Husky's KEEP HATIN' Uconn Vs Rutgers Analysis


Wreck it Ralph....
7-0 ATS betting on the husky games

Went a perfect saturday as well..hit wisc/wake teaser, and kansas. kept it a small package, but won big. Anyways,

The USF game was the best game I've ever experienced by far. I thought it'd be hard to top last years OT victory vs pitt but this won in a landslide. Uconn Plays with so much heart, and the fans really went nuts. Running onto the field was such a great experience for me, and some of you laugh but that hasn't happened at Uconn. It's starting to feel like we are a big time team. Oh wait, we are! A lot of people are still hating on Uconn, and I even saw someone said were overrated? OVerrated? I think we are the exact opposite. People have been doubting Uconn this whole season, and I guess if you feel it's okay to lose money, then keep betting against them.

Uconn is a hardnose football team and they dont have any stars. They play together and count on each other to make plays. Dixon has been fantastic and he is going to have another GREAT game against Rutgers. Rutgers passed on him recruiting (hes from new brunswick) and I know he's going to want to play big. Tyler Lorenzen is becoming more and more comfortable and is emerging as a leader and doesnt make many mistakes. Look for them to really capitalize with the playaction. I remember distinctly vs USF where i thought it'd be a great time for a PA and he did exactly that and threw for a huge first down to DJ Hernandez. It's going to work, and he's going to do well on his feet just like Pat White did vs this defense.

Rutgers is going to pound the ball. Uconn obviously knows Ray Rice is coming and i think they'll do a nice job in penetrating the line and making him work very hard. I can't wait till Mike Teel throws the ball; our pass defense is great, and is defenitely going to make his life miserable. I really love that matchup.

Listen guys, I'm trying to make money just as you; I'll be the first to tell you i've bet against Uconn in both football and basketball. When i think they'll lose or wont cover, I'll bet against them. I love Uconn Athletics but I'm not a biased fan and I'll make some money if I don't think they are on the right side. A lot of people still really undervalue this team, and it's going to keep hurting wallets and it's going to keep proving non gamblers wrong.

This team still knows their not getting respect, and the fans know, and they are going to come out fucking firing. This game is defenitely going to be intense and it's going to be an even louder Rentchsler stadium than USF. and if you think i'm lying, just wait. Everyone is so fucking pumped because we are finally getting in the spotlight and trust me, we aren't getting out!

I'm going to wait till gameday when i think the line will be even lower, but I was ready to Lock in at -3.

Uconn wins. Good Health
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I'm still mad and still really dislike your coach...BUT...You guys are having one hell of a year...One question ...How the hell do you have all of these games at home ?
It's at Uconn..

Mobile.. we are away at cinci and West va..

As for Edsall, I'm worried this year is going to attract him out of the big east.. hope not though, hes a great coach
I still hope your punt returner chokes on his pregame meal, but..........

Great win for you guys over South Florida. That was a legitimate win over a very good team, and just what your program needed to get some respect.

I wouldnt get too excited yet, but certainly if you can split the 2 games between Rutgers and West Virginia, I think it would be fair to say you have arrived.

Maybe I am the only one that is seeing this, but I see a lot of similarities between this years UCONN team, and last years Wake Forest. You dont have your big name superstars, but just a lot of guys that play really hard and find a way to win games.

Not to mention, the Defense is every bit as good as advertised.

Enjoy the rest of your football season, as I am just going to try to forget about mine and pass the time until Janurary 28th, 2008, when Louisville gets its revenge on the hardwood!!!
I like the comparison. never really put that together but their seasons are defenitely similar..
I wouldnt get too excited yet, but certainly if you can split the 2 games between Rutgers and West Virginia, I think it would be fair to say you have arrived.

Don't forget that they also have a trip to Cincinnati. That will be a very difficult game as well...........
Jesse Palmer of ESPN's "College Football Live" made a great point the other day. He said that they are fortunate to have played the games vs. Louisville and S. Florida in bad weather. He said that "bad weather games" favor UCONN. He is not sold on them yet..........
It's starting to feel like we are a big time team. Oh wait, we are! A lot of people are still hating on Uconn, and I even saw someone said were overrated? OVerrated? I think we are the exact opposite. People have been doubting Uconn this whole season, and I guess if you feel it's okay to lose money, then keep betting against them.

Almost sounds like what we (I included) were saying about USF. Just substitute USF for UConn above. hehehe. Be careful. I wish you luck though. You should beat Rutgers. :cheers:
Good luck. I had Uconn last year but don't think either side looks good this year. It is very hard to keep up this kind of intensity 3 games str8 but I hope they continue to do well bc it is fun watching underdogs rise like this.
Husky...I have to say that I gave UConn ZERO consideration in almost every game this year. I faded them once with no success with Akron (of all teams) and learned my lesson quickly. Took them as a ML Dog play last week, and I think I'll have to sign up as a convert this week. I'm looking at -2 right now and will have to move on this at some point. I also really like U46 and was hoping for your thoughts on the total for this game. As long as Rice doesn't break off any crazy shit I don't see either team getting past 24...props to your team...BOL this week :cheers:
The problem with Uconn finally getting noticed is the value starts to run out on them. See Illinois. They start to get bigger lines than they should and it makes it a lot tougher to take them IMO. This will be one heck of a game either way
Rak- My initial thought was to take the under. two solid defenses will be playing. I really hate totals though, but I can't really see it being a shootout.

Cleve- I defenitely agree with what your saying. However, with this team, I feel like they will beat Rutgers, so theres still a lot of value to this weeks line. They find a way to win ball games, and will continue to do that.
Rak- My initial thought was to take the under. two solid defenses will be playing. I really hate totals though, but I can't really see it being a shootout.

Cleve- I defenitely agree with what your saying. However, with this team, I feel like they will beat Rutgers, so theres still a lot of value to this weeks line. They find a way to win ball games, and will continue to do that.

I wasn't suggesting that their value is gone yet. I can't get a feel for them. Im guessing if they win this then next week is a good time to fade. Illinois was a little easier to see bc the line told you the value was gone. This Uconn line really isn't suggesting that yet. Like I said I probably won't be on this game so i will be rooting for Uconn to continue winning
It's at Uconn..

Mobile.. we are away at cinci and West va..

As for Edsall, I'm worried this year is going to attract him out of the big east.. hope not though, hes a great coach

Maybe he will be like Rutgers and WV coaches..Get a big raise and stay where he is.
I hope! I can only imagine recruiting is going to go way up this year and We do have a new 38 million dollar facility, it'd be a great place to build a dominant team.. we just got to take it a game at a time
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a great read:

Please Media, Keep Ignoring UConn Football

By: Kevin Meacham

Posted: 11/1/07

By sheer chance, I ran into the Kick Squad - for the uninitiated, that's kicker Tony Ciaravino and punter Desi Cullen - between North and Towers during the wild goose chase that was Red Sox fans celebrating their team's World Series title.

They said that they were grateful for all of the students rushing the field Saturday to celebrate the football team's outstanding win over South Florida, adding that they just wanted to be considered part of the student body and storm around campus with the rest of the drunken horde.

I thought that was pretty cool of them to say.

Of course, it being 2 a.m. and at the end of a long day, I didn't immediately recognize them, nor Scott Lutrus and Jameson Davis, who stood behind them.

That should qualify me for a job at ESPN, because it seems no one else around the country recognizes the Huskies.

That's because every year, the media puts together a pre-written story for the college football season, and only "acceptable" teams can figure into it.

Last year it was Rutgers, that contemptible little school who'll be the opposition this weekend. Earlier this year it was South Florida.

Those clubs put a few wins together over preseason favorites and received love and adulation, to the point that each was ranked insanely high - Rutgers at No. 8 and USF at No. 2.

The stories repeated in the media focused on these schools' unbelievable rise to prominence. Rutgers, ESPN said, was on the cusp of becoming New York City's college football dynasty. USF, the newspapers said, was going to be bigger than Florida State and Miami combined.

Now, it's UConn's turn to be in the spotlight, with a 7-1 record, a one-game lead in the Big East standings and a couple improbable results away from a previously-unthinkable BCS bowl game.

Yet they're ranked No. 13 in the BCS mostly because computers think so highly of them. Turn on ESPN or any channel that covers college football and see what they're saying about UConn.

That's what I did Saturday night while in Washington D.C. on business - frantically checking for highlights of the biggest win in my school's history. On ESPNews' half-hour loop, I expected a fairly prominent mention of the then-No. 23 team in the country taking down the then-No. 10 team in a tight, exciting game.

After seeing highlights for the Ohio State-Penn State, Oregon-USC, Arizona State-Cal, Florida-Georgia, Kentucky-Mississippi State(!), Purdue-Michigan State and Kansas-Texas A&M games, I finally got to see the UConn highlights, in all their glory:

A USF rushing touchdown is called back on holding. USF's Matt Grothe throws a perfect touchdown pass that is dropped by his receiver. Grothe overthrows a receiver on 4th-and-goal from the 12. Highlight over, 27 minutes into a 30-minute show.

If it's not clear to you now, it should be - the only mainstream media figure I've seen to even throw these Huskies a bone is Lou Holtz, bless his crazy heart. He gave Andre Dixon a "helmet sticker" on ESPN's College Football Scoreboard show Saturday night. Well, actually, he gave it to Andre… and had to look at his notes to get the last name right.

The media's already got their narrative set up for the 2007 UConn football team: a lucky, no-name bunch who'll get pounded by a "real" team.

They'll all continue to overlook UConn at the expense of tradition-lacking flavors-of-the-month like Kansas and Arizona State.

They'll all continue to say UConn should really be 5-3; after all, Temple beat them! Never mind ESPN's Rece Davis, who saw an angle that clearly showed Temple's receiver bobbling the football as he stepped out-of-bounds on the final, disputed non-touchdown call.

They'll all continue to say that UConn shouldn't have beaten Louisville because Larry Taylor cheated. Never mind that officials gave back those seven points by not calling a muffed punt which would have given the ball to the Huskies on the two-yard line. And never mind the 10-point deficit UConn overcame in the last 10 minutes.

Let them think UConn sucks. Let Rutgers come into UConn's field thinking the Huskies are a 5-3 team on the brink of imploding as so many other pretenders do at this point in the season.

Let them tell the world, as ESPN's Lee Corso and Kirk Herbstreit did Saturday morning, that UConn is inferior in every facet of the game to its opponent.

Let them. Screw them.

This is our team, as UConn students, to rally around. It's our turn to ride the rollercoaster of surprising football success. It's time to become one, to live and die with this team, to scream at the top of our lungs for 60 minutes; in short, to come to Renstchler Field ready for football.

Whether this crazy ride ends with a heartbreaking loss against Rutgers or a nice early-January trip to Miami, this team's success is our success now. Let the national media keep ignoring us.
Just curious...

Do all the media types that say UConn lucked out because of the weather against South Florida realize that it only rained for one quarter out of the four, and that South Florida would have played that quarter even if not for missing a chip shot field goal?

Or that the Louisville game was played in a mist, not a rain?

I'm not even trying to be a dick because I'm sure I make these mistakes if I try to make a writeup about Iowa football or something. But you would think that ESPN being located in Bristol and all, they would know EXACTLY what the weather was like for all those games. Against Louisville it poured for tailgating and it poured at halftime...misted the rest of the time.
yeap, i love it though.. you know it only makes the team, and the rest of CT that much more pissed and ready to kick ass..

What time you gettin there bass? ETA 2:30 for me
The lots open at 2:30? I'll probably get there pretty early, it will be nice to tailgate in non pouring rain for once. Not sure I'll get there at 230 but prob definitely at 330 or so. i'll give ya a call if i get a chance, i seem to always forget or not want to be bothered when im tailgating-but we'll see
sounds good.. I'm also excited for a nice day.. although it didn't rain last week during my tailgate, just during the game
sounds good.. I'm also excited for a nice day.. although it didn't rain last week during my tailgate, just during the game

Yeah I didn't tailgate last week, was home studying-thank god that shit is over.

Apparently there are supposed to be showers now, but fuck it, thats nothin...
UCONN is definitely better than most predicted before the season. You guys probably knew (as UCONN fans) that Lorenzen would be pretty good, but the rest of us had only heard of him, not seen him play.

UCONN had a very weak schedule the first 5 games, so it was tough to say how good they really were. Virginia was a tough game on the road, but then the Cavaliers went out and barely beat a reeling Maryland team by 1, and lost to a pretty bad NC State team. Now the close loss at Virginia by UCONN does not look so good.

The win over Louisville does not count for much because Louisville is an avg team, and in the win over S. Florida they were out-gained by 90 yds.

I think the jury is still out on this team. I think they're good enough to beat Rutgers because Rutgers is not as strong as they were last season, but @ Cincy and @ W. Va are 2 games where UCONN will be out-gunned.

If they lose those 2 games, they'll still finish 9-3, which is a function of being a good team this season, and having the Big East a little weaker than we thought it would be. Other than WVA, there are no juggernauts in the Big East this season.
I actually do agree the jury is still out- and thats why were still so hungry and feel disrespected.

I really feel like we could take it to Cinci, though it will be a hard game. But I'm really hoping West Va can lose a game, which would help us tremendously with the big east championship.. time will tell, and I hope we keep proving our strength each game.

Like i said, we aren't flashy, we wont out gun you, but we find ways to beat you, and thats the makeup of a winning football team
UConn is still overrated IMO, and I'll list my reasons...

1. They lost to Temple, plain and simple. Refs fucked up...but they lost that game.

2. UConn was also handed the Louisville game by the refs. HUGE turning point when that BS fair catch was called and yet ignored by the zebras. Tough to overcome a disastrous screw up like that. Louisville must've felt like they were playing the Huskies and the Zebras in the same game.

3. UConn has benefitted from bad weather against just about every legit opponent they have faced this season.

When it comes down to it, UConn has not played against a RB of Ray Rice's calibur this season. I strongly believe that Rice will have plenty of success against UConn. Let's not forget, Rice was a preseason Heisman hopefull, and he's still playing extremely well. Not to mention, Teel has looked markedly improved this year.

I'll take the points in what I think is essentially a coin flip.

Lets not forget, last year vs. a less than modest Uconn Defense, Rice ran for 79 yards on 22 carries.

Lets not forget, if you see the Temple replay, he bobbled the ball going out of the end zone.

Lets not forget, The refs gave back 7 points in that Louisville game when Uconn rightfully recovered a fumble at the louisville 1 yard line.

Lets not forget, bad weather or not, a good team wins in any condition. and they do.
UConn is still overrated IMO, and I'll list my reasons...

1. They lost to Temple, plain and simple. Refs fucked up...but they lost that game.

2. UConn was also handed the Louisville game by the refs. HUGE turning point when that BS fair catch was called and yet ignored by the zebras. Tough to overcome a disastrous screw up like that. Louisville must've felt like they were playing the Huskies and the Zebras in the same game.

3. UConn has benefitted from bad weather against just about every legit opponent they have faced this season.

When it comes down to it, UConn has not played against a RB of Ray Rice's calibur this season. I strongly believe that Rice will have plenty of success against UConn. Let's not forget, Rice was a preseason Heisman hopefull, and he's still playing extremely well. Not to mention, Teel has looked markedly improved this year.

I'll take the points in what I think is essentially a coin flip.


Very good post
I usually try to counter-act Husky's homer-ness, but I must be in a good mood...

UConn's run defense should be fine. Their biggest weakness isn't top flight RBs, its scrambling QBs. That would be Grothe. That would not be Teel. Not only did UConn do fine against Ray Rice last year, but Scott Lutrus should be all over the field again helping out back there.

As for Temple, UConn had 2 timeouts left with 40 seconds to play and a kicker who had made I believe 3 of 3 FGs, 2 from 45+ yards if I remember correctly...I realize it makes me sound like a homer, but I think we all know that games aren't over just because some team takes the lead with 40 seconds left...
<P>RUUUUUUUUUUU. Uconn is a good team, but the rain has really neutralized all of their oppenents they have played the past two weeks.&nbsp; Husky, you better pray for rain this weekend because that is the only way Uconn wins this game Sorry man, but all good things come to an end.&nbsp; PS Im a rutger's fan so take for what its worth. Honestly the rain has really helped Uconn though.</P>
I dont care if its 80 degrees and sunny, 50 degrees and rainy, or 30 degrees and snowing.. they will win. blaming a weather condition is such a cop-out.
I dont care if its 80 degrees and sunny, 50 degrees and rainy, or 30 degrees and snowing.. they will win. blaming a weather condition is such a cop-out.

In the NFL, weather usually does not matter because every team has pretty much the same offense.

In college football, weather ABSOLUTELY MAKES A DIFFERENCE. On a dry field, Louisville's offense operates much better than on a wet field. This is a fact.

When so many people in the media are talking about the weather, you cannot dismiss it as a cop out. Throw in someone like me talking about the weather, and it is definitely a factor. I have not missed a college football saturday in 21 seasons, and have been betting an avg of 2 dimes per game for the past 12 yrs.

Weather matters and affects teams in college football differently. If you don't know that now and do not believe me, you will learn it the hard way in betting.
I agree with Louisville it does. But how with South Florida? They run the ball a lot and make plays with grothes feet, which they did. His interceptions were based off of good defensive positions of the huskies.
Lines down to -1.5.. I'll lock in before the game, So i essentially see it around 1... the line doesn't really matter to me though, I was ready to pull at 3
Lines down to -1.5.. I'll lock in before the game, So i essentially see it around 1... the line doesn't really matter to me though, I was ready to pull at 3

My numbers have UCONN winning this game 52% of the time, so obviously I see it as better than a coinflip. No play for me.
I agree with Louisville it does. But how with South Florida? They run the ball a lot and make plays with grothes feet, which they did. His interceptions were based off of good defensive positions of the huskies.

One of the int's was tipped, if I remember correctly.

S. Florida did not wake up until it was too late. They were off of a hangover after losing the Rutgers game, which obviousy cost them their undefeated season and a chance at the (Mythical) Nat'l Title. I say mythical because we do not have a perfect system in college football.

I had a very small play on UCONN +4.5 vs. S. Florida, so I am not surprised that the Huskies played well, let alone won. They had the intangibles on their side after S. Fla lost @ Rutgers and came in disappointed. Then the weather is bad and Florida kids do not like to play in that weather. I remember the game back in 2005 up in Storrs, and this one reminded me a lot of that one.

Look, no one is trying to rain on the parade of all of you UCONN fans. You guys have a nice coach up there, who has built a pretty nice program after taking over for Skip Holts. The thing that's hard to ignore is that this has been a wacky season in college football, and the Big East as well.

I think UCONN will probably beat Rutgers, but will probably lose @ Cincy and @ W. Va. Those 2 teams have superior players to UCONN, and they will be at home. Advantage: Cincy and WVA
This was a flat spot for USF and when you are emotionally flat mistakes happen. In the 1'st half they missed 26 & 45 yard FG's and had a pick 6. In the 2'nd half USF int in EZ, blocked a punt and unable to fall on it for TD, TD called back on penalty, dropped TD (interference should have been called) and late unable to score from the 1. That is a ton of mistakes & breaks going for UCon (a 39 point swing).

Then there is the matter of the bogus "Win" against Temple, a game clearly won by Temple on the field. The bogus TD against the Ville that would have made it 17-0 in 4Q. They have been outgained in 3 straight games and 4/5. They have had a ton of breaks this year (all on their homefield).

With all of that being said i hope they defeat Rutgers because that will set-up my GOY. I think they have a good shot against Rutgers and if they continue to benefit from home cookin they will probably win.
People have valid points on both sides.. but things do happen, and uconn has capitalized on mistakes- theres no question about it. but they are a good team and they do make plays. They do get outgained vs good opponents, but they inveitetly make the plays to win the game, whether its on offense or defense.

In regards to Louisville, besides my point of giving 7 points back to Louisville, loui still did give up a 10 point lead.

In regards to South Fla, i do agree they are a fair weathered team. Grothes second interception was when they were in the red zone and the linebacker made a great play to position himself in front of the reciever in the end zone and make the pick.

Uconn will be rutgers, and depending on this game, and Cincy's game, I could be on a different side than Uconn. I'm not stupid, it will be an incredibly tough away game. I just really want West Va to lose another game.
Has anyone looked at the weather angle for the game tommorrow? Winds are predicted to be 30mph with a 60% chance of rain.
This was a flat spot for USF and when you are emotionally flat mistakes happen. In the 1'st half they missed 26 & 45 yard FG's and had a pick 6. In the 2'nd half USF int in EZ, blocked a punt and unable to fall on it for TD, TD called back on penalty, dropped TD (interference should have been called) and late unable to score from the 1. That is a ton of mistakes & breaks going for UCon (a 39 point swing).

Has anyone looked at the weather angle for the game tommorrow? Winds are predicted to be 30mph with a 60% chance of rain.

The rain probably helps Rutgers as much as UConn, so who really cares. Of course, if UConn wins, it will be blamed for the win.
The rain probably helps Rutgers as much as UConn, so who really cares. Of course, if UConn wins, it will be blamed for the win.

Rutgers has a better passing attack than UCONN, so I believe they would a dry field just like Louisville would have wanted one. My ratings have UCONN as a slight favorite, which is exactly where the line is. UCONN at home should win.

Your boys are 7-1, so you should enjoy it. They'll get their chance to show how good they really are when they travel to Cincy and WVA. If they win one or both of those games against against a healthy Cincy and/or WVA, I will be become a believer.

Unfortunately, the weak schedule the first 5 games combined with controversial wins over Temple and Louisville, will leave most non-UCONN fans as non-believers.

It is up to UCONN to beat the big boys and make believers out of everyone who is not a floyal fan of theirs...........
I agree with a lot of what you just said. However, I think tommorrow should prove a lot to the non-believers, though the absolute true tests are cincy and west va. I rate Rutgers as a better passing team not based on Teel, as I think Lorenzen is a better QB, but because the Rutgers are very quick and have big play deep threat (Underwood) as compared to Uconn's reliable WR's that wont burn you (Hernandez is their big play guy, who makes people miss and can break tackles)
I agree with a lot of what you just said. However, I think tommorrow should prove a lot to the non-believers, though the absolute true tests are cincy and west va. I rate Rutgers as a better passing team not based on Teel, as I think Lorenzen is a better QB, but because the Rutgers are very quick and have big play deep threat (Underwood) as compared to Uconn's reliable WR's that wont burn you (Hernandez is their big play guy, who makes people miss and can break tackles)

Yes, from what I've seen, Rutgers has better wideouts than does UCONN. I also think Teel has a better arm than Lorenzen, but Lorenzen seems to be a much better game manager. He does not make the big mistakes and does not throw into double and triple coverage. He is the best they've had in about 4 yrs, right?
Yeah since Dan Orlovsky got drafted by the Lions... Lorenzen is a physical specimen.. he's very strong, and I'm not sure about the better arm.. he just doesnt have a huge deep threat person, but he really leds the recievers very well, and love his solid play as the general
I can't wait for a rutgers smoke show. But again the rain is going to help you lucky bastards again. you should start buying lotto tickets with the way your luck is goin.