Houston Cockets @ Golden Showers

I keep my record for my own purposes. For some reason, sometimes others ask. So I post it. Last year I even kept an "if I bet these on the spread" fake record too...cus that's the most common question I get.
records? what's the point of them unless you're striving to be tout? should go like this:

Record: Fuck you, I'm winning.

Because not everyone are. So people can know for example if you're any good without trying to do the math. A good capper makes around 110%-115% as far as his investment goes, and sometimes you can't see that straight away.

Also, it gives the poster/capper a tracking tool for him and others to see. Nothing wrong with that.
my point is why do you need others to know if you're a good capper or not (as you suggest can be discovered by looking at one's record), what is the reason for this if there are no future plans to go tout is where im shooting from...

i gained respect for killa as a capper long before i ever looked at one of his threads that had a record in it...and you mentioned the only real important thing and that is roi%, a record or +/- units is basically useless imo, id rather see 3 simple numbers: amount staked, amount won, and roi% if people are trying to earn credibility (and not going tout)...

all said, you guys do know killa is opening a tout service, right? i think he locked up the domain already,

Congrats to all you fuckers who played this BTW. Christmas came early because this line was a fucking gift.

Killa's 1 Commandment:
Thou shall not question Killa when he speaks like this about a play.

"Probably one of those nights, coming off playing a team with a similar style (Phoenix), on a back-to-back, the energy wasn't there for us," McGrady said. "Those guys were also playing a back-to-back so it really wasn't an excuse. They got it going right away and didn't look back."