How many games do you think the Yankees will win?

How Many Games will the Yanks Win?

  • 110+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 105-109

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 99-104

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 93-98

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 87-92

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 81-86

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75-80

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 74 or -

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One of trus baby mommas
Regular Season.

Figure since we have a lot of Yankee fans here and its right to say they didn't spend money this off season to not have a really good yr. Mr Baseball was kind enough to do a writeup on every team so I added his predictions as well.

Mr. Baseball: 97-65, 2nd AL East
ETG: 110-52, 1ST AL East

Everyone stays healthy. Bullpen is going to be very strong. Fielding will be solid. Cano has rebound yr, ARoid goes off and proves he isn't AFraud with men on base in games that matter, Sabathia wins 20, Wang 19, Burnett 17, Pettitte 16, Joba 17, Hughes comes out with 10 wins.

*Homer alert
I am going to go with 106-56. They actually added proven good pitching this time instead of guys like Pavano, washed up Kevin Brown, etc. They are just loaded this year
"If" everyone stays healthy, 104. I would say more if the fucking Steinbrenner's stayed out of the basbeball crap and let Cash and Girardi run the show. I believe they would have Hughes in the 5 hole with Joba setting up Moe and groomed for the closer role for the future. Joba letting loose for 1 inning is more valuable to this organization than having him the 5th starter. Imgaine if CC, AJ, Pettitte, Wang and Hughes only had to go 7 innings max each game depending on pitch count and throw joba in the 8th and Moe in the 9th? Joba is batter proof so you can save all your BP arms throughout the season and even spare Moe a time or 2 off if he needed rest. with runs going to be scored this team would be solid. BUT, healthy is the key especially for Burnett and Wang IMO.
too good of division yet. and not everyone will stay healthy, no point even thinking they will. I'll say 89 games
too good of division yet. and not everyone will stay healthy, no point even thinking they will. I'll say 89 games

they won 89 last yr and had Ponson in their rotation for an extended period of time.

safe to say, i will cry if they win 89 this yr.
As Yankees fans, I have a feeling we are going to be a little disappointed in this years win total.

Look at last years team:

--Abreu was the best all around player day-in and day-out--he is gone;

--Moose was the best starting pitcher--he is gone;

--I have been a huge Jeter apologist for years, as I don't think you can appreciate his value unless you watch the Yankees on a daily basis, but last year his skill set slipped significantly--unless he was hurt, I expect more regression;

--Mo had an unbelievable year, but it seems many are expecting the same type of season out of him in '09 as a 39 year old--it is not going to happen. He may still be a Top 5 closer in the AL, but no chance he repeats his '08 season.

As for th '09 Team

--A-Rod and his media circus: who knows what kind of year he is going to have with all this scrutiny (the media is tailing him as he leaves a spring training game--geez);

--Cano is a headcase. He could lead the league in batting or he could be optioned to Triple A by June the way he usually comes out of the gate hitting in the .100s. I have no idea what the Yanks will get out of him.

--CC: a fat pitcher with a fat contract. Haven't we seen this too many times before to start prognosticating that he will win 25 games? CC may surprise me, but I don't think he will replace Moose's win total from last year (20). If he gets started slowly, can he handle the boo birds and pressure? Last year skews the numbers somewhat, but '06-'08 his ERA in March/April is 5.68.

--Burnett: do we want to start a pool now predicting the date this season that he goes on the DL?

--Tex is a great ballplayer, but I have concerns with him as well. Southern boy going to the big city, under the microscope with the big contract. He very well could earn his money, but he very well may have a hard time adjusting. Another slow starter who will feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of the big contract.

--Swisher sucks;

--Marte was a gas can after his acquisition last year. Unless he turns it around, not much help from the left side in the pen.

--Posada: an 37 year old catcher with a bad shoulder. Throw in the injury prone middle aged Damon and Matsui--what are these guys going to be able to do this year?

--The defense is below average and mediocre on a good day.

--Giardi: I like him, but are we completely sold on what he is going to be able to do in the pennant race?

To a certain extent I am only playing devils advocate to all the Yankee fans I have seen post with great expectations of the coming season--it just seems everyone is playing out the best case scenarios and not taking into account all the potential pitfalls of this team.

If the Yankees get the potential pitching that many are expecting, they may win 100 games. I can as easily forsee them winning less than 90.

I am going to say some of the free agents fail, some of the old guard lose a step in their game, and the Yankees win 94 games.

Either way, I am very much looking forward to seeing them in action, starting with a trip to Spring Training next month.
"If" everyone stays healthy, 104. I would say more if the fucking Steinbrenner's stayed out of the basbeball crap and let Cash and Girardi run the show. I believe they would have Hughes in the 5 hole with Joba setting up Moe and groomed for the closer role for the future. Joba letting loose for 1 inning is more valuable to this organization than having him the 5th starter. Imgaine if CC, AJ, Pettitte, Wang and Hughes only had to go 7 innings max each game depending on pitch count and throw joba in the 8th and Moe in the 9th? Joba is batter proof so you can save all your BP arms throughout the season and even spare Moe a time or 2 off if he needed rest. with runs going to be scored this team would be solid. BUT, healthy is the key especially for Burnett and Wang IMO.

Everyone please STOP putting Joba in the BP...he has always been a starter (college and minors) and is a future ACE.

MFer has 4 ML+ level pitches...FOUR...not one, like Mariano.

Joba = Young CC...why limit a stud pitcher to 70-80 innings when you can have him throw 220?

Joba is...and always has been a SP...Melancon is our future closer....:tiphat:

Mully :cheers:

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As Yankees fans, I have a feeling we are going to be a little disappointed in this years win total.

Look at last years team:

--Abreu was the best all around player day-in and day-out--he is gone;

--Moose was the best starting pitcher--he is gone;

--I have been a huge Jeter apologist for years, as I don't think you can appreciate his value unless you watch the Yankees on a daily basis, but last year his skill set slipped significantly--unless he was hurt, I expect more regression;

--Mo had an unbelievable year, but it seems many are expecting the same type of season out of him in '09 as a 39 year old--it is not going to happen. He may still be a Top 5 closer in the AL, but no chance he repeats his '08 season.

As for th '09 Team

--A-Rod and his media circus: who knows what kind of year he is going to have with all this scrutiny (the media is tailing him as he leaves a spring training game--geez);

--Cano is a headcase. He could lead the league in batting or he could be optioned to Triple A by June the way he usually comes out of the gate hitting in the .100s. I have no idea what the Yanks will get out of him.

--CC: a fat pitcher with a fat contract. Haven't we seen this too many times before to start prognosticating that he will win 25 games? CC may surprise me, but I don't think he will replace Moose's win total from last year (20). If he gets started slowly, can he handle the boo birds and pressure? Last year skews the numbers somewhat, but '06-'08 his ERA in March/April is 5.68.

--Burnett: do we want to start a pool now predicting the date this season that he goes on the DL?

--Tex is a great ballplayer, but I have concerns with him as well. Southern boy going to the big city, under the microscope with the big contract. He very well could earn his money, but he very well may have a hard time adjusting. Another slow starter who will feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of the big contract.

--Swisher sucks;

--Marte was a gas can after his acquisition last year. Unless he turns it around, not much help from the left side in the pen.

--Posada: an 37 year old catcher with a bad shoulder. Throw in the injury prone middle aged Damon and Matsui--what are these guys going to be able to do this year?

--The defense is below average and mediocre on a good day.

--Giardi: I like him, but are we completely sold on what he is going to be able to do in the pennant race?

To a certain extent I am only playing devils advocate to all the Yankee fans I have seen post with great expectations of the coming season--it just seems everyone is playing out the best case scenarios and not taking into account all the potential pitfalls of this team.

If the Yankees get the potential pitching that many are expecting, they may win 100 games. I can as easily forsee them winning less than 90.

I am going to say some of the free agents fail, some of the old guard lose a step in their game, and the Yankees win 94 games.

Either way, I am very much looking forward to seeing them in action, starting with a trip to Spring Training next month.


Bro, I have a few issues with your post...

Abreu = old, no power, defensive all-around player?

Moose = great final year, 40 year old soft tosser...I'll take CC and a healthy Wang over Moose any day of the week.

Cano = YOUNG, nothing else. MFer has MVP talent...please check out his splits over the last 3 months of the season. Again, MVP potential @ 2B.

CC = Cy Young potential...yea, as a Yankee fan I'm so pissed they signed the best pitcher available.

Swisher is a good 4th OFer with power and solid defense...had a bad year last year...Yanks don't need him to be a star.

Matsui & Damon are part time players that will be gone next year...Damon had a great year...anything we get out of Matsui (@ DH) will be a +.

Posada will only play 100 games, or so, @ C (Molina is a good #2 C)...he'll DH often and is one year from an amazing sound like he's Varitek or something.

Marte has GREAT splits...when used right...Girardi overused his ass last year.

AJ is a #3 starter on the Yanks and is coming off a phenomenal year.

Yanks are 500% better than last year...much younger, more talented and boast MLB's best rotation..........:tiphat:
P.S. Have you checked out our young arms in the minors? AWESOME

Mully :cheers:
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Easy brother: you need to distinguish between what is an inaccuracy/falsehood and difference in opinion. What is inaccurate or factually false in my post? Inaccurate as in my opinion may differ from yours??

In my opinion Abreu was the Yankees best all-around player last year. I am trying to think who you think may have been a better all around player for the Yanks to make a mockery of this statement--ARod is the only player that you can advance a straight faced argument other than Abreu.

Anyone would take CC or a healthy Wang over Moose--my point is how much more production than 20 wins are CC or a healthy Wang going to achieve?

Cano had a .307 average after the all-star break. His on-Base percentage during that time---.333. He also had less RBI and less runs scored after the break than before the break. I am waiting on Cano to consistently demonstrate the potential that we see, only to be disappointed. Maybe it is youth....maybe he is a head case...I don't think we can be sure either way.

I am just not a big fan of Swisher--strikes out too much and hits for too low of an average. He does draw walks. Not sure about his solid defense--a DH or First Baseman waiting to happen.

The young arms that you mention are the key IMO, really the pitching staff as a whole. I whole-heartedly agree with your point.

My only point of the post was to provide some objectivity to the potential obstacles the Yankees may face. I haven't seen many objective posts from Yankee fans, only claims that a division title is a formality with 100 plus victories.
Also a question for you:

Is Melancon being groomed to replace Mo or is Andrew Brackman?

Someone had a nice write-up a while back talking about the Yankee arms and mentioned Brackman could be the best of the bunch.

I was fortunate enough to watch Brackman pitch in college and delighted the Yankees drafted him. The last I heard Brackman was being groomed as the closer of the future--didn't know if the plan had changed.
Also a question for you:

Is Melancon being groomed to replace Mo or is Andrew Brackman?

Someone had a nice write-up a while back talking about the Yankee arms and mentioned Brackman could be the best of the bunch.

I was fortunate enough to watch Brackman pitch in college and delighted the Yankees drafted him. The last I heard Brackman was being groomed as the closer of the future--didn't know if the plan had changed.

Everything I've read says Melancon is the closer of the future.

Easy brother: you need to distinguish between what is an inaccuracy/falsehood and difference in opinion. What is inaccurate or factually false in my post? Inaccurate as in my opinion may differ from yours??

In my opinion Abreu was the Yankees best all-around player last year. I am trying to think who you think may have been a better all around player for the Yanks to make a mockery of this statement--ARod is the only player that you can advance a straight faced argument other than Abreu.

Anyone would take CC or a healthy Wang over Moose--my point is how much more production than 20 wins are CC or a healthy Wang going to achieve?

Cano had a .307 average after the all-star break. His on-Base percentage during that time---.333. He also had less RBI and less runs scored after the break than before the break. I am waiting on Cano to consistently demonstrate the potential that we see, only to be disappointed. Maybe it is youth....maybe he is a head case...I don't think we can be sure either way.

I am just not a big fan of Swisher--strikes out too much and hits for too low of an average. He does draw walks. Not sure about his solid defense--a DH or First Baseman waiting to happen.

The young arms that you mention are the key IMO, really the pitching staff as a whole. I whole-heartedly agree with your point.

My only point of the post was to provide some objectivity to the potential obstacles the Yankees may face. I haven't seen many objective posts from Yankee fans, only claims that a division title is a formality with 100 plus victories.

:shake: Didn't mean to come off so harshly. :shake:

I see the exact opposite here...too many denigrating The Yanks after a down year.

This team went 89-73 with Moose, Pettitte, Rasner, Ponson, Hughes & Kennedy in the Posada, Matsui, Wang...a hurt Joba.
(The 2009 Yanks are younger, more talented, and LOADED with arms...10-15 more wins is easily within reach...Boston did ZERO to improve and Tampa isn't going to sneak up on anyone this year.)

Abreu is addition by subtraction...he is a terrible defensive OFer and provides zero power. (ARod may be a dick but comparing Abreu to him is crazy.)

Cano hit .151 in April but .307 (with an .815 OPS) after the allstar break and finished a bad year @ .271, 14/72...he's only 26 and two years removed from hitting .342 (.306, 19/97 in 2007). Maybe we should give him a break?

Swisher is a solid defensive OFer...can even play CF, if needed. He'll be a 4th OFer...perfect fit, IMO.

2009 Yanks: CC, Wang, AJ, Pettitte, Joba (Hughes)...or as I like to call 'em...The Best Rotation in MLB.

Mully :cheers:
Also a question for you:

Is Melancon being groomed to replace Mo or is Andrew Brackman?

Someone had a nice write-up a while back talking about the Yankee arms and mentioned Brackman could be the best of the bunch.

I was fortunate enough to watch Brackman pitch in college and delighted the Yankees drafted him. The last I heard Brackman was being groomed as the closer of the future--didn't know if the plan had changed.

Melancon was a closer @ Zona...and is our future closer...he has NASTY stuff.
Brackman is still starting...
ill say a nice even number of 95 for them next year.

tuna, its good to see an objective yanks fan once in awhile. haha


first of all, id be shocked if any yankees pitcher has a better year than what mussina put up last year. ya you added cc and burnett but do you honestly think they'll surpass what mussina did last year? you realize he went 20-9 with a 3.3 era in the best division in baseball with a 5-1 K-BB ratio. cc and burnett had solid years no doubt, but cc did most of his damage in the jv league. and for as great a year as he had he was still 3 wins shy of moose and a little less of a k-bb ratio of about 4-1. burnett had 2 less wins with .70 run higher era and for a huge strikeout pitcher only averages a 2.6 k-bb ratio. so to say you'd take one of them over what mussina did last year is laughable. and lets not forget they both put up those number in contract years. you will miss the 40 year old next year.

losing abreu's bad defense and adding a 4th of with decent defense doesnt solve the problem. the problem is that the left side of the field for the nyy is among the worst in the league defensively. and while everything boils down to red sox-yankees apparently, boston is still among the best defenses in the league. adding solid pitching is all well and good, but its drastically hurt without solid gloves in the field. to say the sox did ZERO to improve their club is an absolute joke and im guessing a dream not come true for ya. for one they got healthy. beckett is 100% unlike most of last year, and will be among the best in baseball next year. ortiz is fine now as well and after dealing with alot of talk saying that he is over the hill, he is out to prove everyone wrong. lowell is the only question in my eyes, but he too is ahead of schedule and could be ready sooner than we think. adding ramirez and saito to the bullpen clearly puts it at the top of mlb. if adding penny as a 5th starter and having smoltz for the stretch run also isnt improving the team, then i dont know what is. they also added perhaps the best 4th OF in the game with baldelli to backup drew when he needs the rest. if you think the sox didnt improve, keep dreaming.

so 95 wins is about what i expect. good enough for the playoffs, but not for the division. sox put up 98 wins and win the east. :tiphat:
CC & Wang > 40 year old Moose (11-10, 5.15 in 2007).

CC-Wang-AJ-Pettitte-Joba-Hughes (Best Rotation in MLB) > Yankees 2008 rotation (87 wins)

Teixeira > Giambarino (especially on D...HUGE for the Yanks)

Nady/Swisher > 2008 Abreu (again, especially on D...and O if Swisher rebounds with power)

Numerous young arms for the BP...a healthy Posada...AJax starting in CF by the 4th of July...all this equates to 103-59, baby.

Interesting take on Jeter's D last year (IMO, ARod is a solid 3B):

Let's take sabermetric defensive whipping boy Derek Jeter through the calculations. This season, Jeter has 296 fieldable chances. His zone rating is .838, which means he has converted 248 of those chances into outs. The AL average ZR at SS this season is .828. We multiply that by Jeter's chances to get an average plays made, in this case that's 245. So Jeter has made 3 plays more than an average AL SS this season. We multiply those extra plays made by the average linear weights run value of a play not made at shortstop, which is 0.753 runs (0.27 for the out not recorded, 0.483 for the hit or error). That gives us 3 plays made above average times 0.753 = 2 runs saved.

Tex @ 1B, Gardner in CF and Nady/Swisher in RF are all significant defensive upgrades.

IMO, BoSox got another year older...picked up two washed up SP and an OF with talent but also a career threatening disease...gonna need to overuse that great BP and will be lucky to win 90........:shake:

Mully :cheers:
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Does anyone else look at the rest of the league and feel like nearly every team got worse or at best have the same team but usually older ?

So far every knock possibly has been associated to the Yanks in these threads . I guess the key in determining how optimistic one should be and we all as fans tend to be overly optimistic is looking how many questions teams have to answer and how easy they are to answer.

One thing mentioned here is Mike Mussina . Moose was great last year but he was far from the type pitcher opponents would name as someone they wouldnt want to face . Did everyone forget how he was almost booted from the rotation in April? Guy PITCHED well but he still had the NYY behind him . Teams hit 278 off him , he made 34 starts and just made 200 innings (200.1) ,which means he avgd less then 6 inn per start . So he taxed the pen in theory . Think 5x he went 7 inn and 3x he went 8 so 26 times he went 6 Inn or less. Was he their best SP ? YES. However that only reflects how bad NYY was last season.. This years Mike Mussina is Andy Pettitte who was supposed to be the #2 SP last season and is more highly regarded then Moose was. Now he looks to be our 5th SP if Joba starts . Look at 2008 Moose and Pettitte were basically identical with one exception . Which was Moose pitched out of trouble time and time again . Where Andy would be great and suddenly the wheels would fall off in a big inning. Sorry Mully but I still prefer Joba in the pen for now at least. He may have always been a SP but thats also why he fell into our lap because he always had question marks. No questions IMO what he is coming out of the pen . Our ONE hole imo is a true setup man and he is that guy for me ...Hughes as the 5th SP and Joba in the pen is our best option IMO...wont happen but my thoughts on it ..

Anyway CC piched 35 games last year and had 253 inn or the yr before made 34 starts and had 241 innings . Plus everyone worried about CC should see his ERA was 3.22 the previous 2 FULL SEASONS before 2008. Any player can have a bad season but I dont see him falling to pieces ..3.70 may not be what we paid for but if we hit thats a great ERA still..

Thats a huge upgrade in SP . Then you get Wang back to be the SP he was previously but wasnt for 1/2 of last year . Essentially as I said Pettite is the Mussina of 2009. Now rather the Rasner and Ponson (combine for 35 starts 120 runsin 193 innings! ) you have AJ Burnett ! Rather then Joba making a few starts along with Hughes , Pavano and Kennedy you have Joba for a full season. Which they allowed 83 earned runs in 108 bewteen those 3 ...

My big questions are around the pen which could be loaded . Mo's health ? , Mo's setup guy is ?? keeping everyone sharp and happy ...?? Inexperience and Inconsistency ...who are we breaking camp with as tons of qualified pitchers battling

On the field problems are minor health issues ...Posada's arm , Matsui ...if Posada is okay then really its about who is playing for CF and keeping the regulars healthy. The big injury is really ARod or even Jeter because you have to hope Cody Ransom can duplicate his 08 which still leaves a tremendous talent dropoff...

I thought Damon was [robably our best player last year . Arod still had the stats but we all know that is watered down . Abreu has started real slow for 2 years and his walks dramatically decreased from when he 1st arrived . Giambi was very solid but he battles those brutal slumps which makes us forget how clutch he was . Jeter was very avg and Cano is Mr. Second Half...everyone else had injuries .....I think for the lineup Tex replces Giambi which his consistency is a plus . Nady full season , Matsui healthy , ARod good every other season , Jeter cant be worse really , Cano was much less valuable this year then previous two..Posada instead of Molina , Moeller or Pudge ..

Nothing was good about 2008 so thats a blessing in a sense with the new 3 stars aboard because so many guys have no where to go but up....

Rest of the league ? Look at it like this ..

We got AJ from Tor and gave up Rasner , Ponson while Tor is using Janssen in his place ....Huge win for the Yanks .....

Kinda traded Pavano to Cle for CC in a sense ....Pavano penciled in as their #3 ....

Kinda traded Abreu for Tex ....again we get better and the opponent weaker ..

Very hard to believe even in a bad year Yanks cant win 98 games IMO . In a season where it all clicks they could do something crazt like 108 - 112 -114 wins ..little things not facing AJ and Halladay every series they face Tor what if they only saw Roy 3x rather then 10 or so they saw the duo last year ?? Yanks were 41-40 away which alot has to do with SP IMO....also excitement of the new stadium hopefully gets them closer to 55 wins at home ...

Yanks were only 20-16 vs Tor and Balt but could easily be 26-10 IMO now ...IL play only 10-8 why not 12-6 or 13-5..? 10-13 vs Cle , Det , KC ..even 13-10 is a nice change.....3-7 vs LAA why not 6-4..

My guess is 104-58. Thats a great season IMO and sort of inbewteen worst case and best case ...

Look at it like this we won 89 x with Wang and Joba making 27 starts .
15-28 were the records of Rasner , Ponson , Hughes , kennedy , Pavano , Aceves , Giese and Igawa who combined for 62 starts ...Pettitte was medicore at best still went 14-14 and Moose was solid goung 20-9 why cant Pettitte rebound and go 16,17 - 10, 11,12 this season ?

CC 19 wins
AJ 17
Wang 18
Joba 14
Pettitte 15

Just feels like we got rid of all the dead wood of the past few years...have fun in KC Kyle Farnsowrth !

so 101 -104 wins ...
Does anyone else look at the rest of the league and feel like nearly every team got worse or at best have the same team but usually older ?

So far every knock possibly has been associated to the Yanks in these threads . I guess the key in determining how optimistic one should be and we all as fans tend to be overly optimistic is looking how many questions teams have to answer and how easy they are to answer.

One thing mentioned here is Mike Mussina . Moose was great last year but he was far from the type pitcher opponents would name as someone they wouldnt want to face . Did everyone forget how he was almost booted from the rotation in April? Guy PITCHED well but he still had the NYY behind him . Teams hit 278 off him , he made 34 starts and just made 200 innings (200.1) ,which means he avgd less then 6 inn per start . So he taxed the pen in theory . Think 5x he went 7 inn and 3x he went 8 so 26 times he went 6 Inn or less. Was he their best SP ? YES. However that only reflects how bad NYY was last season.. This years Mike Mussina is Andy Pettitte who was supposed to be the #2 SP last season and is more highly regarded then Moose was. Now he looks to be our 5th SP if Joba starts . Look at 2008 Moose and Pettitte were basically identical with one exception . Which was Moose pitched out of trouble time and time again . Where Andy would be great and suddenly the wheels would fall off in a big inning. Sorry Mully but I still prefer Joba in the pen for now at least. He may have always been a SP but thats also why he fell into our lap because he always had question marks. No questions IMO what he is coming out of the pen . Our ONE hole imo is a true setup man and he is that guy for me ...Hughes as the 5th SP and Joba in the pen is our best option IMO...wont happen but my thoughts on it ..

Anyway CC piched 35 games last year and had 253 inn or the yr before made 34 starts and had 241 innings . Plus everyone worried about CC should see his ERA was 3.22 the previous 2 FULL SEASONS before 2008. Any player can have a bad season but I dont see him falling to pieces ..3.70 may not be what we paid for but if we hit thats a great ERA still..

Thats a huge upgrade in SP . Then you get Wang back to be the SP he was previously but wasnt for 1/2 of last year . Essentially as I said Pettite is the Mussina of 2009. Now rather the Rasner and Ponson (combine for 35 starts 120 runsin 193 innings! ) you have AJ Burnett ! Rather then Joba making a few starts along with Hughes , Pavano and Kennedy you have Joba for a full season. Which they allowed 83 earned runs in 108 bewteen those 3 ...

My big questions are around the pen which could be loaded . Mo's health ? , Mo's setup guy is ?? keeping everyone sharp and happy ...?? Inexperience and Inconsistency ...who are we breaking camp with as tons of qualified pitchers battling

On the field problems are minor health issues ...Posada's arm , Matsui ...if Posada is okay then really its about who is playing for CF and keeping the regulars healthy. The big injury is really ARod or even Jeter because you have to hope Cody Ransom can duplicate his 08 which still leaves a tremendous talent dropoff...

I thought Damon was [robably our best player last year . Arod still had the stats but we all know that is watered down . Abreu has started real slow for 2 years and his walks dramatically decreased from when he 1st arrived . Giambi was very solid but he battles those brutal slumps which makes us forget how clutch he was . Jeter was very avg and Cano is Mr. Second Half...everyone else had injuries .....I think for the lineup Tex replces Giambi which his consistency is a plus . Nady full season , Matsui healthy , ARod good every other season , Jeter cant be worse really , Cano was much less valuable this year then previous two..Posada instead of Molina , Moeller or Pudge ..

Nothing was good about 2008 so thats a blessing in a sense with the new 3 stars aboard because so many guys have no where to go but up....

Rest of the league ? Look at it like this ..

We got AJ from Tor and gave up Rasner , Ponson while Tor is using Janssen in his place ....Huge win for the Yanks .....

Kinda traded Pavano to Cle for CC in a sense ....Pavano penciled in as their #3 ....

Kinda traded Abreu for Tex ....again we get better and the opponent weaker ..

Very hard to believe even in a bad year Yanks cant win 98 games IMO . In a season where it all clicks they could do something crazt like 108 - 112 -114 wins ..little things not facing AJ and Halladay every series they face Tor what if they only saw Roy 3x rather then 10 or so they saw the duo last year ?? Yanks were 41-40 away which alot has to do with SP IMO....also excitement of the new stadium hopefully gets them closer to 55 wins at home ...

Yanks were only 20-16 vs Tor and Balt but could easily be 26-10 IMO now ...IL play only 10-8 why not 12-6 or 13-5..? 10-13 vs Cle , Det , KC ..even 13-10 is a nice change.....3-7 vs LAA why not 6-4..

My guess is 104-58. Thats a great season IMO and sort of inbewteen worst case and best case ...

Look at it like this we won 89 x with Wang and Joba making 27 starts .
15-28 were the records of Rasner , Ponson , Hughes , kennedy , Pavano , Aceves , Giese and Igawa who combined for 62 starts ...Pettitte was medicore at best still went 14-14 and Moose was solid goung 20-9 why cant Pettitte rebound and go 16,17 - 10, 11,12 this season ?

CC 19 wins
AJ 17
Wang 18
Joba 14
Pettitte 15

Just feels like we got rid of all the dead wood of the past few years...have fun in KC Kyle Farnsowrth !

so 101 -104 wins ...

Fantastic analysis Nut--been waiting for your input.
Does anyone else look at the rest of the league and feel like nearly every team got worse or at best have the same team but usually older ?

So far every knock possibly has been associated to the Yanks in these threads . I guess the key in determining how optimistic one should be and we all as fans tend to be overly optimistic is looking how many questions teams have to answer and how easy they are to answer.

One thing mentioned here is Mike Mussina . Moose was great last year but he was far from the type pitcher opponents would name as someone they wouldnt want to face . Did everyone forget how he was almost booted from the rotation in April? Guy PITCHED well but he still had the NYY behind him . Teams hit 278 off him , he made 34 starts and just made 200 innings (200.1) ,which means he avgd less then 6 inn per start . So he taxed the pen in theory . Think 5x he went 7 inn and 3x he went 8 so 26 times he went 6 Inn or less. Was he their best SP ? YES. However that only reflects how bad NYY was last season.. This years Mike Mussina is Andy Pettitte who was supposed to be the #2 SP last season and is more highly regarded then Moose was. Now he looks to be our 5th SP if Joba starts . Look at 2008 Moose and Pettitte were basically identical with one exception . Which was Moose pitched out of trouble time and time again . Where Andy would be great and suddenly the wheels would fall off in a big inning. Sorry Mully but I still prefer Joba in the pen for now at least. He may have always been a SP but thats also why he fell into our lap because he always had question marks. No questions IMO what he is coming out of the pen . Our ONE hole imo is a true setup man and he is that guy for me ...Hughes as the 5th SP and Joba in the pen is our best option IMO...wont happen but my thoughts on it ..

Anyway CC piched 35 games last year and had 253 inn or the yr before made 34 starts and had 241 innings . Plus everyone worried about CC should see his ERA was 3.22 the previous 2 FULL SEASONS before 2008. Any player can have a bad season but I dont see him falling to pieces ..3.70 may not be what we paid for but if we hit thats a great ERA still..

Thats a huge upgrade in SP . Then you get Wang back to be the SP he was previously but wasnt for 1/2 of last year . Essentially as I said Pettite is the Mussina of 2009. Now rather the Rasner and Ponson (combine for 35 starts 120 runsin 193 innings! ) you have AJ Burnett ! Rather then Joba making a few starts along with Hughes , Pavano and Kennedy you have Joba for a full season. Which they allowed 83 earned runs in 108 bewteen those 3 ...

My big questions are around the pen which could be loaded . Mo's health ? , Mo's setup guy is ?? keeping everyone sharp and happy ...?? Inexperience and Inconsistency ...who are we breaking camp with as tons of qualified pitchers battling

On the field problems are minor health issues ...Posada's arm , Matsui ...if Posada is okay then really its about who is playing for CF and keeping the regulars healthy. The big injury is really ARod or even Jeter because you have to hope Cody Ransom can duplicate his 08 which still leaves a tremendous talent dropoff...

I thought Damon was [robably our best player last year . Arod still had the stats but we all know that is watered down . Abreu has started real slow for 2 years and his walks dramatically decreased from when he 1st arrived . Giambi was very solid but he battles those brutal slumps which makes us forget how clutch he was . Jeter was very avg and Cano is Mr. Second Half...everyone else had injuries .....I think for the lineup Tex replces Giambi which his consistency is a plus . Nady full season , Matsui healthy , ARod good every other season , Jeter cant be worse really , Cano was much less valuable this year then previous two..Posada instead of Molina , Moeller or Pudge ..

Nothing was good about 2008 so thats a blessing in a sense with the new 3 stars aboard because so many guys have no where to go but up....

Rest of the league ? Look at it like this ..

We got AJ from Tor and gave up Rasner , Ponson while Tor is using Janssen in his place ....Huge win for the Yanks .....

Kinda traded Pavano to Cle for CC in a sense ....Pavano penciled in as their #3 ....

Kinda traded Abreu for Tex ....again we get better and the opponent weaker ..

Very hard to believe even in a bad year Yanks cant win 98 games IMO . In a season where it all clicks they could do something crazt like 108 - 112 -114 wins ..little things not facing AJ and Halladay every series they face Tor what if they only saw Roy 3x rather then 10 or so they saw the duo last year ?? Yanks were 41-40 away which alot has to do with SP IMO....also excitement of the new stadium hopefully gets them closer to 55 wins at home ...

Yanks were only 20-16 vs Tor and Balt but could easily be 26-10 IMO now ...IL play only 10-8 why not 12-6 or 13-5..? 10-13 vs Cle , Det , KC ..even 13-10 is a nice change.....3-7 vs LAA why not 6-4..

My guess is 104-58. Thats a great season IMO and sort of inbewteen worst case and best case ...

Look at it like this we won 89 x with Wang and Joba making 27 starts .
15-28 were the records of Rasner , Ponson , Hughes , kennedy , Pavano , Aceves , Giese and Igawa who combined for 62 starts ...Pettitte was medicore at best still went 14-14 and Moose was solid goung 20-9 why cant Pettitte rebound and go 16,17 - 10, 11,12 this season ?

CC 19 wins
AJ 17
Wang 18
Joba 14
Pettitte 15

Just feels like we got rid of all the dead wood of the past few years...have fun in KC Kyle Farnsowrth !

so 101 -104 wins ...

An in-depth, unbiased and logical take (except for Joba to the BP) from a well respected 'capper.................:cheers:

Brian Bruney has lost more weight and is throwing BBs in Spring Training...could he be our 8th inning guy? (Marte is also excellent in spots.)


Mully :cheers:
Thanks Mully and tuna ..Unbiased I am not so sure but hopefully logical

Odd thing is after I did my little commentary when I checked to see what the Season wins o/u was shocked to see 97.5 Under -125 @ Greek. Since my analysis came up with 98 as the sort of worst case season scenario. Even though its been awhile since NYY has cracked this level really expect them to in 2009 ...might have to play that one..

Mr.Mulligan : Bruney has excellent velocity asweknow but the guy has no secondary pitch . If he is ON with his command/location and throwing 97-99 then he is extremely tough . I would like to believe he could be an "elite" type setup man in the Brad Lidge mold but he just doesnt have that strikeout pitch to make him filthy . Right now he is just an uncomfortable atbat . Though I havent been watching the ST games..wish he could develop that because he does have the mindset and is clearly been dedicated since Torre left . Remember no one recognized him in camp last year when he lost weight and grew hair . So encouraging to see the effort their . Really though if we combined his 06 and 08 seasons pretty WOW..
55inn 39 h 9r 9er 3hrs 31bb 58k

Damaso Marte just has NOT looked sharp since he came here and he is not getting younger . He was very good 2002 -2004 and with the exception of maybe 2007 and his Pitt days in 2008 he hasnt been anywhere close stats wise . So I wonder was the NL Central offensive weakness the reason for his remergence ? I dont really envision him having a huge season and I prefer Yanks keep him soley as a situational LHP. I wonder if guys like Marte would not benefit from an offseason of a well designed thtrowing programs once they get into their early 30s. We all know throwing is the best way to keep your arm strong and build it up and just wonder if all the short spurts of throwing due to relieving dont sap their arms at soem point ...especially when its a guess who doesnt have a big body behind him..

Edwar Ramirez really could be that guy. I noticed that he struggles more often then not when coming in with Men On Base but also knew he seemed to allpw runs in looked at his game log and its pretty insane when you look at the big picture ...Why ??

55 Games = 45 scoreless appearances(although there are always inherited runners ) and JUST 10 apps where he allowed a run . Problem is 3x he allowed 4 earned runs (actually one of those was 5 runs ) , another time he allowed 3 runs and 3x he allowed 2 runs . Leaving just 3x he allowed 1 run....

Thats pretty sick when you think about it that he allowed no runs 45 x and 1 run 3x inn 55 chances ....

Even in those 7 bad appearances 1 or 2 werent even that bad ( game vs SD he allowed 2 solo Hrs but other wise very good in 2 innings and one app vs Mets he was medicore 1.2 inn 2h 2 r ..)...think he was also responsible for a tough inning vs LAA ..I recall both the SD and LAA appearances because both teams he was nursing leads and looking real tough but got beat for Hrs on changeups ...the LAA game was that crazy Sunday game most Yank fans remember at home where they had that huge rally when Lackey started..

After August 1st he had 4 bad outings but 3 came vs LAA and one @ DET (1.1 inn 2h 2r 1hr 3bb 1k ..
LAA 1.2 Inn 12 H 12runs (11earned) 2hrs 3bb 3ks
Early on he had that no runs allowed streak and 1 game after it was broken had a bad outing vs Tor which wasnt all his fault ..0 innings 1 h 3bb and all 4 runnners scored ...

55.1 inn 44h 25r 24er 7hrs 24 bb 63 K all season ...only 10 apps where he allowed a run and if we subtract the 5 worst apps it actually leaves him with 50 games ..His STATS ARE:
52.1 Inn 29 h 7r 7er 4hrs 15bb 59K where his 5 worts apps total:
3.0 Inn 15h 18r 17er 3hrs 9 bb 4ks ..

Take away the depth of these bad innings and replace with typical bad performances like 1 inn 2 run or something like that and you have an elite reliever if he can also get away from over using his changeup . Which that does suck when you have a reliever whose outpitch is a changeup because that usually means mistake= HR...or poor command = more walks

David Robertson was a guy I really liked and think he has the stuff to be that guy I like he him as a guy who can deliver 2 inn or 1.2 inn quality inn. Again look at his overall stats very good as the ERA is misleading especially when he also had a 5 run outing where he retired one batter ...

Right now I can live with Bruney and Edwar Ramirez if both healthy as the 7th and 8th inn guys because they have the stuff , they have solid stats in the past and they havent peaked ..Give me DaviD Robertson as the next guy in line when either is unavilable and maybe as the guy who bails out a SP in the 6th or even 5th inning on a medicore day to get to the later innings ..with Marte sprinkled in for situational work later in the game ...

Also loved the way Phil Coke pitched and would love to see him to get a key LHP or more earlier in games sort of filling the same role as Robertson but more situational . While I know COke still has to earn a spot its my wishful thinking he continues to progress and impress.

That leaves just 1 spot if we carry 12 pitchers ...which I am going to assume Cody Ransom is the one of the last 2 position players to make the team with Melky in CF . 2 catchers backup unknown though with so many in camp , 4 starting IF's , Damon(LF can play CF) , Melky , Nady(RF can play LF) , Matsui(DH, backup LF) , Swisher..and assuming another MI who can play 2nd base since virtually we have guys who can play 1st , LF and RF with the assumption in a fix Swisher can play CF or Damon .. Would gues Miranda and Gardner start in AAA . Angel Berroa is certainly someone who seems to fit on paper as the last guy to make the team ..liked that we brought in guys like John Rodriguez and Todd Linden as invitees or on minor league contracts . Unfotunately he is just on the wrong team but we always have Shelley Duncan who should be platooning somewhere in the majors vs LHP ...

Back to that last bullpen spot ...Jose Veras is the lead canditate and was very solid with again really one terrible outing skewing his numbers to solid but unspectular . Beneath the surface though thought he was better in general then the stats indicate and remember the SP was so poor last year these guys were overworked at certain times ..

After him there are a ton of capable guys but I dont want to forget that Humberto Sanchez was a top prospect when he arrived(setup guy possibly..) . You have Alfredo Aceves who really was exceptional late last year and might be the guy I rather see as the last arm in the pen at the moment . Jonathan Albalajedo was fairly solid in his short work as well but not sure how much upside he has. Fringe MLers like Brett Tomko, Sergo Mitre (recovering from surgery and suspended 50 games but has some talent IMO)and JasonJohnson were signed to Minor League contracts but dont really have value IMO. Brackman and Melancon are best suited for seasoning and development still unless one though Melancon could be the setup guy right now . While he stepped in admirably for us Dan Giese is AAA bound but at least we know he can do it in a pinch if needed ..Probably a good mentor to have and possible pitching coach material ...

The scary part is 2008 we counted on Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes but now they are lost in the numbers game but their upside is still there. Kennedy is probably trade bait which is a shame because I wanted the kid to succeed but obvious space cadet . he already seemed to lose the Yank veterans with some of his comments . Hughes wont turn 23 till June which I guess if he gets 1 full season in AAA and steps into Pettitte spot isnt really a bad thing ..Kennedy is just turning 24 in Dec08..

Rest of the league ?
LAA: SP is the same but the pen has question marks IMO. KRod was overvalued but Fuentes has struggled to show consistency as well and cant match KRods track record . Shields is slowly declining while still solid I dont consider him elite anymore. Arrendondo was awesome but hard to see he can be better or even as good. If he can thats a big WOW ..Can Darren Oliver really thrown 70-80 innings again with a 2.8o ERA ? Seeing is believing with him. Spier needs to bounce back but around 34,35 years old thats no given ..Cabrera is gone and Aybar gets the gig , Abreu essentially replaces Garrett Anderson and is a minor upgrade IMO , while Kendry Morales has huge shoes to replace in Tex . LAA battled injuries last year and Vlad is more valuable then ever probably . Where is Gary Matthews playing if it all ? If not what a waste of money .....Escobar still hurt and uncertain...

OAK: You wonder if they had kept some SP where they might be heading into 2009. They essentially added Chavez at 3b since he missed all of last season , Giambi is the new DH , Cabrera signs today to play SS assuming Crosby goes to the bench , Holliday is in LF ..solid vet lineup with some youngsters like Barton (or Baisley at some point ) and Ryan Sweeney who have good untapped upside. Actually I know Ryan Sweeney if healthy will be a good player this season...Kingman ..oops I meant Cust in RF..just put the ball in play a tad more often Jack !

1- Ryan Sweeney
2-O . Cabrera
3 -Chavez
4- Holliday
5- Giambi
6 -Cust

Solid lineup but very and probably almost to LH which forces Holliday I assume to the cleanup spot.

SP..? Durscherer was awesome last year but health and then durability is a huge issue. After that we are looking at Gallagher , Eveland , Gio Gonzalez and Braden...imagine Haren , Harden , JD ...
Pen?Solid on paperbut not without questions..Ziegler was awesome how does he follow it up , Devine looks like the stud he was supposed to be ,Blevins, Casilla , Wuertz and Springer round it but what to expect exactly from that bunch I dont know...

Finsh up the AL capsules at some point ..

Interesting though when think about the talent that has left the AL in the past few years or changed teams..Harden leaves Oak for the NL , Johan went from Minny to the NL, CC went from CLE to the NL to the Yanks , Burnett went from Tor to NYY ..Thats alot of top end SP that is hard to replace which makes NYY gaining 2 of them huge just in the addition by subtraction column..

Interesting, The Franchise will be the SP today vs. Team USA:

Damon LF
Gardner CF
Teixeira 1B
Posada DH
Nary RF
Ransom 2B
Cash C
Berroa SS
Leone 3B
Pitching: Phil Hughes followed by Coke, Dunn, Veras, Hacker, Robertson, Texeira

Pedroia 2B
Jeter SS
Jones DH
Wright 3B
Dunn RF
Youkilis 1B
Braun LF
McCann C
Granderson CF
Pitching: Roy Oswalt

Notes: The game will be on YES. First pitch is set for 1:15 p.m. … Team USA has been in flux. Joe Nathan, Brian Fuentes and B.J. Ryan bailed out and were replaced by the likes of LaTroy Hawkins, Joel Hanrahan and Heath Bell. … Derek Jeter figures to get a big cheer from the crowd when he is introduced as Team USA’s shortstop. This is his second WBC with them.
Back with more later.

UPDATE, 9:33 a.m.: You know who’s not too happy? Brian Bruney. He very much wants to be on Team USA and had his agent, Gregg Clifton, make a call on his behalf. But when Davey Johnson and Bob Watson went looking for replacement relievers, they went with Heath Bell, John Grabow, Joel Hanrahan and LaTroy Hawkins instead.
Just more wood for the motivational fire. Bruney is already ticked that so many people think the Yankees need Joba Chamberlain in the bullpen.

UPDATE, 10:02 p.m.: Here is the Team USA pitching staff:
Starters: Roy Oswalt, Ted Lilly, Jeremy Guthrie, Jake Peavy
Relievers: Heath Bell, Jon Broxton, Brian Fuentes, John Grabow, Brad Ziegler, Scot Shields, J.J. Putz, Matt Thornton, Matt Lindstrom, J.P. Howell, LaTroy Hawkins, Joel Hanrahan.
The Yankees have a better rotation than that. But it’s a good bullpen. At any rate, I’m headed down to the field.
Thanks Mully and tuna ..Unbiased I am not so sure but hopefully logical

Odd thing is after I did my little commentary when I checked to see what the Season wins o/u was shocked to see 97.5 Under -125 @ Greek. Since my analysis came up with 98 as the sort of worst case season scenario. Even though its been awhile since NYY has cracked this level really expect them to in 2009 ...might have to play that one..

Mr.Mulligan : Bruney has excellent velocity asweknow but the guy has no secondary pitch . If he is ON with his command/location and throwing 97-99 then he is extremely tough . I would like to believe he could be an "elite" type setup man in the Brad Lidge mold but he just doesnt have that strikeout pitch to make him filthy . Right now he is just an uncomfortable atbat . Though I havent been watching the ST games..wish he could develop that because he does have the mindset and is clearly been dedicated since Torre left . Remember no one recognized him in camp last year when he lost weight and grew hair . So encouraging to see the effort their . Really though if we combined his 06 and 08 seasons pretty WOW..
55inn 39 h 9r 9er 3hrs 31bb 58k

Damaso Marte just has NOT looked sharp since he came here and he is not getting younger . He was very good 2002 -2004 and with the exception of maybe 2007 and his Pitt days in 2008 he hasnt been anywhere close stats wise . So I wonder was the NL Central offensive weakness the reason for his remergence ? I dont really envision him having a huge season and I prefer Yanks keep him soley as a situational LHP. I wonder if guys like Marte would not benefit from an offseason of a well designed thtrowing programs once they get into their early 30s. We all know throwing is the best way to keep your arm strong and build it up and just wonder if all the short spurts of throwing due to relieving dont sap their arms at soem point ...especially when its a guess who doesnt have a big body behind him..

Edwar Ramirez really could be that guy. I noticed that he struggles more often then not when coming in with Men On Base but also knew he seemed to allpw runs in looked at his game log and its pretty insane when you look at the big picture ...Why ??

55 Games = 45 scoreless appearances(although there are always inherited runners ) and JUST 10 apps where he allowed a run . Problem is 3x he allowed 4 earned runs (actually one of those was 5 runs ) , another time he allowed 3 runs and 3x he allowed 2 runs . Leaving just 3x he allowed 1 run....

Thats pretty sick when you think about it that he allowed no runs 45 x and 1 run 3x inn 55 chances ....

Even in those 7 bad appearances 1 or 2 werent even that bad ( game vs SD he allowed 2 solo Hrs but other wise very good in 2 innings and one app vs Mets he was medicore 1.2 inn 2h 2 r ..)...think he was also responsible for a tough inning vs LAA ..I recall both the SD and LAA appearances because both teams he was nursing leads and looking real tough but got beat for Hrs on changeups ...the LAA game was that crazy Sunday game most Yank fans remember at home where they had that huge rally when Lackey started..

After August 1st he had 4 bad outings but 3 came vs LAA and one @ DET (1.1 inn 2h 2r 1hr 3bb 1k ..
LAA 1.2 Inn 12 H 12runs (11earned) 2hrs 3bb 3ks
Early on he had that no runs allowed streak and 1 game after it was broken had a bad outing vs Tor which wasnt all his fault ..0 innings 1 h 3bb and all 4 runnners scored ...

55.1 inn 44h 25r 24er 7hrs 24 bb 63 K all season ...only 10 apps where he allowed a run and if we subtract the 5 worst apps it actually leaves him with 50 games ..His STATS ARE:
52.1 Inn 29 h 7r 7er 4hrs 15bb 59K where his 5 worts apps total:
3.0 Inn 15h 18r 17er 3hrs 9 bb 4ks ..

Take away the depth of these bad innings and replace with typical bad performances like 1 inn 2 run or something like that and you have an elite reliever if he can also get away from over using his changeup . Which that does suck when you have a reliever whose outpitch is a changeup because that usually means mistake= HR...or poor command = more walks

David Robertson was a guy I really liked and think he has the stuff to be that guy I like he him as a guy who can deliver 2 inn or 1.2 inn quality inn. Again look at his overall stats very good as the ERA is misleading especially when he also had a 5 run outing where he retired one batter ...

Right now I can live with Bruney and Edwar Ramirez if both healthy as the 7th and 8th inn guys because they have the stuff , they have solid stats in the past and they havent peaked ..Give me DaviD Robertson as the next guy in line when either is unavilable and maybe as the guy who bails out a SP in the 6th or even 5th inning on a medicore day to get to the later innings ..with Marte sprinkled in for situational work later in the game ...

Also loved the way Phil Coke pitched and would love to see him to get a key LHP or more earlier in games sort of filling the same role as Robertson but more situational . While I know COke still has to earn a spot its my wishful thinking he continues to progress and impress.

That leaves just 1 spot if we carry 12 pitchers ...which I am going to assume Cody Ransom is the one of the last 2 position players to make the team with Melky in CF . 2 catchers backup unknown though with so many in camp , 4 starting IF's , Damon(LF can play CF) , Melky , Nady(RF can play LF) , Matsui(DH, backup LF) , Swisher..and assuming another MI who can play 2nd base since virtually we have guys who can play 1st , LF and RF with the assumption in a fix Swisher can play CF or Damon .. Would gues Miranda and Gardner start in AAA . Angel Berroa is certainly someone who seems to fit on paper as the last guy to make the team ..liked that we brought in guys like John Rodriguez and Todd Linden as invitees or on minor league contracts . Unfotunately he is just on the wrong team but we always have Shelley Duncan who should be platooning somewhere in the majors vs LHP ...

Back to that last bullpen spot ...Jose Veras is the lead canditate and was very solid with again really one terrible outing skewing his numbers to solid but unspectular . Beneath the surface though thought he was better in general then the stats indicate and remember the SP was so poor last year these guys were overworked at certain times ..

After him there are a ton of capable guys but I dont want to forget that Humberto Sanchez was a top prospect when he arrived(setup guy possibly..) . You have Alfredo Aceves who really was exceptional late last year and might be the guy I rather see as the last arm in the pen at the moment . Jonathan Albalajedo was fairly solid in his short work as well but not sure how much upside he has. Fringe MLers like Brett Tomko, Sergo Mitre (recovering from surgery and suspended 50 games but has some talent IMO)and JasonJohnson were signed to Minor League contracts but dont really have value IMO. Brackman and Melancon are best suited for seasoning and development still unless one though Melancon could be the setup guy right now . While he stepped in admirably for us Dan Giese is AAA bound but at least we know he can do it in a pinch if needed ..Probably a good mentor to have and possible pitching coach material ...

The scary part is 2008 we counted on Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes but now they are lost in the numbers game but their upside is still there. Kennedy is probably trade bait which is a shame because I wanted the kid to succeed but obvious space cadet . he already seemed to lose the Yank veterans with some of his comments . Hughes wont turn 23 till June which I guess if he gets 1 full season in AAA and steps into Pettitte spot isnt really a bad thing ..Kennedy is just turning 24 in Dec08..

Rest of the league ?
LAA: SP is the same but the pen has question marks IMO. KRod was overvalued but Fuentes has struggled to show consistency as well and cant match KRods track record . Shields is slowly declining while still solid I dont consider him elite anymore. Arrendondo was awesome but hard to see he can be better or even as good. If he can thats a big WOW ..Can Darren Oliver really thrown 70-80 innings again with a 2.8o ERA ? Seeing is believing with him. Spier needs to bounce back but around 34,35 years old thats no given ..Cabrera is gone and Aybar gets the gig , Abreu essentially replaces Garrett Anderson and is a minor upgrade IMO , while Kendry Morales has huge shoes to replace in Tex . LAA battled injuries last year and Vlad is more valuable then ever probably . Where is Gary Matthews playing if it all ? If not what a waste of money .....Escobar still hurt and uncertain...

OAK: You wonder if they had kept some SP where they might be heading into 2009. They essentially added Chavez at 3b since he missed all of last season , Giambi is the new DH , Cabrera signs today to play SS assuming Crosby goes to the bench , Holliday is in LF ..solid vet lineup with some youngsters like Barton (or Baisley at some point ) and Ryan Sweeney who have good untapped upside. Actually I know Ryan Sweeney if healthy will be a good player this season...Kingman ..oops I meant Cust in RF..just put the ball in play a tad more often Jack !

1- Ryan Sweeney
2-O . Cabrera
3 -Chavez
4- Holliday
5- Giambi
6 -Cust

Solid lineup but very and probably almost to LH which forces Holliday I assume to the cleanup spot.

SP..? Durscherer was awesome last year but health and then durability is a huge issue. After that we are looking at Gallagher , Eveland , Gio Gonzalez and Braden...imagine Haren , Harden , JD ...
Pen?Solid on paperbut not without questions..Ziegler was awesome how does he follow it up , Devine looks like the stud he was supposed to be ,Blevins, Casilla , Wuertz and Springer round it but what to expect exactly from that bunch I dont know...

Finsh up the AL capsules at some point ..

Interesting though when think about the talent that has left the AL in the past few years or changed teams..Harden leaves Oak for the NL , Johan went from Minny to the NL, CC went from CLE to the NL to the Yanks , Burnett went from Tor to NYY ..Thats alot of top end SP that is hard to replace which makes NYY gaining 2 of them huge just in the addition by subtraction column..


Bro, keep the in-depth responses coming...I always see (learn) something in your post that I missed.........................:cheers:

Edwar Ramirez would be deadly with another "out pitch"...that change is awesome but if the hitter is guessing right it also goes a long way.

From everything I've read about ST...Bruney is out to prove he's the set-up man we need:

UPDATE, 9:33 a.m.: You know who’s not too happy? Brian Bruney. He very much wants to be on Team USA and had his agent, Gregg Clifton, make a call on his behalf. But when Davey Johnson and Bob Watson went looking for replacement relievers, they went with Heath Bell, John Grabow, Joel Hanrahan and LaTroy Hawkins instead.
Just more wood for the motivational fire. Bruney is already ticked that so many people think the Yankees need Joba Chamberlain in the bullpen.

Disagree on Melke starting in CF...Gardner will track down more balls and can help the Yanks tremendously on the base paths...(The Yanks manufacturing runs?) from today against Team USA:

UPDATE, 1:26 p.m.:
That gritty, gutty Brett Gardner singled, went to third on a single by Tex and scored on a single by Posada. Then Nady went 1-6-3 to end the inning. 1-0 Yankees.

UPDATE, 2:29 p.m.: Could Brett Gardner be added to Team USA by the end of the afternoon? He just doubled, making him 3 for 3.
Gardner’s final 15 games last season were pretty good as he adjusted to the pitching. He seems to be picking up where he left off. At some point, it’s not a fluke.
Meanwhile, the idea that Melky is a better defensive player is simply incorrect. Melky has a better arm. Gardner takes better routes to the ball and is much faster. You take the better outfielder over the better arm every day. The odds are much higher that a CF will track down a few balls in the gap then to throw somebody out.

Phil Coke also looking IMPRESSIVE against Team USA (Damn, The Yanks are LOADED with young BP arms):

UPDATE, 2:27 p.m.:
Nice work by Phil Coke. 2.1 innings, 1 hit, 0 runs, 0 walks 2 strikeouts.

Mully :cheers:
Thanks Mr.Mulligan. Discussion is really a good way to learn and definetly is a huge benefit to me as well .

Gardner is looking to be more then just a possibility . Hope I find some time to finish doing the capsules.. One thing I cannot get over is the severe lack of talent on some teams at the moment . Seems like every SP with an arm is battling for a rotation somewhere. Tempted to dust off the baseball glove and start throwing

Good thing about the Yanks this year is we questions like everyone else but this year we are not hoping for Carl Pavano , Latroy Hawkins , Kyle Farnsworth or some rookies to fill very key roles .

SFG have possible a very good actually exceptional SP staff if the reports on Zito are accurate and his velocity increased (which hasnt been mentioned). Lincecum, Unit , Cain , Zito and Sanchez....thats the NL version of the Yanks ..did I just say that outloud ...:cheers:
Phil Hughes is "waiting in the wings", baby:

Talking pitching with Phil Hughes
If you watched the game today, you may have noticed that Phil Hughes had a nice, tight curveball. It looked different than the curve he used to throw and I asked him about it.
Hughes explained that he’s throwing his curve with the same arm speed as his fastball. So instead of a big loop (picture Mike Mussina’s curve), it goes to the plate on a straighter plane but still has some action as it gets there. It’s how A.J. Burnett throws his curve.
Hughes devoted a lot of time in the Arizona Fall League to working on that particular pitch. “It’s hard to change because you get used to throwing a pitch a certain way,” he said. “In games, you tend to go back to what is comfortable. But they’ve been staying on me to throw the power curve more. I have to trust it and I do.”
That was the pitch he fanned Adam Dunn on.
Hughes also has changed the grip on his change-up. He throws it like a splitter.
Consistent arm speed is huge for a pitcher, as that is how you deceive the hitter. If the hitter can see a pitcher’s arm slowing down, he can adjust to a breaking pitch or a change-up.
It’s important to remember, I think, that Hughes is 22 and is still learning his craft. He said that often times last year, he went to the mound armed only with his fastball and that looping curve. Now he has a fastball, a tighter curve, a change-up he likes and a cutter that is getting better and better.
Hughes allowed three hits against a great lineup today. One was a bleeder by Dustin Pedroia. Ryan Braun shattered his bat on a single to left. Then Derek Jeter got one of his “I’ve done this a million times” 17-hopper up the middle that scored two runs with two outs. If you watched Hughes today, you saw a guy who can be special.
“He was impressive,” Jorge Posada said. “Everything I saw, I liked.”
Scott Aldred, who really knows his stuff, will be the pitching coach in AAA this year. He worked with Hughes in Arizona. That will help Hughes continue the progress he is making.
Obviously, it’s about health in the end. Counting Arizona and everything else, Hughes has thrown only 220 innings the last two seasons. That’s about 130 innings fewer than they would have hoped. There is no replacing that experience.
If he stays healthy, Hughes can do some great things. He may start the season in Scranton, but Hughes is going to play a significant role with the Yankees this season one way or another. He’s too good not to.
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UPDATE, 10:51 a.m.: ESPN Deportes is reporting Alex Rodriguez needs surgery and will miss 10 weeks. No comment yet from the Yankees.
UPDATE, 10:51 a.m.: ESPN Deportes is reporting Alex Rodriguez needs surgery and will miss 10 weeks. No comment yet from the Yankees.


Do we stick with Cody Ransom or find a suitable 3B for the 1st 5-6 weeks of the season?

In good news, Matsui is playing his 1st ST game today...
No surgery for A-Rod

Yankees GM Brian Cashman just said Alex Rodriguez has a torn hip labrum and cyst.

They’re trying rest and rehab. The cyst was drained. The hope is he’ll keep playing.
More to come.
He’s out of the WBC.