How Bad Is Mark Sanchez?


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Interesting topic. If you had to start a game next week to get in the playoffs and all things being equal would you rather Brandon Weeden at this point? I mean we hear Tebow sucks.....maybe. His performance on MNF was just absolute piss...NVM I had a Jet Ticket and he throws 4 INTs....some at terrible spots. The playcalling sucks. This guy might be damaged goods. Someone mentioned the Eagles....would Birds fans take him? Arizona? KC?

Where can this guy go?
He is making Ponder like decisions.....yes he aint got much around him. I realize that. But I believe he lost the Jets that game. With so much on the line too...
worst starting qb in league...nice guy,,good college player...worst pro qb and its partly due to: bad coaching and this -- he not smart, he short for qb and he gets all the ladies and makes $8 million for nothing ----- and he not smart
Why is Sanchez still the starter? Does Rex hate Tebow? I THINK SO!
I mean you turn a game over to McElroy 2 weeks ago and win

and u wont let Tebow drive for a minute?

just an abortion

4 picks
I mean the snap was bad, but it still hit Sanchez in the both hands where he was capable of grabbing it.
Dude threw the game to get outta NY, convinced. You don't make the throws he made unless you want out or you're retarded...
Dude is a turnover machine. The only reason he's not the worst starting QB in the league is because Ryan Lindley is a starting QB in this league. Rex is a DC who has no concept of the offense and the lack of coaching has made this clown regress worse than any Jet player I can ever remember going back to Blair Thomas. Awful. Just God awful. Blow the whole thing up again.
Dude threw the game to get outta NY, convinced. You don't make the throws he made unless you want out or you're retarded...

Outta the NFL is where, who in the world would pick Sanchez? If they have a D-League, I wouldn't even choose him. know the answer he is worst starting qb in league and that includes Quinn et al and "yes" Weeden is better and not even close. Weeden is good
and when/why/how to bring tebow in?

I mean it is almost like me and you and whoever sittin on the couch says"Huhhhhhh"?

when you could/should bring him in you sit him

when you shouldnt, he comes in for longer than he has all year

fuckin abortion
I watched that game ... vy isn't playing in the league and these clowns have huge contracts?

He is awful.

And emkee he has been doing this for years .... it isn't like this is some unique effort to get booted from NY ,,,, he does it week in and week out.

With Tebow they win that game... I literally have no doubt about that.
scarf the playcallin is unreal....outside of sanchize blowing

what in the fuck

Don't even get me started on what an ass clown Tony Sparano is. Dude's never called plays at this level. He's an o-line coach calling plays...we got a DC as our head coach...the whole thing is a damned disaster. Blow it all up. Rex deserves to go because of his inexplicable devotion to the Turnover Machine. Just effin' putrid. know the answer he is worst starting qb in league and that includes Quinn et al and "yes" Weeden is better and not even close. Weeden is good
I like Weedman

he has a reaally good rb and nice receivers

that is why i say
and when/why/how to bring tebow in?

I mean it is almost like me and you and whoever sittin on the couch says"Huhhhhhh"?

when you could/should bring him in you sit him

when you shouldnt, he comes in for longer than he has all year

fuckin abortion
Rex Ryan is going to live or die with Sanchez. Fortunately for Jet's fans, this will proabably be his last year.
mark sanchez has pictures of his lard ass coach with another womans feet. that is the only explanation why he is blindly/idiotically loyal
Don't even get me started on what an ads clown Tony Sparano is. Dude's never called plays at this level. He's an o-line coach calling plays...we got a DC as our head coach...the whole thing is a damned disaster. Blow it all up. Rex deserves to go because of his inexplicable devotion to the Turnover Machine. Just effin' putrid.

Agree on Sparano but the one offense he did call decent plays for was the dolphin wildcat stuff .. has perfect player to run that and they go with a player who can't pass, can't run, can't not fumble, can't avoid sacks, can't make plays, can't make good decisions and demoralizes his own team instead of inspiring and leading it.
Matthew Barnaby<S>@</S>MattBarnaby3636 Great breakfast this morning. Coffee and an apple sanchez!!! Oooops sorry (apple turnover)
it really is an abortion. and yes sanchez is as bad as people say but it's not just him. he doesn't have much around him, the coaching is horrible and the playcalling is worse. as an example, sanchez finally got some momentum and made some good passes. and what do the jets do? they pull him for the circus qb. absolutely incredible decision. it was so rare to see sanchez actually hitting all the right spots, it would be like pulling that shitty philip humber in the 8th inning of his perfect game to bring in clay buchholz.

no qb could thrive in that environment. it just so happens that sanchez sucks so it's that much worse.

i know this isn't a popular opinion but i do thinhk sanchez will be a good backup in the league for years and possinly a bwelow average to average starter for a different program. you guys can come back and call me an idiot in 3 years if that doesn't come true. or do it now.

going forward, they have to get rid of sanchez. it can't work at this point.

as for last night, bringing in tebow for a few snals here and there is just stupid. the jets did it at the worst possible time. but if tebow had started and played the whole game, i think the jets win that game. it was so obviuos that the key to the jets winning was to get 30+ rushes and keep the ball out of sanchez's hands as much as possible. a your league flag football coach could have figured that out. at the beginning of the 4th quarter, the jets had 21 rushing attempts if you take out 2 sanchez scrambles on pass plays. so, they could still execute the right gameplan if ryan or sparano was paying attention. it was even more obvious in the 4th because greene was running well and the titans shitty run defense was tired. it's amazing that the jets didn't figure that out and let sanchez throw long balls. greene ends up with only 13 carries, the jets have fewer than 30 true running plays and they lose on 4 int's.

forget sanchez and tebow for a minute, with some good, intelligent coaches in the league, someone tell me how the jets can compete with ryan and sparano.
If Tebow is the Jets qb after game 3, they are in the playoffs, no doubt in my mind. He would have won teh game last night for sure. Its disgusting what Rex has done to him and his development. And to be fair, how Rex handled Tebow was unfair to Sanchez as well. Thats not saying that Sanchez doesnt suck, he is atrocious, but hes not getting any help either.
If Tebow is the Jets qb after game 3, they are in the playoffs, no doubt in my mind. He would have won teh game last night for sure. Its disgusting what Rex has done to him and his development. And to be fair, how Rex handled Tebow was unfair to Sanchez as well. Thats not saying that Sanchez doesnt suck, he is atrocious, but hes not getting any help either.

Ur high as fuck Dan. They lost to good teams, 4-7 or some shit like that since week 3. Lost to 49ers, pats twice, Seattle, hou. Tebow is just as garbage as mark, he wouldn't have made them that much better to beat tha super power teams
theyd have beaten miami at home for sure. and they would ahve won last night.

No chance they "for sure" woulda beat Miami wit tebow. Mark didn't have a garbage game 1 td 1 int. Miami beat them , mark did t cost tha jets tha game. I will give u lastnight a game but who's to say tebow wouldn't have lost one of the other games mark won? Both of them suck dick, tebow is Tha most overrated qb in Tha league.
Tebow basically isn't a qb in the league anymore. Ryan basically decided he would refuse to play Tebow. He is sticking with that by going with McElroy instead. He knows he is being fired so he is gonna go out the way he wants.

I would like to see a comparison of Sanchez drives that end in scores vs. drives that end in turnovers. It would be hilarious.

I agree with ya 9 out of 10 times Tru but Tebow>Sanchez and it isn't close.

I think it is fair to say that maybe the jets don't win more games if Tebow was QB because we will never know but what Sanchez did late in their losses is insane.

Down 6 with 3:28 and a chance to win against Houston .. you guessed it Sanchez interception

Against New England in overtime he allowed himself to be sacked and fumbled the ball away to end the game at his own 40 yard line or so. Can't make it up.

Here is a quote at espn following the miami loss ...

But Sanchez had a brutal performance, making mistakes throughout, not hitting open receivers at times -- and not taking care of the football

Here is a quote from espn following the Seattle loss

Mark Sanchez struggled in his meeting against Seattle coach Pete Carroll, his former coach at USC. Sanchez threw a costly interception at the goal line in the first half, then fumbled at the Seattle 32 on a blitz from Richard Sherman, and Seattle's Jason Jones recovered in the fourth quarter.

We saw the Tennesse game ... and some of the wins they are doing it inspite of Sanchez not because of ... 7-6 against Cardinals ... Sanchez didn't score a point they had to go to McElroy. 104 yards passing against Jacksonville and only scoring 17 points ...

It is almost impossible for the team to have been worse with someone else in the game. I know you played some QB and I would certainly take Tru at QB over Sanchez at QB .. just take a knee every possession and you might give the jets a better chance to win than Sanchez did.
the only reason they didnt play Tebow last night is bc they were scared hed come in and win and then win again next week and then again week 17, make the playoffs, and then the fans would want him starting next year.
One of the main reasons that Elway went and got P Manning is to ensure he wouldn't take it in the shorts from the fans for bailing on Tebow.

Tebow>NFL anyway.
the only reason they didnt play Tebow last night is bc they were scared hed come in and win and then win again next week and then again week 17, make the playoffs, and then the fans would want him starting next year.

Possible. That would have to come from higher up than Ryan though. I think it has more to do with Ryan just being a stubborn guy and refusing to admit he was wrong in tieing his wagon to Sanchez. I guess maybe the brass feels the same about the ridiculous $8 Mil they are gonna give him. But you have to think that Ryan actually might have been pissed if he put Tebow in and won the game. Imagine if they had and he won out and they DIDN'T make the playoffs. How bad would Ryan look then?
Kyle I do agree wit u that tebow>mark but both are fuckin garbage, Tim tebow wouldn't have had any more wins than Sanchez. Also Kyle I know we agree on this. VY > tim tebow and that's not really close either. Vince needs another chance somewhere
Kyle I do agree wit u that tebow>mark but both are fuckin garbage, Tim tebow wouldn't have had any more wins than Sanchez. Also Kyle I know we agree on this. VY > tim tebow and that's not really close either. Vince needs another chance somewhere


They currently have similarities too, Tru. I mean both are dual threat, both just go out and win friggin football games and both are shunned because they don't fit the mold of what NFL traditionalists want from the QB position. Their combined record in the NFL as starters is so good it is staggering and both did it while taking over for teams that were losers before they did.

It is a little known fact that when Tim is in the "Tebowing" position that he is praying to and thanking VY

They currently have similarities too, Tru. I mean both are dual threat, both just go out and win friggin football games and both are shunned because they don't fit the mold of what NFL traditionalists want from the QB position. Their combined record in the NFL as starters is so good it is staggering and both did it while taking over for teams that were losers before they did.

It is a little known fact that when Tim is in the "Tebowing" position that he is praying to and thanking VY

also, both had one specific coach who, despite witnessing his winning ways, decided to shun him and essentially ruin his career instead of being grateful and using him and winning games
mcelroy to start next week.

I heard this today and almost had to pull over. I mean what the holy hell. Were I Tebow I'd go to management after the season and say, 'I played this thing out, I didn't complain in the press, now you need to go fuck yourselves and trade me tomorrow.'

Which would be awesome because then he'd get to swear.

But beyond that, I agree with the above. This whole season has been a total implosion of what they were trying to build. And the weird thing is, part of the solution to their problem is sitting on their bench. Had Suckchize played well, fine. But that he didn't, just give the damn ball to Tebow and see what happens.

You lost Revis for the season. Nobody expects anything out of you any more this year. If you're not going to play Tebow he's completely wasting a roster spot and, as I said, were I Timmah, I'd force my way out.

Because VK hits it, at this point people are starting to say he's not even an NFL QB any more. But he's won games as a starter, on a not very talented team.

You're telling me Tebow under center doesn't have more value than what Arizona is trotting out there? He has more value than Greg McElroy and can't get the start on his own team.

There are maybe half a dozen teams Tebow could start for tomorrow. If you're truly going to go to McElroy, do the right thing, get some value for him and let him move on.

Oh, and as for the half dozen teams, two of them are in the AFC West. Is Tebow better than Palmer or Cassell, not really, but he's younger with far more upside to his career than either of them. I'd start him in either spot tomorrow. Hell, as a Browns fan I want to see where this Weeden thing goes, but given that Richardson looks like the real deal, I might even take Tebow in Cleveland, Tebow's younger than Weeden with more experience.

That said, Weeden has a much better arm. It's not even close.

He is making Ponder like decisions.....yes he aint got much around him. I realize that. But I believe he lost the Jets that game. With so much on the line too...

So much on the line is a little bit of a stretch. Sure, they were mathematically still in the playoff hunt with a win, but let's be real...they weren't making the playoffs.

He's not as bad as he's looked this year, the coaching staff has seemingly ruined him. The signing of Tebow was not a good move, and most of this was very predictable. It's hard enough to play QB for the Jets, it's an entirely different situation when you have half of the idiot fan base calling for Tebow to be in the game....and it's even harder with the poor coaching on the sidelines for the Jets, and a completely non-existent running game to go along with a handful of below average NFL receivers (that's being nice I think). They aren't doing Sanchez any favors, that's for sure. That's not to say he's an All Pro, or anything like that, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as this team has made him look this year.
So much on the line is a little bit of a stretch. Sure, they were mathematically still in the playoff hunt with a win, but let's be real...they weren't making the playoffs.

He's not as bad as he's looked this year, the coaching staff has seemingly ruined him. The signing of Tebow was not a good move, and most of this was very predictable. It's hard enough to play QB for the Jets, it's an entirely different situation when you have half of the idiot fan base calling for Tebow to be in the game....and it's even harder with the poor coaching on the sidelines for the Jets, and a completely non-existent running game to go along with a handful of below average NFL receivers (that's being nice I think). They aren't doing Sanchez any favors, that's for sure. That's not to say he's an All Pro, or anything like that, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as this team has made him look this year.

I think he is..
Anyone listen to Mike and Mike this morning and hear the comparison of Sanchez vs Eli first 4 years? Same number of INT's, Eli had 7 more TD's and 500 less yards and they have the same record....Sanchez has 4 more ROAD playoff wins.....I think that comparing stats like that is sometimes worthless because situations are different, but I think it is worth noting....

I dont think Sanchez is in any way shape or form great, but his team this year is horrendous....his WR situation since Holmes went down is god awful, his o-line besides mangold and d'brickashaw is horrible....Green is nothing to write home about....and the whole tebow circus cant help....I think with a change of scenery Sanchez could be salvaged....I said it in the in game on monday and i was somewhat serious.....I wouldnt mind the eagles taking a flyer on him.....i dont think Foles is the answer and I would rather take a shot with Sanchez, a healthy eagles o-line, shady, and a revamped WR corps then with Foles....but i am going to guess im in the .000000001% on that in philadelphia.
I turned on M&M this morning after not watching these idiots for at least a year. From 630am, to 715AM they discussed Marc Sanchez and Tim Tebow. No wonder why I don't watch this terrible show anymore.