Hurricane may move the OU/Tulane game to Norman


Pretty much a regular
Nothing certain because the storm hasn't hit, but the schools are making plans to move the game to Norman if the storm does as much damage as it's capable of.

Good time to take OU
Nothing certain because the storm hasn't hit, but the schools are making plans to move the game to Norman if the storm does as much damage as it's capable of.

Good time to take OU
Under if that happens, can't imagine anyone has motivation if life is in peril. I hope at least.
About 26.5 currently. Will be interested to see if it gets flipped the full home field advantage subtracting Tulane's and adding OU's. Could make for what, like somewhere between a 7-9 point increase in the spread?
Hopefully they let this play out a bit.

This will suck for people who have good numbers on OU when it reopens at -34/35.
The game is definitely moving to Norman.

Haven't heard what that does to the line, but I know it won't stay at -26x and I had it at that number
The game is definitely moving to Norman.

Haven't heard what that does to the line, but I know it won't stay at -26x and I had it at that number
Pretty sure change of venue means no action for anything prior to the new line