huntdog wk 7 cfb

Live betting ftw. I will admit I was pissed losing that ND first half, then I went in crazy mode. Happens.
You got any insight on Lebanon wave running group who moved 416 a little over three points in last 24 hours?

Rumors are Sid weighed in from Mediterranean but unconfirmed.
You got any insight on Lebanon wave running group who moved 416 a little over three points in last 24 hours?

Rumors are Sid weighed in from Mediterranean but unconfirmed.

Hesbollah group is on 416 not Lebanese. AMericans started the cash move via ferry on PUt in Bay and moved to east coast than Halama took it from there.
Still livin’ that buzz huh :blowkiss: its amazing what a win over OSU does to people of all types