I hate Michigan and JH plus a quick note on OSU/Wisky


Well-Known Member
These 2 teams arent even close when looking at starting talent and when you look at the the depth the gap gets even wider. I predict JT has well under 100 yards and closer to a 2.5 ypc day as the buckeye D line will be like none hes faced all year and its not even close (sorry michigan homers, silly facts). The fact that wiskys offense is so one dimensional will also play into the d being able to t off. This death star wont be stopped by wisky i predict 14 points as the most being scored by wisky. And thats if there is a special teams gaff or god forbid a turnover. This one should be out of hand by the third quarter. I see a 42-14 kinda game with Day and company calling off the dogs late third quarter. I dont think vegas has properly power ranked osu yet ironically enough. This isnt an Urban coached team and is by far the most talented team in the country top to bottom.
The two biggest Mich fans here have OSU as one of the best defenses and as the #1 team in the country so that is an odd comment. As far as JT vs OSU... Two thoughts.... Northwestern found some lanes early but I'm not taking much from that. On the other side, Wisconsin would do well to use the pass to open up the run but I don't think thats in their DNA. Now, Day calling off the dogs is just running it up the gut. He's rarely been 'nice' so-to-speak. And very true on not being an Urban coached team..this one is much more comfortable to bet on.
It was more of a statement to the national media... As i had to hear how deep and talented Michigan was. Which was a joke from the jump yet media outlets didnt let them falling on their face for 4 straight weeks deter them from their narrative. And as i wander over to mgoblog now i see the fans claiming jimmy needed and minimum 5-7 years for a rebuild because the program was in such shambles.the refs are against blue and the schedule was set up for thwir failure. Their recruiting is smoke and mirrors as ive stated before and their coaching is atrocious... Sorry if i offended you. 347 turnovers just screams lack of focus. And moral victories for coming back and making it closer than the vegas line. It Warms my soul is all.
And michigan will lose every big game from now till eternity if jimmy remains the coach. He just wreaks of one who loses. Its contagious and it trickles down to every coach and every player.give that man a lifetime contract
And who the hell reads mgoblog? LMFAO. Fwiw the national media and most in general said it was a 5 year rebuild minimum back in 2015.
The problem I have with JH as a HC is that he's benefited from great defenses when he is a QB/offensive guy. Both Michigan and the 49ers had the worst of the worst red zone offenses yet he's a great coach because despite sucking at his specialty he had great defenses.

If JH had a 5 star QB in the waiting then this could all make sense.
The problem I have with JH as a HC is that he's benefited from great defenses when he is a QB/offensive guy. Both Michigan and the 49ers had the worst of the worst red zone offenses yet he's a great coach because despite sucking at his specialty he had great defenses.

If JH had a 5 star QB in the waiting then this could all make sense.
He does...JJ
It was obvious osu was going to sit back and let northwestern throw the ball and beat them. I dont remeber many blitzes being called and they were going to let the game be won simply by pure athletic talent and basic math. With some very smart in game offensive adjustments. But you may say..... Thats what urban did.... An urban coached team would have won that same game last week 27-14..... And to answer your question Car... I mean bar....i go there because its hilarious!!! Its cheap entertainment for like the past 20 years and its free.. its funny how dillusional people can actually be. Whats the definition of insanity again??
I don't hate Michigan.

I don't see how OSU / Wisconsin is very close, at all.

And there you go.

Most comparable game for OSU is the Spartan game and that DL held up pretty well for awhile they just didn't have any offense to match. I know Ohio St DL and secondary is excellent but are they really going to totally bottle up Wisky run game?
Seems like OSU can commit more bodies to the LOS in this game. Taylor is their only concern. Nothing about Coan and those WRs should scare OSU, especially with that secondary.

I could be off. I'm sure someone will let me know.
Turned out damn near exactly how i expected... Sans the special teams gaff this is a shut out. The touchdown toss by wisky woulda been intercepted 90 times out of 100 and knocked down the other 9. I hope all followed !