I know why Anaheim cannot beat Boston its very simple-

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
When you look at these 2 teams and you now see Boston winning 10 in a row over Anaheim.

I bet BOSTON tonight but did not bet it for the series for which I am still kicking myself for.

THis is simply a very bad matchup for Anaheim, and I will tell you why.

Playoff Baseball is about pitching, bullpens, managing and hitting. However its also about INTELLIGENCE and doing the little things right.

The simple reason why Boston is beating Anaheim is due to the player makeups on the teams.

Ex- Anaheims big star GEURERRO was 1 for 49? Is that even possible to be that bad in playoffs? That is an average of 20 points? he got lucky with one hit and then made that horrible error which cost Anaheim any chance of a rally.

You look at those players and the way they all huddle around the dugout cheering and inspiring each other.

After Guerrerro made the error not one single player said anything to him. He may as well just have left the stadium and got on a plane back home to venezueala.

Players like Youklis, Bay, Pedroia, Lowell, Drew can get hits, they are clutch and more importantly they understand how to get hits in playoff baseball.

Figgins, Hunter, Guerrerro, kendrick, Mathews Jr, Aybar are all terrible. You can already tell by just looking at them that they all have no confidence at the plate, and they are beaten men. They have been defeated already by Boston in their minds.

Anaheim has Lackey who pitched a gem, but needed to basically shut out Boston. Anaheim has a good manager in SCOCIA, so thats not the problem.

If you re arrange these lineups and give Anaheim Lowell, Drew and Bay and trade Guerrerro, Hunter and Kendrick I can guarantte you that Boston can no longer beat Anaheim every time.

Anaheim played in a very weak division where they only needed a few runs. Playing vs Boston they are going to need to score 4 to 5 runs to win games. This lineup cannot do it. Their leadoff hitter gets no contact at all, geuerrerro is an automatic out. Look at Anaheim and notice how they barely make contact with the ball also, they dont even hit the ball out of the infield.

Boston looked like a mob when the whole team was pumped, and they have the right approach and have intelligent baseball players. Anaheim a good regular season team, has the worst type of players you would want on a playoff team. WHen your FRANCHISE player is 1 for 50 and you are outscored 20-1 after the 8th inning why does this happen? Is Boston that much better?

ANAHEEIM WON in 2002, but they had Tim Salmon, Troy Glaus, David Eckstein, Darrin Ersta.

Now they have a bunch of players sans Garret ANderson who have done nothing, because in reality they are not great players. Guerrerro is possibly one of the most retarded baseball players in the world, great athlete but a joke in playoffs 1 for 50.

I know that when you lose to a team 10 in a row it is not the talent, but it is the fact that the team losing has already accepted defeat. When Guererro made that error the team quit. This team needed game 1 to win.

Just compare the lineups, no Anaheim players is even close to YOUKLIS who is dangerous, ELLSBURY is on base all day stealing, where is FIGGINS?

And what if ORTIZ actually gets a hit in a game? IF Ortiz gets a hit Boston will likely win that game.

Anaheim can beat Seattle and Oakland but cannot beat a smarter team in Boston.

Anaheim has only 2 players, Garret Anderson who is a proven key performer and possibly Texeira who is white and can play. The rest of their team unfortunately cannot play and cannot handle Boston.
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CAP I like Anaheim also, especially John LACKEY he won game 7 for the world series for me vs SANFRAN, where If I lost I would have had to hide in Afghanistan because I owed so much to my bookie.

I am gratefull to Anaheim and LACKEY especially as he basically saved MY LIFE by winning that game.

However at this point that team was great, but you guys watch the game, tell me if you see any different? A player who goes 1 for 50 and is the clean up hitter, a leadoff hitter that sucks and kendrick who is overrated. HUNTER has no patience it looks like he is swinging at a ping pong ball.
Look at Boston BAY and YOUKLIS they make contact with the ball.

Anaheim simply has no idea how to hit good pitching, I know they are not good vs lefties but I am sure they will struggle vs righties also.

Also Shields was okay in 2002, he is washed up now.

Anaheim is one of my favorite teams, but I think Boston will beat them easily, you can see it because Anaheim has already accepted defeat.

When you lose 10 in a row and get outscored that bad, and are like 1 for 38 vs Papplebon all those points are due to the lineups.

Sprinkle a little Pedroia and Ellsbury and Lowell on ANaheim and these 2 teams are basically dead even, but due to the disparity in the white to black players it is no contest as is proven by 10 in a row. 10 in a row is no fluke, it is what it is.
What I meant to say is the intelligent approach at the plate, and it is obvious that Boston has those type of players.

Anaheims lineup has the players who are more free swinging and a little less patient and show less hitting intelligence.
just remember this -

By winning their 10th in a row over the Angels, Boston tied the record for p.s. wins in a row over the same opponent.

They tied with a team called Oakland, who set that record 10th win in a row vs Boston itself in the ALDS of 2003. Guess what happened immediately after they set that record (to go 2-0 up in that series)? they lost the next 3 straight, and Boston advanced to that season's ALCS.

So anyone can wax lyrical about why Boston has it over LA, no doubt they were doing exactly the same in 2003 about all the reasons why the A's had it over Boston then. And those, no doubt valid, reasons for the A's meant absolutely nothing come the next 3 games they played.

The Angels approach at the plate is exactly the same as it was when they hammered Boston 8-1 SU during the regular season, as is Boston's approach. Right now this is all about the psychological for the Angels. They get a win in game 2, I think they win this series 3-1. They lose, they're (obviously) done. And they have hammered Dice-K before. Friday is going to be an interesting day.
Good stuf BC...LAA wins this series imo....still...

jeebus...it's 1 game of a series...relax.

turns out the halos were flat tonight. happens i guess when you don't play a meaningful game in such a long time. but u also gotta give lester credit here too.

now i agree that many of the halo fans, and even vlad, had that "look" on their faces in the 9th...but come on, many of the halos have been there before as well.
Isn't this Bay's first playoff experience?! how does he understand how to hit in the PS? He played well last night though..and pedroia, with 13 AB's last year in the PS he hit .154 and an OBP of .214....his approach at the plate isn't any different than it was before..needless to say sox and dodgers both benefiting from the trade

Players like Youklis, Bay, Pedroia, Lowell, Drew can get hits, they are clutch and more importantly they understand how to get hits in playoff baseball.

Figgins, Hunter, Guerrerro, kendrick, Mathews Jr, Aybar are all terrible. You can already tell by just looking at them that they all have no confidence at the plate, and they are beaten men. They have been defeated already by Boston in their minds.

So Boston will win because they have more white players, who are more intelligent?? I dont get it sammy...you have some strange theories buddy
Ex- Anaheims big star GEURERRO was 1 for 49? Is that even possible to be that bad in playoffs? That is an average of 20 points? he got lucky with one hit and then made that horrible error which cost Anaheim any chance of a rally.

If you're gonna embarrass yourself at least get your facts right. Vlad is not 1 for last 49 in the playoffs. I know you never do, but do your research before you make stupid posts.

Ha I am the biggest Red Sox fan in the planet and seeing a post like this still pisses me off.
Sammy... I had a dream on Monday just like your story... J/K

Congrats on the win?:cheers:
as a huge sox fan, what makes me nervous about this series is how the media keeps making a huge effing deal about how the sox won 10 straight int he playoffs vs. the angels. that doesnt matter to me the least bit. tex and hunter werent their and the team is different. all that nonsense is just gonna fuel the fire, kinda like it did for the sox in 2003 vs. oakland. they lost last night because lester pitched a gem and the sox were able to score a few runs off anaheim's solid pitching.

its no secret this year that how goes ellsbury, so goes the offense. i've seen the numbers a week ago, but the point is when hes getting on base this team is remarkable better. it doesnt hurt coming into the playoffs that hes been hitting .340 over the past month, and .400 the last 10 games. it kinda hurt last night when he was batting 3rd to start the inning 3 times following lowrie and tek, but if he can keep getting on base the way he has been the sox will be fine.

contrast to what sammy says about some of the angels hitters, i think their lineup is pretty solid all around. torii hunter is the main guy in the angels lineup who scares me. ya he wasnt that great last night, but credit that to lester. hunter's been in the playoffs before, and has been quite successful. if we keep him limited in production that will be the key for a sox series win. BUT, its 1-0 series. its far from over. we can only hope dice-k shows up big tomorrow and beckett's ready to go sunday at fenway. go sox
someone tell the story of the cromartie has no hands bit. all cromartie has is hands. he sucks in man or zone coverage.
I took LAA on the series, my contribution to my home team, Sox will win it.
just remember this -

By winning their 10th in a row over the Angels, Boston tied the record for p.s. wins in a row over the same opponent.

They tied with a team called Oakland, who set that record 10th win in a row vs Boston itself in the ALDS of 2003. Guess what happened immediately after they set that record (to go 2-0 up in that series)? they lost the next 3 straight, and Boston advanced to that season's ALCS.

So anyone can wax lyrical about why Boston has it over LA, no doubt they were doing exactly the same in 2003 about all the reasons why the A's had it over Boston then. And those, no doubt valid, reasons for the A's meant absolutely nothing come the next 3 games they played.

The Angels approach at the plate is exactly the same as it was when they hammered Boston 8-1 SU during the regular season, as is Boston's approach. Right now this is all about the psychological for the Angels. They get a win in game 2, I think they win this series 3-1. They lose, they're (obviously) done. And they have hammered Dice-K before. Friday is going to be an interesting day.

Not singling you out, BC, but I just don't understand the love for this team, and this isn't just based on last night's "performance". I don't know, I just don't buy in to them being better than Boston.

Boston has better hitters/power from top to bottom in that lineup.

After last night's performance, there's no way one can give LAA the clear advantage in SP or BP.

I know many of you believe that LAA has the advantage in "speed", but speed guys have to get on base, and then they have to do something when they're on base. I'm not at all convinced that LAA has an advantage in overall speed.

I know a lot of people disagree, but I believe Boston is the overall better defensive team. Give me Boston's bench, too.

I can't give more than a slight advantage to LAA on anything.

I said it last night, and I'll say it again (and, yes, part of it is sour grapes b/c I lost my bet), if you're the best team in the A.L. (which they're presumed to be) you just do not lose that first game at home, and especially in the manner they lost it in. You just don't. You don't. And when you do, you can't say that your still the best team in your league.

I've said it since just after the ASB that I thought LAA was getting a little bit too much love and wasn't the best team in baseball because they weren't even the best team in the A.L., and maybe not even one of the top 2. Last night just confirmed what I already knew but allowed myself to be buffaloed.

You touched on it a bit already that LAA has the same approach that they had all along. That's one of the reasons I don't think they're the best team. They don't change their approach, even when it's necessary. It was no secret how Lester was pitching them after the 3rd inning. A lot of breaking stuff inside. BUT, LAA kept sitting on fast balls, especially in the 5th-7th inning, and they just kept swinging through Lesters breaking balls on the inside part of the plate. Was it good pitching? Absolutely. Was there some terrible approaches at the plate? Well, they had 9 hits and 1 run. To me, that indicates some issues at the plate.

Which does make me question the intelligence of this team a bit. Or maybe they are so arrogant and full of themselves that they don't believe they need to change because they won 100 games this year? I don't know, but it would not shock me to see a sweep.

Jeezez, I kinda went SportsNut on this mother fucker...BOL, fellas...
^ i dont think ive ever seen you post that much in one post

fuckin a dude.


counselor, there is a big difference in what you posted here and your posts last night. In translation, it's not the same if you claim the Angels are "the ugliest and most overrated team in the majors playing in the most bogus division", or to say that you think Boston is better than LAA.

Actually I don't see many people who have claimed otherwise, at least not until the Angels show more consistency in the playoffs.
I may be bias, but vladi is one of the best hitters in the league when it comes to hitting shit out of the zone. I think yesterday's matchup was just bad because Lester is a finesse pitcher... should do better. He was never healthy past couple post seasons...i got faith..
Where was this great analysis before the game started Sammy? You can't give this after the game.
someone tell the story of the cromartie has no hands bit. all cromartie has is hands. he sucks in man or zone coverage.

Its really this simple, the Jets are kicking an onside kick, and I dont remember details, but I think Cromartie was in the area, got his hands on it, and god damnit he didnt get it back. Leading to this conclusion, CROMARTIE HAS NO HANDS - Sammy. I realize that Norv Turner is not the best coach in the world, but he knows hands. Coaches know more then Sammy Meatball, Cromartie would not be on the hands team if he had no hands. But he has no hands damnit
has anyone else noticed that Sammy put every single black player under the bus but complimented every white guy even if they were on the Angels.

Im cheering for the Sox in this one but this shit is stupid.
Its really this simple, the Jets are kicking an onside kick, and I dont remember details, but I think Cromartie was in the area, got his hands on it, and god damnit he didnt get it back. Leading to this conclusion, CROMARTIE HAS NO HANDS - Sammy. I realize that Norv Turner is not the best coach in the world, but he knows hands. Coaches know more then Sammy Meatball, Cromartie would not be on the hands team if he had no hands. But he has no hands damnit

lol. didn't he have a pick 6 that game?
has anyone else noticed that Sammy put every single black player under the bus but complimented every white guy even if they were on the Angels.

Im cheering for the Sox in this one but this shit is stupid.

As an African American yourself, I can see how this would upset you, Alex...

Gurv I did not throw everyone under the bus, I gave credit to Garrett ANDERSON, because he is consistent and has came through and will continue to get hits.

The following is so true about playoffs. Everyone wants to point out Anaheims regular season record vs Boston. Anaheim was giving it their all while Boston was not, Boston paced themselves accordingly.

Playoffs is about emotion and mentally destroying your opponent. Celtics did this to KOBE, Ottawa Senators in NHL, Pitts last year vs detroit were just mentally overpowered. What I saw yesterday from the Boston team was a group of players that were involved in the game. They were cheering, and were helping each other, and were basically moving around the dugout and communicating.

The teams that lose and get swept are usually the teams that played like Anaheim yesterday. They had all of the following characterisitics of a losing team.

-Star player Guerrerro swinging wildly- making mental errors on bases-
-Announcers pumping up this Howie kendrick guy and saying he will win a batting title in he future- How about getting a hit with runners on for Kendrick? In my eyes if he is going to win a batting title, he has to make hits with runners in scoring position.

Look at Anaheims dugout, they were down by 1 run and not one camera shot showed them with any emotion. It was all Boston, because they have won, and that is huge.

I can tell you that Guerrerro is one tough guy to figure out,but he is no leader, and your top players have to be leaders on your team.

Boston on the other hand has so many leaders, Lowell, and vets, Varitek, who does Anaheim have? Figgins? Aybar? Hunter? Texeiar? Napoli?

The truth is that Anaheim plays PLAYOFF baseball intensity in regular season, Boston does not. Now when Boston turns it on, you see the result 10-0 vs Anaheim.

The reason for this post is that I look for teams that are mentally broken down and beaten and okay with losing. I really dont think that Chone figgins, guerrerro and Aybar, Kendrick, Mathews Jr are giong to be too upset if they lose.

Why? Because its simple they have never won anything. Boston for years had not won, that created a hunger, Boston was sick of the Yanks winning their titles, now that they have won some, they realize that it could be another 100 years before they win it again. Boston is just taking advantage of this nucleus and trying to win as many championships as possible.

I am not saying Boston can win it all or even beat TBay-- But vs Anaheim who everyone still remembers their 2002 title, but as i pointed out they had Salmon, Glaus, Eckstein, ERstad, now they have some players who IMO are quiet introverts who are just playing regular season ball.

THe series price of +175 now for Anaheim also gives me the idea that Vegas agrees with ANaheim as the price changed 100 points after the loss.

When you need a win, you cannot rely on guys like Guerrerro to bring you back. Perhaps if G Anderson and Texeria get really hot they have some chance, becaue the rest of the lineup willl struggle, they always do, Anaheim was a product of media and national attention. THey were bigged up to be something great, and with their success over Boston and Yanks it put the idea that they are great. BUt when teams like Boston and Yanks who are smart they never try full out in regular season, that is the difference here. Just like the Ny giants last season, play one way during reg season and then turn it on in the playoffs.

ANaheim is on my radar seriously as I feel they may win 1 game, but I cannot see them beating this Boston team, as I feel Boston is a better team, but a smarter team, and a MORE COMPLETE team, with better baseballers. Anaheim is the quintessential team like in college footballl that is ranked in the top 10, sort of like Ohio state, and then they are exposed when they play a team like USC-

Bottom line is if Anaheim offense continues to do what they do, which is not much in playoffs, they willl lose easily as they cannot win games 1-0 in playoffs.
Anyone thinking that Anaheim has any advantage, I dont see it, DICE K can be nasty and filthy on the road, BECKETT is probably one of the best playoff pitchers ever vs Joe SAUNDERS, and then do they want to face Lester at home where he is better?

The Boston bullpen is much much better than the Angels bullpen, Boston bullpen has gotten outs in the post season, Anaheims bullpen has gotten out Oakland and Seattle and texas all year. The regular season means nothing, ANaheim does not get any extra runs for beating Boston during the season.

Anaheim also is suffering from the fact that they clinched so early, so they played shitty ball down teh strech, while Boston was surging as they went into the playoffs. This is also huge---

I love Anaheim and would be happy to see them win this series, but I do not see it. Garret Anderson and Texeira seem to be 2 guys that can hit or at least are not intimidated. Hunter can deliver when he is not wild. But I think Boston knows this and can pitch around GA and Texerira and they know that Guerrerro is basically an automatic out, he was 1 for 49 at one point. They also know that Kendrick, Mathews Jr, Napoli, Aybar and FIggings are the keys, they need to shut these guys down and the Angels will lose.

I have more faith in the Boston players like Bay, Lowrie, Varitek, as they are clutch hitters, much like when the Yanks won titles, they have the key hitters, Paul Oneil, Brosius, you need guys that have been there.

I see little to NO emotion for Anaheim, and vs a pumped up Boston and PAPPLEBON, I am almost sure that you cannot beat Boston with no emotion at all.

If anyone has played sports with a group of introverts in a playoff type game vs a team like Boston, they have little chance. Boston is pumped, they are all hanging on the dugout fence because they already know someone will come through, this is Boston different guys come through at different spots. Anaheim down by 1 run, it seems like it is more like 10 runs, they have no ability to come back.
Anaheim during reg season was also basically shut out by Matt Watters and the White Sox shit rookie Matt something-- ANaheim can be baffled by good pitchers especialy lefties. SO in the playofffs why would anyone expect anything differently-

The Counsellor also sees my point here, he sees the exact same things I see. What everyone is also failing to realize is this.

For EX in NBA and NHL teams that win game 1 of series have a high winning %.
Teams that trail 3-0 or 3-1 very rarely come back also in playoffs.

The devastation of a game 1 loss is very devastating. Anaheim lost game 1, and when you find teams like Anaheim and see them mentally devastated, you make the bet vs them, and the result is already proven that teams that are introverts and mentally weak with no leaders lose.

The reason this is true is very simple. A player making over 20 million named Guerrerro was 1 for 49, this is very very possible. In fact I am surprised he was not 0 for 50, because in reality because he is an individualist and not a leader he will not come through.

NOt only does Guerrerro not come through he screws up on the base pads, I mean what was he thinking, he led by example, he is failure.

I can guarantee you that Boston would not want Guerrerro on their team.

If you do not put winners on your team, you will not win. DODGERS learned that, they bring in MANNY and bang 7 runs scored, he homers and his presence is huge-

This Angels team is very similar to the Oakland team that lost in round 1 to the TWINS in game 5 when Billy Koch screwed it up.
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lol Sammy we get it, Red Sox are up 1:0, they are -220 to advance now. :D

we get it. Give us a pk pick to work with brother ;)
Satry I think you have to play Boston to win GAME 2 of this series-----

If you wait and they go up 2-0, I think you will see a price of -150 with Beckett over Saunders----

I believe in the next 2 games, Boston should win 1, if not both, especially if they win the next one in Anaheim, which a key betting theory says to bet with the streak, which I think is right. Baseball is not like basketball, it is streaky, Boston has no pressure at all in game 2, ANgels are going to have a lot of pressure, that alone right there makes me think Boston has a huge edge. ANaheim has been swept before twice so why not again?

I think the series price you should stay away and bet on Boston to win game 2 of the series. Then after a game 2 win then you could bet game 3 if u like.
As a RED SOX fan this series is far from OVER.

Yeah they own the ANGELS. Yeah VLAD fucked the ANGELS last night.

To say the Angels guys are not clutch is bs. This ANGELS team is different from the past they actually have better hitters then the previous 0 for 9 vs the BoSox.

The addition of Teixeira, Hunter and Mathews Jr. (cause of an injury right before the playoffs last year didn't play at all in that series vs the BoSox).