case you missed it, while the game was a contest. Anaheim had more hits & more baserunners, Boston simply lucked out on the 2 out, timely homer. The 9th inning was sacrifice useless arm time on Scoscia's behalf. If it wasn't a better arm would've been used, ie. KRod, to keep it a 1 run game.)

Anyway, from my pov when it comes to post seasons it isn't about stats, it's about feeling out teams "destinies". While I like what the Angels did in the reg. season to Boston, this is more about my disbelief in Boston this post season. The offense is clearly weaker (last night perfect example for the 1st 8 inns - if Anaheim had gotten any sort of reasonable run total, say 3-4 runs - Boston loses that game easy) is one part of it, and the other part is teams simply don't repeat WS wins. It's so hard to win one with the effort it takes. That kind of effort 2 seasons in a row is too much unless a team stays fully intact (which the Yankees managed significantly in the late 90s). Boston has lost crucial pieces from last season, whether they get by the Angels or not, they're not winning it all this season. I've seen enough from the Angels (this season) to think they knock the Sox out. If they don't Tampa will. I'd be very suprised of Boston makes the WS, to the degree I wouldn't put your money on them winning the AL section of play, let alone my own.
Yes every receiver has drops, but when you make multiple drops in games over and over it is evident he has no hands. It is a known fact that Owens has no hands, put him in press coverage and watch balls fly off his hands all day just like last week.

If he had no Hands as you say he would be on Defense.

T.O. has no hands. Sure :smiley_acbe:
Pretty sure now the Angels will quit pretty quick. I can honestly see this next game as a shutout as ANgels will know its over and quit.

AS I predicted Kendrick is a joke, and he cost them again, coming up with many runners in scoring position and always did nothing----

figgins sucks and even though Guerro, GA and Tex are hitting, it does not matter because the rest of ANaheim lineup is made of below avg hitters that were hyped up because they played for Anaheim. Boston or New york would be in no hurry to sign Figgins or Kendrick or Aybar or half the chokers on ANaheim--

Looking at Anaheims faces, they are done, and KROD after giving the homer covered up his face with the glove, a certain sign of a coward not willing to face the world after screwing up. Anaheim is full of chokers, it is proven, they could tie them, but when push comes to shove their vaunted bullpen which IMO is very weak did what it did gave up the homer. KROD is overrated huge---

Angels are basically an avg team that will be swept once again, they are done, the players packed it in after last night, they tried hard came close, but they are pretenders---

Kendrick is done, might as well bench him, they are trying way too hard, and the game is not fun, it is hard now cause of the pressure to hit now.

Johny Papplebon is a real closer, he owns the Angels and comes through, ANgels closer gives up the homer, same story different team, BOSTON is for real