I just decided something

I'm taking KU plus the points for sure...not sure about outright win but I do like them plus two TD's
Wont be suprised if T. Tech beats Oklahoma either. I have seen nothing from the Oklahoma defense proving they can even come close to stopping T. Tech.

Sometimes you dont need an endless compilation of stats, it helps, but its not always needed. Sometimes you "just know" a team is gonna win.

For example I was positive for weeks that Iowa was gonna beat PSU, and they did. But I have been wrong before (as we all have been) , I also was positive that OSU would beat PSU. (and I was wrong)

I cant say im positive that

Kansas will beat Texas
T. Tech will beat Oklahoma

But I think both are realistic.

Id say Kansas is more likely just because Oklahoma has lost about 3 games under Bob Stoops at home.

Call me stupid Sunday.
Kansas defense is scary bad. Offenses maybe not too different in quality and execution, but the stop units are a mile apart from what I can tell.
TTU beating OU?


In Norman?


You all gotta be kidding me

Not at all. Other then the fact that this game is Norman and I will give you that is a huge factor why do you think that Oklahoma is gonna beat T. Tech? Everyone has given Oklahoma this win. But T. Tech just blew an Oklahoma St team that everyone thought was gonna beat them. T. Tech is one of the best teams in the country, and the best offensive team in the country. I find it funny, that you find it funny, that this team cant beat Oklahoma. This will be a good game, and this will give OU a game and they might win, might win.

Last 3 years

2007 - Oklahoma loses by to T. Tech (@ T. Tech)
2006 - T. Tech loses to Oklahoma by 10 (@ Norman)
2005 - Oklahoma loses by 2 to T. Tech ( @ T. Tech)

So as you can see its been close. Oklahoma will probably win, but I dont see Texas Tech winning as so outrageous that I would laugh at it. Just to let you know I hope Oklahoma wins because of my future bet.

The Kansas game

See, Im not 100 sold on the fact that Kansas will win but I feel pretty good about them covering. Either they cover the game or im just not even close and they beat them by 50, but I think im right.

First of all as I look at these Kansas numbers KU's defense is indeed not that great. Looking at Texas's numbers, they are also, not that great, but thats more then likely because T. Tech took them out to dry with nearly 600 yards in one game.

The problem with making this prediction is that half this board is a Texas fan and is from Texas and will just call me stupid.

First of all as I said this has a little bit of a "hunch" feeling for me, like maybe, just maybe Kansas can win this game.

Second of all, this Texas's 4th road game, even they T. Tech needed a last second touchdown to win, Texas got outplayed. Colorado isnt very good and neither is UTEP. Oklahoma was nuetral. Lawrence isnt exactly a powerhouse home team but they have played pretty well. Other then T. Tech who they lost too and as I said got outplayed, they havent faced much of a challenge on the road. So far all we know this might be a terrible road team. Just look at last year on the road. They won by 3 against Central Florida. Won by 3 against Okie State. Lost by 8 to Texas A and M.

Just as I mentioned that Texas's numbers are obviously a bit off because of the T. Tech game. So are Kansas's defensive numbers. They gave up 556 yards to T. Tech and 63 points to them also (at home). They havent played any power houses at home but their defense has played a lot better then what it really seems and their numbers indicate.

Then you can say well look at the Nebraska game last week, KU couldnt stop anyone. Well if you look at their road stats theyve played terrible. Southern Florida pissed all over them. ISU almost beat them. Oklahoma just threw all over them. At home, theyve played a little better, though the teams havent been as good they didnt almost lose to anyone unlike the road. They won convincingly.

Lastly I think that Texas has just faced to many tests in a row. Most people wont consider Kansas a great team but I think they are decent enough to worry about.

I will take Kansas + the points (maybe it will hit 14)

But i think they can beat Texas too. Certainly compete
I just decided something

Alex, can you do me a favor...
and decide that my other 10 plays this saturday will win/cover, since Texas won't be?

thx :shake: