I Hope They Throw The Book At Pac-man Jones!!!


Raider Nation for Life
I don't care if he didn't pull the trigger at that night club. He's a punk who apparently likes to hit women and from that stand point, I hope he gets hit with jail time. Then we'll see who's the girl who gets punked around in prison.
I hope you gets it thrown at him. He thinks he is such a thug. So if he wants to be thought as a thug, treat him like a thug. He claims he dosen't know who walked in with him and left with him. What a bulshitter, i hope LV police can get some evidence that ties Pacman Jones to the shooter.
It's not because he's a celeb that he wouldn't do time, it's because he can afford a lawyer who knows what he's doing.

That said, I think this guy is f**ked. There are already rumors that the Titans are trying to trade him and that the cops in Vegas seem pissed about this whole thing.

I have this feeling that the NFL makes an example out of this low-life. I think they throw him to the wolves.

Personally I hope he goes to jail for hitting this stripper and I hope he never plays football again.
well won't suprise me to see this one coming. Just cause he's called Pac Man doesn't mean he can just around and eat cheeseheads
i think the best thing about this is I hear their is surveillance cameras to back up what pacman jones has done.
This "PacMan" character has had numerous controversies since his "college" days at WVU, right?

What's the old saying........

Give a fool enough rope, and he'll hang himself?

This guy is nothing but bad baggage. I wasn't there in person, so I don't know for sure, but when you just seem to always be in the middle of some sort of mischief, there is a GREAT probability that you have something to do with all the crappola.

If Titans tire of his foolishness and show the young man the door, I wonder if there is some NFL team that wants to hire him on board and then deal with his future shenanigans????

I'll say yes.....there is some team out there that is just that stupid.
known this cat since sophomore year in college. he and henry are assholes and think the earth revolves around them. i have kicked them out of the bars more than twice and my friends have kicked him out at another bar more than 10 times. they both deserve to be shot by the "thugs" they hang out with and i wish nothing for the worst for them
I'll say yes.....there is some team out there that is just that stupid.

Bengals anyone?

I have a feeling this issue will be mute soon as I think this was Pacman's last dance so to speak. This "man" is going to jail, he has been given too many chances, too many opportunities to right himself, to mature. If the justice system does not do the right thing, either we are going to hear about another person who was seriously injured as a result of his actions, or we are going to hear about Jones himself lying on a slab.